Myth is Coming

v4 Chapter 813: Return to reality

However, it was said that Tianshi Xingjun shouted loudly, and the immortal ancestor of the Yindai tribe suddenly changed his face.

Sure enough, when I saw the other ancestors who were indestructible, all looked suspicious ...

Obviously, they have already cast doubt on their Yin Dai tribe.

Don't blame them, it is the trial of the battle of thousands of islands this time. First of all, the quota of Xingjun in this day was obtained from the Yin Dai tribe, which has not been hidden from others.

Then, after the Yinxun tribe entered the trial of the thousand islands, they have been around the human race.

Especially those disciples of the law and the realm of life, who have worked hard to help the people to collect all kinds of elixir and treasure? !!

Who said they weren't nasty?

The silver ancestors yelled in their hearts, this group of disciples in the realm of law is really stupid! How could it be played by that tribe? This time, their silver 鲛 tribe has a hard time arguing.

Although the crowd would not be in trouble on the spot, there is no doubt that everyone had to be more wary of the Yinlu tribe, lest he suddenly turn his face ...

An immortal ancestor of the Yin Dai tribe said: "The Taoist friends of the Yin Dai tribe, first give up, so as not to have supernatural eyesight and hurt yourself by mistake."

The silver ancestor's face changed, but he saw that everyone around him was on alert, he didn't dare to say more, so he snorted, "You can't believe his words!"

Talking, consciously flew back aside.


The rest are immortal, and one by one, they continue to sacrifice their magical powers to Tianshi Xingjun. Although the latter is under the control of Terran Emperor, one of the three great stars, with noble status and respected status; after all, the latter is just an idea coming here, so the ancestors of the indomitable nations joined forces, but there was not much fear.

And the trial of this thousand island disputes is related to the roots of their era. How can they sit idly by and watch how the city ’s Xingjun leave?

Therefore, everyone joined together in tacit understanding, trying to leave Tianshi Xingjun and his party.

Tianshi Xingjun still had no fear, "Haha" laughed, and star lines did not live on his side.

Shao Yang was safe under the protection of Tianshi Xingjun for a while. As for how to leave, this is not something he can worry about. Therefore, Shao Yang simply put away these thoughts and began to concentrate on realizing the magical powers of the immortal ancestors.

Shao Yang now knows that before, and now, Taiwei Xingjun and Tianshi Xingjun can't kill them like killing chickens, but that's just because they are too strong! In fact, no one is indifferent.

Anyone who is immortal is able to survive the annihilation of the epoch!

Therefore, there is nothing to question them about talent, dharma, or magical powers.

Moreover, almost everyone must have a supernatural power capable of shaking ancient and modern times, so that they can survive the era of annihilation.

At this time, the ancestors of the immortal confrontation, Shao Yang was fortunate to witness, what a chance?

Although the ancestral ancestors could not make all-out shots, but among the magical powers they sacrificed, the Taoism understanding, skill application, and magical powers were still enough to allow Shao Yang to draw a lot of nutrition.

In particular, Shao Yang has a system that can record it in its entirety, which also gives it the possibility to continue enlightenment in the future!

So for him, the gain is even greater!

at last--

Tianshi Xingjun suddenly smiled "haha", "Dear everyone, I will go first."

Speaking, I saw his side, and suddenly there were countless stars staggered. It turned out that time was woven into a brilliant teleportation matrix, and then Guanghua flickered, and time was already out of this era.

How can the ancestors of the eradication be willing?



All I saw were light rays flying out, and time after time, a number of figures had emerged from their era, and their heads reached into the long river of time.

Under them, a long stream of light flows endlessly, surrounded by endless void.

They looked around, but when they saw the intersection of Guanghua everywhere, countless horrifying breaths were hidden in the endless stream of time! Because of their changes in this era, there are already a lot of beings who have become curious, and they have a fascination of temptations, which can not help extending from each era.

How can these daredevil ancestors of the chaos era dare to publicize at this time?

Although they are not weak, they are only one of the "little" epochs in the endless stream of time.

Immortal ancestors are of course rare.

But even if only a few are born in an epoch, in the endless stream of time, in the endless epoch, there will still be countless indestructible ancestors!

Therefore, the ancestors of the chaos era can only hate to return to their era ...



Shao Yang's body plummeted, and he has returned to the era of reality.

"Shaoyang Leader!"


That sudden change in the teleportation formation made Shao Yang disappear. However, everyone in the real era has never given up, and has been arranged to guard here ~ ~ in the hope that Shao Yang will come back one day.

And now, Shao Yang is really back!

Immediately, the seventh monk on duty here laughed again and again: "Chief Shao Yang! Sang Lao and Zhang Lao have been waiting for your news. This time, I can see that Shao Yang heads back safely. I believe they will be overjoyed. "

Shao Yang also sighed ...

Yes, at that time, I just thought that I would enter the era of history once again to find all kinds of opportunities, so that more monks could break through the realm of law.

But where can you think of so many changes in the middle?

A long history, countless races ... Sure enough, there are endless encounters, but also a lot of dangers.

"Shao Yang!"

"Shao Yang!"

The news of Shao Yang's safe return quickly passed, and Sang Lao and Zhang Ye immediately put down all their work and greeted them.

They are naturally very surprised!

To be honest, before Shao Yang disappeared suddenly, although they didn't give up, they already felt a bit at the bottom of their hearts that Shao Yang was probably not immune.

He was just holding some fluke and did not announce the death of Shao Yang.

But where did you think Shao Yang actually came back alive?

What a godsend!

Shao Yang is now the most important person in the human race. If Shao Yang is killed unfortunately, it will be a major blow to the entire human race.

"Sang Lao, Zhang Lao!"

Shao Yang also quickly smiled and greeted them.

Sang Lao nodded, "Just come back, just come back ..."

Shao Yang laughed: "Not only is he back, he has brought back a lot of things!"

But Sang Lao shook his head, "No, Shao Yang, you must understand that no matter how many resources or precious things are, it is not as important to us as your life."