Mythological Native Species

Chapter 939: unique perspective

Of course, there are anti-addiction systems.

But this kind of thing only works for some people.

Even in the most primitive arcade era, some people are puzzled that the world can't come out, let alone virtual games, which are more and more developed today?

So, this kind of thing really depends on self-consciousness.

Facing Feng Linwan's question, the girl's eyes froze, and then she said indifferently, "I can clearly distinguish what is reality and what is virtual. You don't need to remind me."

Obviously, she regarded Feng Linye as an arc staff.

However, in a sense, it is not wrong to think so.

Immediately afterwards, the girl looked at Feng Linye for a few moments, and then said, "You guys are really interesting, come out as your boss, is this really appropriate?"

Feng Linwan smiled slightly: "Why can't I be him?"

In fact, Feng Linwan had never planned to hide his identity.

It's just that sometimes, people are misunderstood and don't bother to explain it.

"Of course you can't." The girl's words got stuck in her throat.

She originally wanted to say that of course the guy in front of her couldn't be Feng Linye.

But then suddenly realized why it can't be?

Although Feng Linwen is very powerful and has a high status, everyone knows that this game is Feng Linwen's hard work.

As the developer of the game, if Feng Linxen personally entered the game to experience it, it would be easy to justify it!

"Are you really him?" The girl's Frost Magic was broken in a second, and like a little fan girl, she grabbed Feng Linwen's arm and asked excitedly.

"I can swear by Feng Linwen's name, I am indeed him!" Feng Linwen said with a smile.

This kind of oath cannot be made casually.

If someone impersonates him and swears by his name, then Feng Linchen will instantly sense it and decide whether to impose a punishment.

So in general, no one would take a huge risk by doing this kind of death.

Thinking of this, Feng Linwen felt a little guilty.

It seems that he once disguised not only the second master, but also the Jade Emperor.

Of course, don't worry about that now.

After all, he can be the uncle of the second master.

Who made Yuding real, his righteous brother?

"Acridine! You are really Feng Linye, General Feng! I'm your fan! You have to sign for me." The girl who was cold before finally regained the liveliness that a girl should be.

Because it is against the ghosts and monsters on the entire map, and even against the players, the resistance that gradually formed, and the self-enclosed psychological defense circle, collapsed in an instant.

"Don't worry about this, I'm looking for you, just to get to know you. What do you think of this game?" Feng Linwan asked.

He didn't forget the theme, he wasn't here for a fan meeting.

He hates some acts of deep communication with fans, and will never participate in or enter it.

"Is this game?" The girl's eyes became complicated, and the atmosphere that had pervaded before came back a little bit.

"It's really good but." The girl patted her heart.

"But sometimes, I feel bad."

"Isn't this a game?"

"In the game, in order to help me grow, my mentor was swallowed by giant ghosts in front of me. But I couldn't do anything. My friend and my best friend who played very well in reality, after knowing the characteristics of my hero template, but with some powerful The ghost communicated and wanted to kill me. Obtained the qualification to contract with a powerful ghost." Speaking of which, the girl's mood became even lower.

"So, the friendship in reality is so fragile. The emotions in the game are so sincere, so you have some thoughts of giving up reality and completely subsuming into the game?" Feng Linwan asked.

Of course, there were more reasons why Feng Linwen came to look for this girl.

The whole game is under his control.

He knows every bit of change in it.

As mentioned earlier, in the arc game, the acquisition of every skill and every extraordinary ability is based on real data and foundations.

In other words, the girl's special ability to smash evil, if she obtains an independent skill that has not been recorded by Luo Tiandian, you can learn it in reality.

This is the hammer that breaks the barriers of real and virtual interests.

It's not surprising that Feng Lin night, her friend's choice.

In the face of illusory interests, perhaps real friendship is not so easy to shake.

But when the virtual benefits are equal to the real, it's hard to say.

The girl's strong desire to enter the game and become a real part of the game was passed on to Feng Linye, which caught his attention.

This is the bottom line of the game.

Feng Linxuan must guard against micro-du Jian.

However, if a strong decision is made and a one-size-fits-all decision is made, many things will be stipulated dead.

For the development of the game, it is not a good thing.

Freedom can be active, and enough space can allow players to display their own level.

It can also make the whole game more prosperous and vigorous.

Putting on too many unnecessary shackles seems to be for the sake of the game, but in fact it is pushing the game to its demise.

Feng Linwan didn't want to wait, everything was irreversible.

It dawned on me what I had done wrong.

If this is someone else's game, he did it, there was a big mistake, patted the **** and left, and continued to harm it in another place.

But this is one's own industry, so careless, can only let those eyes prying in the dark, showing ridicule and irony.

"Yes!" Facing Feng Linwen's question, the girl lowered her head.

People are more likely to yield in the face of authority.

If it is just the ordinary staff of the game to persuade, it must not have such a good effect.

"I didn't mean to say you were wrong."

"People will subjectively choose a more comfortable environment for themselves. This is natural and understandable. Just like fish don't like to go ashore, and birds don't like to land."

"But we are human beings, the Xinghe human race, stronger than the heavens and the world, the proud native species."

"Our nobility is that our willpower can overcome the cowardice in our hearts. You have achieved small successes in the virtual world, but you have not achieved anything in reality. Isn't this what you are going forward with? Best chance?"

"Only when you are good enough, can you meet good enough will you realize that this world is different from what you imagined. It will be dark, but also bright."

Feng Linwen's chicken soup came at will.

Of course, these chicken soups are boiled from his stomach, and of course the taste is different.

Instructing the girl, Feng Linwan thought about how to solve these players who are addicted to games and might want to give up reality.

Perhaps by solving this problem, the pass locked in front of Feng Linye would be opened up by a big gap.

This problem is not unique to Feng Linxun's games. Many virtual games are faced with such a problem.

On the one hand, the authenticity of virtual games does not allow giving up. To give up is to give up the market.

On the one hand, there are some players who are difficult to control, addicted to it, and even choose to give up reality completely.

Many games that have been running for thousands of years and have not been played for a long time have not shut down the server so far. The reason is that many lonely ghosts are still wandering in them and refuse to come out.