Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 359: behind the scenes

"By the way, Your Excellency, I remember that we still have a batch of guns in the arsenal. Now our troops are extremely empty. If possible, I would like to urgently recruit a group of young people in the city to serve as reserve troops." Terrence said suddenly .

Elroy was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately agreed to Terrence's request. After all, Jerusalem is already in danger now, and if the army has more strength, Jerusalem will have more protection.

"In addition, we need a large number of volunteers who can transport ammunition and evacuate the wounded for us. This way we can save more combatants."

"Okay, I'll arrange it," Elroy agreed. If they want to keep Jerusalem, they have to do their best.

While the Jewish army was preparing to resist, the Turkish army was also preparing to attack. The weakness of the Jewish army was completely beyond their expectations, which made them more confident now. Many Turks are already clamoring to attack Jerusalem and rob the Jews of their wealth and women. After all, the wealth of the Jews is world-renowned of.

In the temporary headquarters of the Turkish army, two middle-aged soldiers were drinking happily. They are the commander of this army, General Jared, and the chief of staff, General Isaac. The two of them were very happy that the battle had achieved such a victory from the very beginning.

"Your Excellency Jared, the Jews are so invulnerable, I believe we will be able to capture Jerusalem in a short time, and then hang all these low-class people. Of course, the women have to stay. I have to say, those Jewish women It's still very tasty." Isaac said with a lewd smile.

Jared also nodded in agreement. After they tore apart the northern defense line of the Jewish state, those Jews who had no time to escape suffered disaster. Not only were they robbed of a lot of property, no matter adults or children, men were stabbed Killed, the woman was abused and died by those Turkish soldiers. "I believe that after hundreds of years of accumulation, the wealth of the Jews must have reached an incredible level. My God! If we can dedicate this huge wealth to His Majesty the Sultan, His Majesty will reward us greatly." Jia Reed laughed and said that Method was already fantasizing about being promoted and getting rich.

"Yes! Your Majesty will be very happy. Those damned Jews, they rushed back to Palestine to establish a country. If it weren't for the protection of the French, we would have wiped them out. Now that the French have withdrawn, they The end of the world is coming." Isaac said through gritted teeth. At the beginning, it was precisely because the army he led was defeated by the French Volunteer Army that the Palestine area was occupied by the French army, and the Jewish state was later established. Isaac has always regarded this as a great shame, and now that he has such an opportunity, of course he will not let it go.

"Yeah, the Jews are here today thanks to the protection of the French." Jared agreed.

"According to the information we got, there are less than 20,000 Jewish troops in Jerusalem now, and it would be a piece of cake for our 100,000-strong army to conquer here." Isaac said very conceitedly.

"However, I think we still have to end the war as soon as possible. I believe that the French have now received the news that we are attacking the Jewish State. They will definitely send reinforcements. We must destroy the Jewish State before their reinforcements arrive." Jarry De said firmly.

"Don't worry. Even if the French know what to do, we are separated from France by a vast Mediterranean Sea. Besides, the relationship between France and Austria and Russia is very tense now. How can they have time to manage the Jewish people?" China. Even if they send reinforcements, there probably won’t be many. I think with our strength, we should be able to defeat the reinforcements from France,” Isaac said confidently.

"But that's it," Jared said with a sigh. He didn't know what was going on, but he always had a faint feeling that something was wrong, could it be because the attack went too smoothly?

On the morning of August 15, the Turkish army launched its first attack on Jerusalem. More than 20,000 Turkish soldiers with crude weapons carried a lot of siege tools and launched a fierce attack on Jerusalem.

The Jewish army's counterattack soon began. The water-cooled heavy machine guns harvested the lives of the Turkish army like death, and the mortars were constantly firing at places where the Turkish army was relatively concentrated. For a while, the Turkish army was beaten miserably. In fact, the strength of the Jewish army is still good. They use all the weapons replaced by the French army, which is much higher than the Turkish army. Looking at the entire Middle East, there is absolutely no country whose military is their opponent. However, soldiers who have not experienced real battles are always recruits. Unexpectedly, the Turkish army would launch a sudden attack. Many Jewish soldiers were stunned, and they simply forgot that they were soldiers. The weapons in their hands were Killing weapon. The consequence of this is that the Jewish army is about to collapse in front of the Turkish army. But it's different now. After the previous stage of fighting, they have slowly adapted to it. Coupled with the fact that the flames of war have reached Jerusalem, the holy city of the Jews, they are now unable to retreat. Therefore, the Jewish army broke out with a strong combat effectiveness at this moment, completely ignoring the Turkish army.

In less than half an hour, the first offensive of the Turkish army had to be stopped due to heavy losses, and the Jews won for the first time.

"What's going on? Why did those Jews change completely in just a few days?" Jared asked in amazement, as if a sheep suddenly turned into a lion. .

Isaac was also very surprised, but he calmed down immediately and said: "Don't worry, Your Excellency, what they rely on is the advanced weapons they got from France. Our brave soldiers will definitely defeat them soon. But These weapons are really good, and when we break through Jerusalem, they will all belong to us." Isaac's eyes showed a greedy light.

"Come on, pull up all the cannons and let those damned Jews know how powerful we are." Jared ordered. Before the war began, they received a batch of munitions secretly aided by Austria and Russia, including 100,000 rifles and 200 cannons. In this attack on the Jewish State, Jared was allowed to carry 50, but because there were not many shells, he was reluctant to use them in the previous battles.

Fifty cannons were lined up in front of the Turkish army's position, and their dark muzzles pointed obliquely at the city wall of Jerusalem, which put a strong pressure on the defenders of the Jewish State, and many Jewish soldiers' feet were trembling.

"Damn it, they actually have cannons. Let the artillery get ready and destroy the enemy's artillery positions." Terrence's face changed instantly when he saw the Turkish army pull out the cannons. He knew that if he didn't handle it well, Jerusalem might be captured by the Turkish army. The Jewish state does not have large-caliber cannons. The largest caliber cannons are 75mm field guns and 80mm heavy mortars, but there are not many of them. There are only 20 field guns in total, and the same is true for heavy mortars. quantity. Originally, Terrence planned to use these trump cards when the battle was at its most difficult, but now he had to show them earlier. In his consciousness, the Turkish army is basically equipped with some old-fashioned bronze cannons. How could there be these new-style cannons?

After getting ready, Jared gave an order, and the 50 cannons began to roar. Shells exploded above the walls of Jerusalem, bringing up a cloud of rubble or the remains of Jewish state soldiers. Most of the soldiers of the Jewish State were pale and buried their heads behind the city wall, and they didn't have the courage to fight back at all. Fortunately, at this time, the artillerymen of the Jewish army also began to speak. Their target was the artillery positions of the Turkish army. A large number of shells fell around the artillery positions of the Turkish The Turkish army was blown up People are overwhelmed.

The Turkish artillery seemed to be no match for the artillery of the Jewish State at all. After a few rounds of shelling, they were firmly suppressed.

In order to ensure the smooth attack of the infantry, Jared ordered the artillery to continue firing, and the infantry took this opportunity to launch a fierce attack on Jerusalem. The tragic killing began immediately, and a large number of Turkish troops rushed towards Jerusalem one after another, and the soldiers of the Jewish state had to brave the artillery fire and began to desperately block the Turkish army's attack. Shells, bullets and broken limbs flew all over the sky, and blood was scattered everywhere. The whole of Jerusalem has completely become a **** on earth at this moment.

The fierce battle continued until dark, and in the end the Turkish army still failed to break through Jerusalem, and instead suffered huge casualties. Of course, the Jewish army lived in Jerusalem for the first time. The loss paid is not small.

While the Turkish army and the Jewish army were fighting, Xiao Jie and the others also figured out why Turkey raided the Jewish state. It turned out that at the instigation of Austria and Russia, Turkey had signed a secret agreement with Austria and Russia. The content of the agreement was that Turkey would attack the Jewish State and contain part of France's forces, and Austria and Russia would help Turkey contain France's forces. Most of the strength, and donated a batch of arms to Turkey to ensure that Turkey can win.