Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1272

On the other side, Yang Ming's burden was also not light.

Hata Zhongying won, and it is estimated that he will become his biggest opponent in the future, so Yang Ming can't lose this game. If he loses this time, then there is no hope for Totsuki Academy, which will undoubtedly allow Nakiri Ji's conspiracy to succeed. .

"The title of this game... I think it should be beef." Itachi Uchiha sat on the chair, leaning forward slightly.

Since the Middle Ages of the long-standing Western civilization, pork and mutton have been the mainstream edible meats of the common people, while beef is the high-grade meat of princes and nobles. identity.

In ancient China, it was illegal to slaughter cattle and eat beef without permission. Therefore, there are very few descriptions of eating beef in ancient novels. A novel that often describes eating beef is the "Water Margin", which is devoted to rebellion.

"This... What kind of meat did Chiba Liko take out?" Uchiha Itachi heard the two censors talking in a low voice.

"I don't know, it doesn't seem to be Kobe beef?"

Kobe beef is one of the most famous beef in the world, and it is also a specialty of Dongying. It often appears at the banquets where Dongying entertains state guests. The fragrant but not greasy, melt-in-your-mouth taste is a high-end product that Dongying people are proud of. Therefore, when it comes to the beef-themed halberd, almost everyone thinks that the two will choose Kobe beef for the competition.

The beef that Chiba Riko took out, although the meat was tender, the aroma was strong, and the marble pattern was obvious, but a discerning person knew at a glance that it was not Kobe beef.

"What kind of beef is this...?" Kohei Soma also murmured. After getting to know Meatmei, he also learned a lot about the variety of beef. The beef that Chiba Riko brought out didn't seem to belong to the Toyo Wagyu breed. .

"This...this is..." Yang Ming's small mouth opened slightly.

"Yang Ming, you know?"

"Yeah." Yang Ming nodded.

At the same time, Uchiha Itachi also sneered at the two examiners next to him, but when he thought that he represented the image of Hokage Konoha Village, he restrained his playful smile and said with a very serious look: "That's Nanyang Yellow Ox."

"Nanyang cattle?" The two reviewers who were discussing whether it was Matsusaka cattle or Mishima cattle turned their heads when they heard this unexpected answer.

"Nanyang ox is one of the five major oxen in China. He should choose an optimized pure-bred Nanyang ox." Facing two pairs of doubtful eyes, Uchiha Itachi talked eloquently and stayed by Yang Ming's side for so long. In addition, it has been a long time since he came to the spirit of eating halberds. With the characteristics of the writing wheel, he learned a lot of knowledge, and even the staff standing next to him couldn't help but come over to listen, "The history of raising this kind of cattle is probably good. It can be traced back to the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago."

More than two thousand years... Although Dongying is one of the ancient countries, Nanyang cattle have a longer history than Dongying.

"The most advanced Nanyang cattle are fed alternately with ryegrass, imperial bamboo grass, and alfalfa. They listen to music every day to relax, give professional massages, and relieve the acidic substances in beef. The daily exercise time should be arranged according to the weight, age, and physical condition of each cow." Speaking of which, Uchiha Itachi was a little itchy. , Speaking of which, is such a beast doing better than him?

However, choosing the yellow beef from China instead of the local Wagyu beef from Eastern Ying... Uchiha Itachi's eyes deepened, probably because he liked the toughness of the yellow beef.

"Eh... the one over there doesn't seem to choose Kobe beef either..."

Uchiha Itachi turned his head and saw the beef that Yang Ming took out. The part with the skin was white, and at first glance, it was not the beef originally from Dongying.

"It's Charolais beef." Uchiha Itachi, who had traveled to a restaurant in Paris, naturally recognized it at a glance. It was the same name as Kobe beef from Dongying, quinine beef from Italy, and Black Angus beef from Australia. French Beef Charolais.

The origin of Charolais beef is the Lorraine Meuse region in northeastern France, adjacent to Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. It is dominated by rivers and hills, with a mild climate and suitable for the growth of various crops. It is the largest cotton, Timber producing area.

The rich crops provide a good and stable breeding environment. Charolais cattle have been improved by the French people, and the ratio of fat to muscle has almost reached perfection.

"It's really interesting...Two famous chefs in Dongying didn't use Dongying's wagyu beef." Dongying's wagyu beef is known as the best quality beef cattle, but in fact, for different beef dishes, different beef will be different. Showing different characteristics and blindly choosing top-quality Kobe beef can only show the shallow ignorance of the chef.

The selection of parts is also very interesting. The size of the beef that Chiba Riko took out did not look like a whole piece of beef tendon. Well, it should be the piece in the middle of the beef tendon.

This reminded her of Yang Ming in the past. He was the same. He only used the best quality ingredients. To make watermelon juice, he only needed the most seedless heart of the watermelon... Oh, as for the rest of the watermelon, of course was eaten by him...

Yang Ming chose the beef neck, which is both fat and thin, and the meat is dry. If this part of the beef is used for cooking, it is more suitable for making stuffing or simmering soup.

"I don't know what kind of dishes these two will make. UU reading" Leaning lazily on the back chair, Uchiha Itachi watched with a relaxed expression on the top of the two contestants. cooking.

At this time, they are processing the ingredients.

"Yang... Yang Mingjun doesn't even need water to cut onions?" Seeing Yang Ming's movements, the audience on the stage talked a lot.

Cracked onion cells release something called alliinase, which converts organic molecules into irritating gases, so almost everyone will choose to soak the onion first in water for a few minutes, or directly in the water. Slice the onion inside.

This kind of practice often loses part of the flavor of the onion, but the onion that is originally used as a side dish and ingredient loses part of the flavor, and many people don't care, but for Yang Ming, who pursues perfection, it is undoubtedly an unforgivable sin. .


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