Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 16: different taste

Waiting is the most torturous process, especially when you smell the delicious food, but you can only wait, the torment is a hundred times more uncomfortable.

Iruka felt as if she was back many years ago, when she was a child.

At that time, Iruka's parents were still alive, and they both liked food.

Although because of the ninja relationship, I often go on business trips, but I always don't come home for dinner.

But once they are free, Iluka's parents will buy a large package of ingredients and go home to cook delicious food.

At that time, Iruka was also sitting in the chair like now.

Because she was still young, Iruka could only hold her head in both hands and stare blankly at her parents kneading the dough.

"What were they talking about at that time?"

Iruka supported her chin with one hand, thinking like this.

The memory of the past is really too far away, even the voice and appearance of the parents are gradually blurred as the years go by.

Do not!

There are still some!

Iruka finally remembered the memory that had been deeply ingrained in his mind.

That is, the fragrance!

When Yang Ming put the noodles in the pot, the boiling soup drowned the noodles, and the rich aroma of wheat spread out in an instant, lingering around Iluka.

"That's the scent!"

The familiar and unfamiliar Maixiang suddenly brought Iruka into a distant memory.

He seemed to see two vague figures, standing not far in front of him, while laughing and talking, pouring noodles into the pot.

"Damn it, Iruka is about to go to ninja school."

"Yes, I didn't expect so many years to pass in the blink of an eye!"

"What are you talking about, it makes us look like we're so old."

"Yes, yes, I was wrong, our life has just begun."

"My son, are you willing to continue walking with me?"

"Of course... eh! Don't be mean, the child is sitting there..."

Tears gradually blurred Iruka's eyes, making his vision hazy for a while.

He is now a little convinced that the ramen in this small shop is extraordinary.

Just smelling that fragrance made Iruka eager to eat it secretly, just like when he was a child, expecting the dishes his parents would cook, and he was full of fantasies.

"Here, your beef ramen."

At this moment, Yang Ming came to Iruka with a bowl of hot ramen, interrupting his thoughts.

To be honest, when I saw the ramen, Iruka was full of disappointment.

The ramen was soaked in the clear soup, with only a few slices of beef on it. Even with a pinch of chopped green onion, it still looked a little thin.

Iruka still remembers that the beef ramen his parents made when he was a child was filled with thick beef. Just looking at it made people feel full.

"Yes, after all, when people open their doors to do business, they always have to make money."

Iruka seemed to have forgotten the original intention of coming here, and actually started to make excuses for Yang Ming's dishes.

Iruka didn't pick up the beef first like Naruto, but picked up a handful of noodles, and blew coldly with his mouth breath before eating it.

Suck, suck, suck!

This is…

Iruka's eyes widened suddenly.

When the noodles enter the tongue, the smooth taste instantly explodes!

That taste, like the taste of my parents!

How many years has it been...

Since the Nine-Tails Disaster, Iruka's parents sacrificed to defend the village, and he has never eaten ramen with this flavor!

Even the ramen made by Uncle Yile has no such taste!

Suck, suck, suck! Suck, suck, suck!

Iruka frantically swallowed the ramen, tears streaming down her face.

There were countless nights when Iruka was alone at home staring at the kitchen in a daze.

There, it is full of his countless memories and warmth.

Only then did Iruka feel that her parents had not died and were still alive by her side.

Growing up, Iruka also learned how to make ramen.

But he could never find the taste of that year.

As if it was just a dream, a dream that could never happen.

But now...

When a bowl of ramen was swept away by Iruka, he still felt unfinished, as if this was how he could capture the feeling of eating with his parents back then.

"Hey, Iruka-sensei, why are you crying?"

Well, Naruto, a guy who has always been slow, jumped out at this time and interrupted Iruka's slightly sad memories.

"Crap! Eat your noodles!"

Unusually, Iruka spoke to Naruto in a rude manner.

Sure enough, this move was particularly effective for Naruto. He instantly looked like a frightened ostrich, hurriedly shrank his neck, and concentrated on his ramen.

"I'm sorry, Naruto."

Iruka said to Naruto in her heart.

He didn't want Naruto's big mouth to go to school the next day to publicize what happened today, otherwise, where would he put his face?

When all the noodles were eaten, only a few thin slices of beef were left floating on the clear soup, like rootless wood, which immediately attracted Iruka.

Since ramen is so delicious, what about beef?

With such anticipation, Iruka picked up a piece of beef and ate it in one bite.


When the teeth began to stir, like the clothes in the washing machine, the beef was continuously torn and smashed, and the rich meat aroma accompanied the soup, filling Iruka's entire tongue, UU reading The tip of the tongue is full of boiling hot soup.

In an instant, a sense of relief rushed into his mind.

The soup flowed into the body along the throat, and for a while, Iruka only felt a warmth flowing to the limbs and veins, making his whole body feel warm.

What surprised Iruka even more was not these, but the fact that his chakra cultivation, which he had not moved for many years, actually had a rising trend!

You know, Iruka has been in Chunin for many years, which means that his potential has long been exhausted, and the rest of his life will be like that.

But now, eating a piece of beef actually increased the amount of chakra!

Although not many, this is like the dawn before dawn, full of hope for the future!

Suddenly, Iruka stood up excitedly.

"Boss, your beef ramen can increase the body's chakra?"

Yang Ming gave him a strange look, "Didn't Naruto tell you?"


Iruka glanced at Naruto fiercely and complained, "Naruto, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Naruto stared at innocent eyes, blinked, and said, "Mr. Iruka, you didn't ask me!"


If anyone were to be answered like this, they would be half-suffered, and Iruka was no exception. He only stared blankly, feeling sullen in his heart.

But outside Yang Ming's store, he didn't know that there was a pair of eyes watching all this.

"It's really a magical shop. I don't know what secrets are hidden inside?"

"No, your Lord's plan does not allow any variables. It seems that we have to try it out."

The man muttered to himself.

(Thanks to Can BA for casting 3 recommendation votes

The mouse playing with the cat cast 2 votes)