Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 884: You may not believe it, but I actually l

What Yang Ming proposed was to cook dark dishes!

Actually this is an interesting thing.

Hearing Yang Ming's words, Ishiki's eyes suddenly lit up and his attention was diverted, because cooking dark cooking is indeed Ishiki's hobby!

"I didn't expect Yang Mingjun, you also like the combination of strange food? You really see the same thing!" Isshihui immediately stood up and said loudly, the excited look on her face made Yang Ming speechless.

Yang Ming really wanted to grab his collar and roared loudly: I'm not a gentleman like you!

Although Yang Ming is really interested in dark cuisine, after all, this is actually a very interesting thing. But if you are regarded as a gentleman by others, it is another matter.

In the previous life, when Yang Ming first learned to cook, he also tried many dark dishes. In fact, dark cooking is not as scary as imagined, but each chef's imagination is different.

"Yeah, do you want to try it? Let's just have an alternative competition, it will be worse than the dark dishes made by anyone, how?" Yang Ming smiled lightly, and then pointed to the three sisters at the scene. , said: "Let Xiaohui and the others be the judges."

Tian Suohui's three sisters all looked at each other in dismay, Yang Ming and Isishihui are actually more unpalatable than who's cooking?

It's a refreshing test.

Tiansuohui, Yoshino Yuki, and Sakaki Ryoko looked at each other and had a bad premonition.

The other boys in the dormitory looked at Yang Ming and the two of them strangely. Yang Ming was really here? No way.

Yi Shihui is very interested, Yi Shihui is full of excitement, he now has a feeling of being a confidant that he hates to meet Yang Ming, and immediately prepares the dark cooking that he is best at.

Five minutes later, Isshiki's dark cooking was completed, while Yang Ming was still making it.

Isshiki Hui smiled and took out her own dishes, only to see that they were octopus feet.

Octopus feet are a very common dish in Japan, and can even be eaten raw in Japan.

For those who like to eat octopus raw, to taste the taste of thin-clawed octopus does not require any cooking, it is the best way to grab it and eat it directly, so that not only can you taste the delicious taste of octopus, but also can show one's taste courage.

Isshiki has finished making the octopus feet, and put a plate of peanut butter next to the octopus feet, and then said, "Hey, I'm done, this is the grilled octopus feet I made with peanut butter, a dish with an absolutely weird taste!"

Isshiki's dark cooking is indeed a bit weird. Hearing Isshiki's words, everyone felt a little bit of a fool.

This kind of dark food, if you really say how bad it tastes, but it must taste very strange.

"Hey, I'm done, you guys can come and try it!" Isshiki asked Tiansuohui's three daughters to identify his dark dishes.

Hearing Isshiki's words, the three of Tian Suohui hesitated for a while, and finally tried to pick up the octopus's feet, ready to give it a try.

Tiansuohui first tried a piece of octopus foot, dipped it in peanut butter and tasted it, and then suddenly felt that the taste overflowed in his mouth. After the octopus foot was dipped in peanut butter, the taste was completely changed by the peanut butter, and the taste was very good. Weird and indescribable.

"No, it's not delicious!" Tian Suohui took a sip, and his expression changed suddenly: "It really is a dark dish, it's a strange taste, this combination is too weird, it's completely discordant..."

Even Tian Suohui, who has always been well-behaved, had to complain, but Yoshino Yuki and Sakaki Ryoko took a bite and quickly spit it out, and they all said that it was not delicious.

Yi Sehui is not ashamed, but proud, she laughed triumphantly, winked and said, "Yes, it tastes super weird, right! This is my secret recipe, roasted octopus feet with peanut butter, hehe, do you want it? Come and try?"

Isishihui took the cooking and asked the other boys with a smirk, and these boys also shook their heads in fear.

Isishihui felt that she had won, well, even if she wins Yang Ming once in Dark Cuisine, it must be a good feeling! His desire to win at this time has been fully displayed.

Isshiki felt that she was winning.

The three sisters Tiansuohui, Yoshino Yuki and Sakaki Ryoko also shook their heads slightly, Tiansuohui shook his head and said, "The combination of octopus feet and peanut butter is really discordant, I feel like this dark cooking competition, Yang Ming can't win what."


"Well, it tastes so weird."

The boys all had lingering fears when they saw the expressions of Tian Suohui and the three of them. This dark dish looked terrible.

At this time, Yang Ming is also making dark dishes, and Yang Ming's dark dishes are almost finished! ~

"Hey, Yang Ming is actually cooking instant noodles? It's not such a bad dish." Issei Hui glanced at Yang Ming's cooking and shook her head.

Isishihui finally spoke up and said, "No, this is not an ordinary instant noodle. Yang Mingjun seemed to have added something just now, exuding a strange smell."

"Okay, it seems so." Tian Suohui also nodded.

"The color of this noodle soup..." Ishiki took a closer look, and suddenly noticed that the color of the noodle soup had changed, and it was actually a little black.

"Okay, I've finished making it too. Next, put it in a watermelon." Yang Ming found a big watermelon, cut it into two, then hollowed out the flesh of the melon, and even used the watermelon to hold the instant noodles.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and they all had a bad premonition.

This... is really dark food, it looks so scary~!

After Yang Ming finished cooking, he smiled faintly: "It's done, I made this secretly, watermelon Banlangen instant noodles, come, try it, this is the real dark dish!"

Watermelon Banlangen Instant Noodles? !

Yang Ming directly came up with this terrifying which is extremely lethal.

This is a famous dish in the dark dishes of the past life. Yang Ming believes that it is enough to kill Isshiki's octopus feet with peanut butter~.

This is the true legendary dark dish! Yang Ming did not bring Banlangen, so he used a variety of ingredients to simulate the taste of Banlangen, and then made it.

Yang Ming secretly smiled.

Yang Ming smiled and let the three of Tian Suohui have a taste.

Tian Suohui hesitated for a while before yielding to Yang Ming's gaze and trying this 'Watermelon Banlangen Instant Noodles'.

"Xiaohui, how does this dish taste?" Sakaki Ryoko and Yoshino Yuki both looked at Tiansuohui and asked.

Tian Suohui almost didn't cry: "I, I... You may not believe it when I say it, but now I actually think that the taste of octopus feet in peanut butter is not bad!" (https://)