Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 96: It is better to eat Dongpo meat in the n

As soon as Dongpo meat was served, the old man Tong Jian was stunned.

On the silver-white plate, Dongpo Pork was quietly placed, like a flaming red tender meat, which immediately attracted his attention.

I saw that Dongpo meat had a magnificent red skin like agate, yellow and white fat like a silk ribbon, and thick and dark lean meat.

Such a peculiar shape has never been seen before!

At this moment, he can only use a poem to express his current mood.

"The red is mellow, mellow and tender, and the yellow is agate bright and bright."

"The mouth is full of greedy saliva, and this taste jumps over the wall with the wind and Buddha."

In an instant, Uncle Tongjian felt that he had lived for so many years, and he had lived in vain.

Since the shape is so peculiar, what will the taste be like?

With a trace of apprehension and anticipation, Old Man Tong Jian picked up his chopsticks.

With the chopsticks lightly clamped, the Dongpo meat trembled like jelly, looking very cute.


The old man Tong Jian opened his gluttonous mouth and ate it in one bite.

As soon as Dongpo pork was in his mouth, he immediately felt a different taste from other pork.

Originally, he thought that the skin and fat of Dongpo Pork would be so thick that it would be hard and affect the taste.

Now, he knew that he was wrong!

And it was a big mistake!

As soon as the fairly healthy teeth bit down, they immediately touched the elastic pig skin.

However, he was not hindered much, on the contrary, he easily broke through the defense of the pig's skin and penetrated into the thick fat.

The soft and soft fat, like cotton, is as good as water, wrapping the teeth like broken bamboo, and then let it continue to move forward.

In the end, when the teeth touched the soft pork, a mellow taste neutralized the sweetness and exploded instantly!


Just as the old man Tong Jian was about to say the word "delicious", he suddenly spurted a little bit of juice, splashing the corners of his mouth with oil, he quickly closed his mouth tightly and chewed slowly.

Dongpo Pork is surprisingly chewy, and it's so good that you can't stop.

Even at the age of Uncle Tongjian, he can still move his mouth.

It's incredible!

What's even more amazing is that the unique structure of Dongpo Pork's distinct layers also creates a different taste.

The smooth and tender pork skin, the thick and fluffy fat, the firm and mellow meat of lean meat, and three different tastes, are like leading the old man Tongjian into a fantasy world and feel the magnificent epic.

When the piece of Dongpo meat was finished, the old man Tongjian smacked his lips, his face still full of meaning.

On the side, some diners saw this and couldn't help but come to ask, "Old man, how does this Dongpo meat taste?"

Looking at the other party's eager expression, wanting to eat but not being able to eat, old uncle Tongjian felt relieved in his heart.

But other people are old and sophisticated, and then they think about it, I have waited so long for Dongpo meat, I can't say, this food will be very troublesome to make.

Once there are more people who want to eat, doesn't he have to wait until the end of the world?

So, the old man Tong Jian pretended to sigh and said, "It's hard to eat."


The diner also did not expect that the old man Tongjian actually answered him like this, and he was stunned for a while.

But I can think of just now, the other party clearly showed a look of enjoyment, it doesn't look like a fake.

For a time, the diner was caught in a dilemma.

To eat or not to eat?

"It doesn't matter, let's eat it first!"

The diners suddenly made up their minds and said, "Bring me a piece of Dongpo Pork too!"

Uncle Tongjian: "..."

For foodies, there are delicious things every day, and life will not be monotonous.

Not to mention, in the small shop of Yang Ming, a large number of foodies gathered.

When a new stack of Dongpo Pork came to the table, the diner was very hungry and thirsty, and as soon as he picked it up with chopsticks, he ate it whole.

As soon as he entered it, he felt that the Dongpo meat was soft and soft, and it melted in the mouth, with a sweet fragrance.

It's so delicious that I have no friends!

In an instant, the diners suddenly realized that they had been deceived by Uncle Tongjian!

What unpalatable!

It's all bullshit!

This is just... so delicious!

That Dongpo Pork is not only thin skin and tender meat, bright red in color, but also rich in flavor and juice, crispy but not broken in shape, fragrant and glutinous but not greasy in the mouth.

After eating it, I still have an unforgettable aftertaste, and I really want to eat another piece.

The diners got out of the delicious ocean, and when they looked up, they happened to meet the deep eyes of the old uncle Tong Jian.

Suddenly, the two of them seemed to understand each other well, and nodded tacitly to each other.

They decided that in the future, when people asked if Dongpo meat was good, they would all answer: "It's bad!"

In order to reduce competitors, the two successfully "joined the same stream".

Then, diners turned their attention to other Dongpo meats.

To be honest, Dongpo pork is really delicious, but it looks too fat.

The diners are worried that if he eats too much, he will gain weight.

In fact, some medical journals say that eating fatty meat often can soften blood vessels, and correspondingly, it can also help digestion.

Although the diners don't know it, the difficulty of getting fat a little bit can't stop a foodie from tasting delicious food.

But just when he wanted to wipe out the situation like the wind and clouds, he suddenly remembered that he wanted to show that Dongpo meat was hard to eat, otherwise he would be exposed!

The diner resisted the thunderous agitation in his stomach, chewing and swallowing slowly, sometimes frowning, sometimes pausing, and pretending to be.

But in his heart, he was already furious, UU reading www.uukanshu. com can't wait to eat a piece of Dongpo pork!

This awkward feeling, coupled with the delicious taste of Dongpo's meat, alternated with each other, entangled in his heart, making him love it and hate it.

After a meal.

When Old Man Tongjian left Yang Ming's shop, he always felt as though something had changed in his body.

This person, once he gets old, is like an old man in Tongjian, who is prone to lack of calcium at any time.

In the past, Uncle Tongjian often took calcium supplements, but he took medicine three times a day, but it didn't help.

Just yesterday, the old man Tong Jian went to the toilet and accidentally injured his left wrist.

But now, he feels that his left hand seems to have recovered!

"Could it be that…"

The old man Tong Jian narrowed his eyes, and in the gap, a gleam of light flashed by.

Since Yang Ming's shop has delicacies that improve ninja chakra, it's nothing to have this kind of healing effect, right?

But if you think so, you are very wrong!

To improve the delicacies of ninja chakra, it needs to be taken for a long time to have obvious effect.

But the food with healing effect can save your teammates on the battlefield, and play a huge effect in a short period of time!

Just think about it, it was because of Tsunade that he created a medical class that allowed Konoha Village to continue to rescue the ninjas who were fighting desperately on the front line when there were enemies on all sides, and exhausted their opponents to lose their temper!

Before that, under the protection of the three generations of purpose, the leaders of Danzo and Anbu did not dare to blatantly murder Yang Ming.

But now, if Sandaimu knew about this, would he continue to protect Yang Ming?

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