Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 1010: once and for all

If you hope, Mizuki can't refute.

With the attitude of "God", it is naturally convincing, and there is no foundation for Shuimu to deny it.

But this does not mean that Mizuki completely agrees with Hope's point of view.

"If it really is what everyone expects, the "Evil God" in the original book will not be just a background board, and it will not only be a soy sauce like Feiduan who shows his face. "Evil God" seems to be just an unrevealed foreshadowing. The Tou-O and Otsutsugi clan are the center of this world, that won't change..."

"How can you be sure that the Heretic God has nothing to do with the Otsutsugi clan?"

Hope asked with a half-smile.


It is indeed difficult to prove this point. There is absolutely no specific information about the "Evil God" in Shuimu's memory, and the limited speculation is only based on the information of the Evil God Sect and a few classics that he has collected.

"Do you have evidence?"

I hope to wave my hand,

"I don't know, I'm just talking about it casually, but is it all important?"

Even Touwei and Kaguya Otsutsuki are going to capsize, Otsutsuki Yumura is dead, and Otsutsuki Yui seems to have lost its final influence on the ninja world, even if there are any unsolved mysteries, it doesn't matter.

"The current protagonist is not the "alien descendants", but me!"

Facing Mizuki's Tenseiyan chakra pattern, Hope's momentum is shocked, and the butterfly-shaped pattern on his body is brilliance, and he has a lifelike feeling. Slowly from the virtual to the real, a pair of slightly long and narrow butterfly wings appear behind Hope. , a huge avatar in the shape of a hooded robe appeared, the right hand was holding the dark blade of death, and the left hand was hidden in the robe. It did not show a great sense of oppression like the ten-tailed man Zhuli, but revealed a burst of death. mysterious meaning.

"It's no wonder that you dare to call yourself Xila, and there are really two times..."

As soon as the voice fell, a golden light flashed across, intending to hit hope again, but it penetrated the enemy's figure without any obstruction, without causing any damage, just like the person on the opposite side is just a mirror,

"Space power? Or an illusion between reality and reality..."

Although the attack power of Golden Wheel is unparalleled, it is only a physical attack that manipulates repulsion, and sometimes, it is not necessarily more effective than the Five Elements Escape Technique with attributes.

"Playing Sleeping Township, it's something you created, and it really works..."

I hope to be a little proud, the secret skill that can make Uchiha Madara in the ten-tailed pillar state suffer a big loss, as long as the timing is right, it is not impossible to resist.

"Intelligence can't make the gap of crushing level, and the outcome depends on the competition of strength."

Hope flapped his wings behind his back, held the blade of death, and slashed at Mizuki.

Shuimu's body did not dodge or evade, communicated with the Tenseigan on his forehead, and the huge stone puppet stood in front of him. The blade of the **** of death, which could kill the soul, only sunk into the stone statue a few inches, and it could no longer work.

"What I said just now, I will repay you, the divine weapon that can kill the soul, the physical attack is really weak."

The giant fist of the stone statue puppet slammed back, pushing back the aggressive hope.

The two have their own advantages, but in general, the hope of being supplied by the power of belief in all mankind has the upper hand, and Mizuki relies on his own strength to maintain Tenseikan, and will lose in the protracted battle sooner or later.

As the most senior angel in the legend, Syrah symbolizes despair, slaughter and death. Although it was once regarded as the prototype of the devil, and Xila was indeed a member of the fallen angels, she was definitely not a fallen angel infected by the mundane evil desires.

Fallen angels are also angels, but they are opposed to the angels who are in charge of the rules under the light. To be precise, Cyrah should be called "anti-angels", but their position is opposite to the authority that people often think of as angels, rather than those who are entangled with the desires of mortals. Indistinct fallen angels are much nobler.

Life is great, but death is not low, and mastering despair and killing does not mean that one is hysterically evil.

In terms of image, Xila is the famous "Butterfly Angel", who uses the slaughter sword of killing and death to harvest life.

In the legend of Noah's Ark, it was Shera who brought the great flood that made the world desperate. She killed more human beings than any other existence, and even her colleagues who were superior angels feared her, and even created him All the gods were afraid of her prestige and had to seal her power and even her memory.

"Gorgeous and desperate killing angel, are you really going to destroy the world?"

"Destroy the world? The eyes of mortals are really superficial!"

Hope smiled,

"Remember the story of the blind man touching the elephant? Your understanding of the origin of the world is like that of a blind man. Although he deduced some things based on his own discoveries and understandings, he is still a mortal man and cannot look at the world with a lofty vision. …”

"That means I made a big mistake?"

"It doesn't count. The blind man who touched the belly of the elephant and said that the elephant is a wall is not too wrong. As far as I am concerned, I have no idea of ​​destroying the world or saving the world. Chair" duty and responsibility to exercise my authority."

"Killing is your duty?"

"No, you still don't understand. Gods generally don't lie, especially when it comes to their own foundations and origins. Every word I say has meaning. I have said it long ago that it is me who realizes the wishes of mankind. things to do..."

"However, it is impossible to realize the wishes of all mankind. Although it is not infinite, a sufficiently chaotic wish will bring disaster, and the "stupid majority" will destroy the world..."

Hope shrugs,

"Then I can't control it. Gathering will bring the rules of chaos. Despair is the incentive, killing is the means, and death is the end. As for the future of the ninja world, let the **** of fate arrange it. If there is such a **** in the ninja world. if."


"Then see if you can stop it."

Hope said after a rare thought,

"As you probably guessed, "Xila" is actually reminding you that some things start because of you and must be ended by you."

"I see!"

Mizuki nodded bitterly,

"Although reluctantly, we are now enemies..."

Although Xila has the strongest force among all the angels, its essence is actually judgment. Whether it is despair, killing, death, or the legend of the destruction of the world, it is only a derivative of the authority of judgment.

Cyrah is one of the very few beings who can completely kill another angel, or even a god.

Death is the ultimate destination of life. Death is the fairest god, and he will give every life eternal sleep.

But in the ninja world, death is not a rest, it is more like the beginning of a curse, which is extremely abnormal.

"The enemy of the undead, all the "eternals" and "extraordinary people" who deviate from the cognition of ordinary human beings are the objects you want to judge. You extract the power of faith from the common hope and cast it into a sword to judge all the different. Change, this is a counterattack accumulated by mortals for thousands of years of resentment against the extraordinary..."

The secular world cannot enjoy the fruits of the development of the Chakra civilization, and can only feel the destruction of the longed for peace and order by powerful monsters.

The thousand-year-old Warring States period, the tragic ninja war has long exhausted the light of hope.

Of course, in the ninja world a few years later, although Chakra did not benefit the world, the situation also improved greatly.

However, at this moment that will not change, the resentment accumulated in the ninja world ushered in a total outbreak.

From another point of view, the resurrection of the divine tree and the collection of chakra and natural energy are probably a release of stress.

The upper limit of strength was further suppressed, but the application of chakra began to sink into the lives of ordinary people.

It's no wonder that after more than ten years, the strong ninja world is so weak, and the shadow will be subdued by several ninjas.

"In the original book, relying on Naruto Uzumaki's personal charm, and the price of Sasuke Uchiha's defeat in the end of the Valley, and the price of a broken hand, it's a matter of life. It is a good idea to use time to eradicate differences and hatred, but in the end it will not cure the symptoms. Now, it seems that there is a better choice... Thank you for your reminder..."