Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 1080: The Mysterious Legend of Ninja School (4

The ninja school was founded at the beginning of Konoha's establishment, which is almost equal to the history of the village.

The ninja school that the villagers usually refer to refers to the teaching area in the center of the village near the northern end.

The school is not too far from Hokage Rock, and the emergency shelter in the back mountain is nearby. In the event of a major crisis in the village, students in the ninja school can escape through several passages.

Many years ago, the ninja school was just a training camp consisting of two campuses and several low-rise buildings. It has been slowly expanded over the decades to achieve its current scale.

In the eyes of Shuimu as the principal, the ninja school is not just this place. In addition to the teaching area, it also includes three exclusive training grounds in the village, two open training bases that can be temporarily borrowed, and no less than five areas. The death forest is just one of the more well-known test sites that include various simulated environments such as hills, rainforests, and swamps.

As an ordinary teacher, it is enough to only be responsible for teaching. However, as a principal, the daily work of various administrative management is the most wasted energy.

It is not an easy task to maintain the normal operation of this huge institution.

In the past, Naruto was also the principal, but now, Mizuki is in charge of such a big mess.

As the general manager, I don't have time to do it myself, so I had to ask Kakashi Hatake, who is the sixth Hokage, to recruit a secretary. Shiho, a female ninja who has been well-received for her training in various departments, was elected.

He is proficient in decryption of passwords, has keen insight, and is knowledgeable. The only thing that makes people a little regretful is that he takes care of his appearance too sloppy. A female ninja in her twenties makes people look a little sloppy at first glance. Also really rare.

This may be a common problem for people who are obsessed with research and work, and Mizuki doesn't bother to make irresponsible remarks about the private life of this fairly satisfied secretary.

As for her admiration for Nara Shikamaru's wisdom, and occasionally acting like a nympho, Mizuki turned a blind eye. The situation in the ninja world has long been very different from what she originally remembered.

Sand Ninja Temari is three years older than Nara Shikamaru, and just turned twenty-three years old this year. Whether he and Nara Shikamaru, the originally loving siblings, will be able to achieve success is unknown, and Shiho is not without a chance.

What makes Mizuki most satisfied is to free himself from trivial copywriting.


Looking at the report in front of him, Shuimu put it down with a headache. If possible, I really wanted to beat Iruka who handed over the document. He got rid of his position as the dean of education.

"What's the matter, Headmaster, but what's wrong?"

"Well, what is the age, and what tricks are there for gifted students to graduate early? With this time, it is better to practice these little guys with excessive energy, so as to save them from thinking about something messy."

"Don't be so harsh. The pressure on the teachers is also very high. Since you, the principal, made your own decision and linked the teachers' allowances to the students' grades, everyone has been suffocating."

"So, do you still have to blame me?"

Mizuki said without remorse,

"I'm not here to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm and avoid opportunistic tricks by the cadavers?"

A full stomach of advanced management crooked ideas, if you don't try it, how can you be willing?

"I think, the teachers below did nothing wrong, Iruka-senpai is also doing his due diligence, but the principal, why are you so resistant to these good deeds that are obviously the beauty of adults?"

Shiho was a little puzzled. The headmaster's brain circuit seemed to be a little different from that of ordinary people.

Shuimu turned around and pulled the blinds behind him to let more sunlight in. He picked up the teacup with the other hand and sipped the tea leisurely.

"The higher you stand, the farther you see, you don't understand."

There are many reasons why the headmaster of the ninja school has always been held by Naruto. One of the most important reasons is to control the pass rate of ninjas.

During the war, the number of ninjas was insufficient, so a large number of outstanding students graduated early and entered the battlefield. In peacetime, it is necessary to reduce the number of ninjas, maintain a relatively low-scale fighting group, and reduce consumption.

The Fourth Ninja World War was only a few years ago, when the ninja army expanded wildly, and most of the ninjas who were promoted in batches have not yet retired.

The ninja world has been peaceful for a long time, there is no war, and ninjas who rely on fighting as their main means of livelihood drink the northwest wind?

The existing number of ninjas in Konoha Village has greatly exceeded the needs of daily tasks. Why are they graduating early? Isn’t this adding to the confusion?

Shangnin is not worried about money, but some Chunin have started to do D-level tasks such as picking up garbage, cleaning, looking for cats, etc., and there are few tasks left for Genin, Shenyue Izumo and Gangzi Tiemen The duo have gained weight, and they are really busy.

Mizuki, the headmaster of the ninja school, actually divided some of the authority that was originally Naruto. More than a month ago, Hatake Kakashi and Mizuki passed the qi. This year's graduation exam is "as formal and strict as possible". To put it bluntly, it is to recruit a few more students, or stay at the ninja school for one or two more years. Or switch here.

Seeing that Mizuki didn't want to say more, Shibao didn't ask more. The ninja's creed, don't ask more if you shouldn't know.

"It's up to you to decide... The next important thing is that there was an accident at the Beisan training ground outside the village?"

"What, a student was injured?"

"That's not true. It is said that when some senior class students went to practice, they encountered monsters?"


Shiho handed over a large stack of documents that had been prepared earlier.

"I asked students who claimed to have encountered monsters...or ghosts or other supernatural events, and found that the earliest time that the situation occurred was three years ago, a fish monster that was said to have been seen by a villager who entered the training ground by mistake, and wanted to remove it. The temptation pulled into the water and drowned, but in the end, the security department came to the conclusion that the villager had hallucinations after being drunk, and it was the principal's wife, Chie Tsubaki, who handled the incident."

"Oh? It's interesting... and then what?"

"In the following time, some students reported seeing ghosts, water monsters, fox fires, snow girls, etc., but no evidence was found."

"School quirks, there are too many rumors!"

"It's fine if it's just like this, but since last month, there have been more witnesses, especially this week, three cases have been reported. We asked the seniors of the mountain family in the interrogation department to help, proving that these students did not Not lying, they did see something..."