Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 1113: The Mysterious Legend of Ninja School (P

Akamaru is a loyal ninja dog.

Before opening his eyes, he was with the current owner.

From being held in the palm of the hand to being held in the arms, squatting on the shoulders and overhead, Akamaru and his owner and friend Inuzuka Ya spent the happiest time.

Later, Akamaru grew up and fought side by side with the master, defeating one strong enemy after another, and the cooperation between the two became more and more tacit.

Akamaru was very happy to have such a close owner, and once thought that he would spend a long life with Inuzuka Ya.

The relationship between Akamaru and the master is so deep that it is not comparable to those of the master's superficial counterparts.

Especially those females who walk on two legs like their masters, just don't know what to do, and hang around some males who don't look very good all day long.

Fortunately, his owner, Inuzuka Tooth, didn't say anything to them.

Later, many two-legged males around also began to entangle with those females, and Inuzuka's teeth did not change.

After the terrible war is over, peace has come, and it seems that Akamaru and Inuzuka's carefree days have no end in sight.

Until that day, Akamaru saw a cowardly and ridiculously cowardly kind, who was still wearing pink clothes and his hair was combed in a mess. This kind of pet dog that could be defeated with a slap, dared to stand in front of his eyes. Passed arrogantly.

Unable to bear, Akamaru barked at the rude guy, frightening the coward to drill into his master's arms.

"Another uninteresting two-legged female, who doesn't look threatening, wearing a white and pale pink gown, is a nurse? Pet shop staff, you shallow guy! 』

Think you can open a pet store by dressing up your dogs beautifully?

The Inuzuka family is the family that cultivates ninja dogs best in Konoha Village, and its owner, Inuzuka Tooth, will definitely be honest with this guy.

However, since that day, Inuzuka Ya, who had hardly left his friends, began to disappear frequently, avoiding Akamaru.

Gradually, Akamaru also noticed that the owner Inuzuka Ya didn't seem to care about him as much as before, and the tacit understanding between the two was not as good as before.

Inuzuka-ya, who occasionally smirked in a daze, made Akamaru feel a little uneasy in his heart.

Secretly, Akamaru followed behind the sneaky Inuzuka Tooth, and witnessed his owner go to see the female pet store employee who was holding the puppy. Although the two-legged female was not very enthusiastic about the owner, Inuzuka Tooth was not. I was very happy, that kind of smile was something Akamaru had never seen before.

"Am I going to be abandoned by the master too? 』

Clearly Akamaru just wanted to be with his master, but Inuzuka Ya began to empathize.

As a result, the lost Akamaru often appeared in ninja schools, places where he and his master left footprints.

Chimaru, who is in a bad mood and lethargic, occasionally has a few hairy boys approaching boldly.

On these little guys, I vaguely saw Akamaru, who was once the owner, and couldn't help but patted their little heads with his paws. These little boys seemed very happy, and some even cried with joy.

"Sure enough, it's better to be a child, and the master was very kind to me back then, but this the trouble of growing up? 』

Akamaru wondered if he wanted to learn from those two-legged adults and try to use alcohol to relieve his sorrows, so as to forget the worries of being abandoned.

"The imperial dog, found it, Xiaomei, come and see."

"The little guy is here again? 』

Sure enough, a little girl with long purple hair shouted, and the other three little ghosts also came over.

"Isn't this Akamaru, why are you here?"

"This little silver-haired girl knows me? It seems to be a bit of an impression, but I can't remember who it is! 』

"There really is a **** dog, my exam is finally saved."

Moonlight Nagi, who was crying with joy, took out the prepared food and served it respectfully.

"Xiao Nagi, this doesn't seem to be a royal dog, it's a ninja dog of my father's student, called Akamaru..."

"Akamaru? It's clearly white! This must be the imperial dog, not an Akamaru..."

Miyuki stepped forward and carefully looked at Akamaru, who was slumped on his stomach.

"I shouldn't admit it! Is this... ill?"

Akamaru, who was in a bad mood, ignored the discussion of the little girls, tilted his head, rolled his tongue, swallowed the food, stretched out his paws, and patted Nagi Moonlight on the head to show his gratitude, and his big swaying tail also swept the moonlight. Nagi's face was left with a few shedding dog hair.

"Look, not only baptize me, but also use the tail to cleanse the filth. This time there is absolutely no problem."

The happy Yueguang Nagi wanted to give more tributes, but unfortunately the food that she brought was gone.

"Is it really the imperial dog?"

Suspicious Miyuki couldn't help but stretch out her hand and wanted to touch Akamaru's white fur, but was pulled by Moonlight Nagi.

"Don't blaspheme the gods, Xiaomei, we have already visited, so let's leave quickly. This is the residence of the gods, and mortals can't stay for too long."


Obviously I want to see more, but I can't stand Xiao Nagi's enthusiasm,

"OK then!"

"This time when I go back to study, it will definitely be different. Take a look at it. With the blessing of the imperial dog, I will definitely pass."

The little guys finally left, and after recalling the old days of Akamaru, he got up listlessly, shook off the dust on his body, and was about to return to the home that was no longer warm.

"Akamaru, you are here, I've been looking for you for a long time."

Some anxious Inuzuka Ya saw his little friend, and his heart suddenly let go,

"Why did you come here alone?"

Inuzuka Tooth holding Akamaru's head, stroking his white fur.

"Don't run around casually, it's too worrying."

Speaking of Inuzuka Ya, he took out a lot of dog food that had been prepared a long time ago,

"These are good things that I and others have asked for advice. I saw that you didn't have any appetite a while ago, and you have been in a bad mood recently, so I was thinking about improving the food! This is a hot-selling product that is highly recommended and very popular. I'll feed you when I get back."

"It's not that you don't want me anymore, you just want to surprise me! 』

The innocent Akamaru, swept away the previous depression, and went home with Inuzuka Ya happily.

Anbu, who was watching from the shadows, looked strangely at the scene not far away.

"What's that, a strange ritual? It's happened a few times lately, what are these brats thinking?"

"Who knows? Record it and leave it to the top to worry about it."

Anbu only belongs to Hokage's guards, not Chen Guzi's rotten sesame to worry about.

It's boring to come to school every day to stare at a bunch of little ghosts, and I don't even have a ghost during the holidays. I can't even write a work report if I want to submit a work report. !