Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 144: jealousy

With plenty of time, plus getting up too early in the morning and no customers, Shuimu involuntarily leaned on the chair behind the counter and dozed off.

When he was sleeping soundly, Mizuki felt in a daze that someone had entered the store. After a while, someone seemed to call him.

Mizuki, who was disturbed and returned to sleep, opened his eyes unhappy, and found Hinata Hinata with a cautious face greeting him, followed by Inuzuka Tooth and the thin oil girl Shino.

"What's the matter with you?" Mizuki didn't have much dealings with these three ninjas, and they were all children of the ninja family. Iruka is that guy.

"We wanted to visit Teacher Hong, so we wanted to come over to buy flowers..." Hinata Hinata said timidly.

"Buying flowers? It doesn't seem like the road is right here, isn't it? Isn't the Ino family's flower shop closer? Why did you come here?"

"Mizuki-sensei, why do you mean to drive customers out when you open the door for business?" Inuzukaya is straight-minded, and he says whatever comes to his mind, "We came too early, and the Ino family doesn't seem to have opened the door yet."

"Morning?" Shuimu looked out the door, the weather was just right, the line of sight was sufficient, and it was already bright, there was no reason for the flower shop not to open now. But immediately, Mizuki realized that Yamanaka Haiyi was injured a little while fighting with Ah Fei yesterday, and now he is either in the hospital or recuperating at home. There is something to do at home, so naturally, he has to lean back to take care of the shop.

"Which ones have you chosen? I'll wrap them up for you..."

"Don't bother, Mr. Mizuki, we're all done." Oil girl Shino rarely wanted to show her presence, but she said, "We've already put the money on the table."

"Huh?" Shuimu rubbed his eyes, only to find a few coins in front of him.

"Why do you wake me up when you're done? 』

"Then what else do you have to do?" Shuimu tried his best to squeeze out a smile and said kindly, as a teacher's majesty and temperament still had to be maintained.

"I heard that Mr. Mizuki and Mr. Hong went out of the village to do the task together and were seriously injured, but it seems that Mr. Mizuki is in good condition, but I don't know if Mr. Hong wants it or not." Inuzuka Ya asked Mizuki, "Let's ask other people , they all told us to wait patiently, make us feel at ease, and do not tell us the truth..."

"This." These fears are inevitable, "Yuhi Hong's situation is okay, and there should be no life-threatening. But it's hard to say what will happen in the future, at least the recovery period will be very long..."

"That is to say, for a long time, Teacher Hong will not guide us and lead us to complete the task?" The taciturn You Nvzhi is the smartest and most serious of the three. The subtext in Shuimu dialect.

"It's basically like this, you have to be prepared. But..." After the conversation changed, Mizuki continued, "If there is a better medical ninja to treat, it is hard to say whether Yuhi Hong Joinin will be cured as soon as possible. "

Mizuki didn't dare to say too much. When Tsunade comes back, maybe there will be better treatment methods. Without seeing it, Mizuki can't judge the level of Tsunade's medical ninjutsu.

"We understand the situation, thank you Mr. Shuimu, we'll go first." Now that they learned the truth, the three of them said their thanks and left.

Looking at the three people who left, Mizuki shook his head slightly. Except for these three people, maybe no one in Konoha Village has cared about who will be the teacher of the eighth class.

Oil girl Shino, Hinata Hinata, and Inuzuka Ya, all of them have family heritage, and have obvious characteristics of ninja and ninjutsu teaching. Naturally, there are strong people in the family who are responsible, and they will not be better than the outsiders who lead the team. The teacher forbearance is poor. In fact, what they need is not to lead the team to teach them the powerful ninjutsu, but to teach them how to be a qualified ninja.

As a phantom ninja who hasn't been promoted for a long time, Yuhika doesn't have much to teach the eighth class's Genin in ninjutsu, but as an energetic newcomer, it is extremely difficult to become a phantom type. Female ninjas will naturally be admired for their tenacity and excellent quality beyond ordinary people. In the objective environment where Class 8's requirements for leading teachers are not very strict, Hong Yuhi is actually quite suitable for this role. He is neither domineering nor lacking in patience and quality. In the past few months, he has indeed done a good job. As a newcomer to Shangnin, it is quite rare.

And now, with Yuhi Hong's serious injury, she can't perform her duties as a team leader for the time being, so it's very necessary to find a temporary replacement. With the background of Konoha, it is a bit difficult to find one that is as suitable as Hong Yuhi, but it is relatively easy to find one that is similar, or almost the same. But none of this has anything to do with Mizuki. The teacher who can come to Jinnin is at least quite patient. Before these people are promoted to chunin, it is estimated that they will be nanny for a year.

After being disturbed by the three xiamen in the eighth class, Shuimu's sleepiness has also gone a lot. As time goes by, more and more people will take to the streets. At this point in time, it's almost time for a lazy person to get up and work. The actual situation is indeed as expected by Mizuki. There are more and more guests patronizing, and Mizuki doesn't have many opportunities to be lazy.

Although Shuimu and Xiaochun opened the Four Seasons Flower Shop for a short period of time, thanks to the fact that they have their own flowerbeds and the use of the medicine prepared by Shuimu, the growth rate has been greatly improved, and the probability of flower mutation is far greater than that of ordinary cases. probability. Although most of them are worthless failures, occasionally some unique and rare varieties are still quite popular, which really attracts many lovers of flowers and flower arrangements to the store. With the improvement of business, it has also brought huge income to Shuimu. Without this, it would be a hassle to maintain the expenses of Shuimu in all aspects. Although I am not well-off now, at least I no longer have to worry about the financial constraints of a few months ago.

With this period of familiarity, Shuimu is barely able to cope with this busy situation. It is much better than before, and he is often asked by customers to be in a hurry. However, it seems that it will take quite a while to adapt to this kind of life.

It was not until noon that the hot weather greatly dampened the enthusiasm of many people to go out, and Mizuki was able to rest for a while, waiting for Xiao Chun to come to deliver lunch.

However, before Xiao Chun arrived, it was Sasuke Uchiha who came to visit first.

Seeing Sasuke Uchiha looking at him with a complicated expression, Mizuki also understood that Sasuke probably knew something about what happened yesterday.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Shui Mu asked nonchalantly, "Is something wrong? You should go to lunch at this time?"

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday?" Sasuke seemed a little unwilling and a little dissatisfied that Mizuki didn't tell him the truth in time.

"Tell you what? Are you referring to Uchiha Itachi's return? What reason do you ask me to meddle in your business?"

"It's my rudeness, sorry." Sasuke seemed to realize that his attitude was very unfriendly, and he used a similar questioning tone to those who helped him. It really shouldn't be what a Genin said to a Chunin teacher.

"It doesn't matter, Sasuke." Mizuki waved his hand and said he didn't mind, "How much do you remember what I said yesterday?"

"That man's strength is really that strong?"

"Do you remember this?" Mizuki was very disappointed with Sasuke's answer. "That sword-wielding **** of war is the technique that Uchiha Itachi used, and that's not all of him..." At least yesterday's Susanoo, Uchiha Itachi didn't use the magic weapon. It doesn't matter whether you don't want to or can't temporarily, you just need to understand that Uchiha Itachi can be stronger.

"So, am I not even qualified for revenge now?" Sasuke said in despair, "Is my persistence like a joke?"

"Okay, Sasuke, didn't I ask you, do you remember what I said yesterday?" Sasuke's negative emotions are actually a big trouble, and this can be used by many people, Shimura Danzo, Uchiha Obito, Even Uchiha Itachi is cheating on him, even for his own good. "As a ninja teacher, I won't lie to my former students. Your future will not be worse than your brother, but now, you can't even accurately judge your strength compared with others. Especially Uchiha Itachi , you simply don't understand the gap between you."

"Then what should I do? After so long of hard work, the gap between me and that man has not narrowed, but even widened."

"If you have this attitude and thinking, it will be very dangerous, Sasuke." In Mizuki's view, in terms of absolute power, Uchiha Itachi has indeed become stronger and stronger in recent years, far surpassing Uchiha Sasuke. to the extent imaginable. Sasuke is only twelve years old, and he has just stepped into the golden period of rapid growth of ninjas. Uchiha Itachi is almost eighteen years old. In the past few years, there are several people in the ninja world who can grow faster than Uchiha Itachi. ?

"But even Naruto is stronger than me now..."

"A sense of crisis? Do you think your growth rate is too slow?"

Sasuke Uchiha didn't speak, and acquiesced to Mizuki's guess.

Shuimu chuckled lightly and said: "A month ago, you were beaten by Locke Lee and had no strength to fight back. A month later, Gaara, who defeated Xiao Li, was completely suppressed by you in the all-seeing Chunin exam. Am I right?"

"But, in the end, Naruto defeated him?"

"Can't Naruto defeat Gaara?" Mizuki asked back, "Your teammate Uzumaki Naruto has this impression in your heart? A waste in your life? A lifetime inferior to you? Greed and jealousy, you have committed two crimes. Wrong. Do you think Naruto is just a lucky guy with power?"

Mizuki's remarks made Sasuke speechless. In terms of talent, Sasuke thinks he is better than Naruto, but in terms of hard work, he has to admire Naruto's unyielding efforts and confidence.

"Go back and think about it, go and ask your teacher Kakashi, he is your leading teacher..."

"I'm really sorry to bother you."

Looking at the back of Sasuke turning and leaving, Mizuki couldn't help but feel sorry for what happened to this big boy. At present, Sasuke is not a time when he can be persuaded by a sentence or two. Without much experience, he will not understand much truth. Living in a world made up of lies, coupled with unfortunate encounters, has not been forced to collapse by pressure, which is very rare. However, for all of this, Shuimu is really powerless, he can only help when the time is right, and the rest can only be self-sufficient. The current situation is very different from the original. What choice the future Sasuke will make depends on Kakashi's guidance.

"You haven't come out yet? Everyone's gone..." There are too many uninvited guests today, and it doesn't seem like they want to buy flowers.

Following Mizuki's words, Hatake Kakashi and Yamashiro Aoba appeared in front of Mizuki.

"Sasuke's matter has caused you to worry about it." Because of this kind of thing, Kakashi felt embarrassed to give Shuimu Tian trouble again and again. Originally, these were all his own work.

"It's okay, I'm just talking about it anyway." Shuimu then turned to Shancheng Qingye and asked, "Why did you follow?"

"That's it." Yamashiro Aoba said with a smile, "I accidentally said something, let Sasuke know about Uchiha Itachi's return, and then saw Sasuke running in a hurry, I was a little worried and came over."

"It's been a long time, and it turns out that it's your fault." Mizuki's impression of the original book seems to be the same person who leaked his mouth. "No wonder he runs to me to vent his emotions."

"Hey, Mizuki, there are guests?" At this time, Xiao Chun finally came.

"I'm hungry too, do you want to stay and eat together?" Xiaochun has cooked a lot of food recently, and many times he can't finish it.

"No, since Sasuke is fine, let's go first."

After having lunch with Xiao Chun and packing everything, Xiao Chun saw that there was no one around, and then took a scroll and handed it to Shuimu, and said in a low voice, "In three days, it's better to have a face-to-face talk?"

"What's so serious?" Shuimu took the scroll, then carefully opened it to take a look, "Tailed beast Chakra? Did you find it so soon?"

As time went by, Mizuki, who was slowly looking at the information, became more and more serious.

"Second-generation Hokage, reincarnation of the dirty earth, and shadow clones are not unrelated. It turns out that what I wanted to do was tried many years ago. Sure enough, they're a bunch of smart people..."

The magical creature of the tailed beast, in the thousand years of its birth, its enormous power is one aspect, and what is even more surprising is its immortality. Even after being killed, after a period of dormancy, it will respawn again. And when humans have the ability to initially control the tailed beast, there is no reason not to be tempted by this magical ability. As the overlord of the ninja world, Konoha, when his strength reached its peak, was the moment when Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara pressed the entire ninja world. As the second generation of Hokage, I know much more than others, and there is a ready-made example in front of me, the reincarnation of Indra and Asura. Although it is very different from the tailed beast, it is not impossible to develop something special based on similar characteristics. Here, Mizuki also had to admire the genius of Senju Tobirama, and some by-products that were able to find another way have become magical skills that changed the entire ninja world.

Just like this shadow clone, the extension and recovery of the will, the reincarnation of the dirt, the blurring of the boundaries between life and death, the technique of flying thunder gods, breaking the barriers of space, if you combine them, you can actually see a vein clearly— Longevity.