Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 171: Seize the position

Then there is the unwillingness of the curse mark. The power of the curse mark was once regarded by Mizuki as the last desperate trump card. But in fact, Mizuki never used it once, but an accidental outbreak in the country of waves almost killed him. And this time, the activity was only stimulated by natural energy. With the immortal chakra pearl jade in front, this "immortalized" spell seal, no matter from which aspect, is completely disadvantaged. Although the effect is also stimulated, it only has the effect of increasing the strength and speed of the body. That's it. After being suppressed by the immortal chakra, the potential of the body will not be squeezed, and there will be no alienation phenomenon due to the curse mark. Before the immortal mode is lifted, the curse mark should not cause much harm.

In Mizuki's mind, the most troublesome one was Shouhe's Chakra. Although the amount is the least, it is the most destructive one. It is extremely aggressive and extremely difficult to control, which greatly increases the difficulty for Mizuki to maintain homeostasis, and the weakening of perception it brings brings many dangers to Mizuki. More importantly, the resonance this time brings danger to Mizuki, not just the possibility of the immortal mode being lifted.

Here, there is a conjecture that Shuimu had thought about but initially ruled out, but the small probability time finally came true. That is, is the tailed beast the only thing that can be constantly reborn. Or the one that was resurrected after death, is it still the original tailed beast?

Originally, Mizuki didn't think about it carefully, but now it seems that there is a chakra resonance with Shouhe, and there is an exchange of chakras, so some of Mizuki's conjectures have been confirmed.

There is a very famous clip in the original animation, the fire temple in the country of fire, there is also a boy who was injected with nine-tailed chakra in his body. Nine-tailed chakra also became active and resonated with Naruto's tailed beast. Then, this young man called "Sora" almost became the medium and sacrifice for the resurrection of the nine-tailed.

When Mizuki just got Shouhe's clone, he didn't think so much. But after practicing the immortal mode with the chakra of the tailed beast, when considering the hidden dangers of this behavior, Mizuki couldn't help thinking of this. In this Temple of Fire, there is also a highly respected monk named Dilu, and the ninja monks of the Temple of Fire also have a powerful method called "celestial talent", but there is only one gloomy boy called "kong".

so. Mizuki once thought these were nonsense. However, reality has taught Mizuki a great lesson. It's not that there is no such person in reality, but the principle of his existence is wrong. The occurrence of resonance proves that what Mizuki feared before has become a fact.

Tail beasts are born with the will of human beings. Those who can come back from the dead may be able to inherit all the memories and experiences of their predecessors, in other words, they can be resurrected perfectly. But there is a situation that may break this inherent law, as if Mizuki had intercepted a clone of Shukaku. In fact, in terms of the principle of existence, the clone and the Shouhe main body are actually exactly the same. The difference is that the Shouhe main body has higher authority, uses more chakra, and uses more powerful power, while the clone is much worse.

However, if Mizuki kills Shouhe here, will the Shouhe resurrected three years later still be the one in front of Mizuki? More precisely, after three years, will there still be Shouhe resurrected? From now on, there won't be any. If Shouhe died, the "Naruto of the Sandstorm" created by Mizuki would become a serious human pillar, and would definitely not be just a container for storing the tailed beast Chakra. The tailed beast clone in its body will also gradually grow into a complete Shouhe, but it is no longer this one.

"So, are Shoukaku and I now mortal enemies? 』

The separation of the tailed beast is not the first time. The fourth generation Hokage once split the nine tails into nine tails of yin and yang. This is only a division of attributes, and it is essentially the same nine tails. However, the way of dividing Shuimu is different. The tailed beast clone with independent will will undoubtedly become a truly complete tailed beast after the body dies.

And now, the harm of resonance is in front of you. Shouhe's chakra absorbs a lot of natural energy, but it is suppressed by the immortal chakra and spell seal in the body, and it cannot develop further, but the natural energy it absorbs will not When it stopped, it finally surrounded Shuimu, forming a protective cover formed by a dense natural energy. Accompanied by the uncontrolled leak of Shouhe Chakra. The shield was eventually dyed an ominous red. Its shape gradually changed into a head with a grinning face, a tail that was too large in proportion to its body, and sharp claws on its limbs. It squatted and sat up like a civet cat-like scarlet monster. Aside from the weird color and not being made of sand, it's simply a shrunken version of Shouhe.

Seeing the appearance of Shuimu, Shouhe, who had just let out a breath, was immediately furious. He imitated his own image "unscrupulously" at Shuimu. It stirred up a large piece of flying dust, as if I would never give up until Mizuki was crushed into meat sauce. Moreover, it seems that he still feels uneasy, and once again raises his powerful tail, he is about to slap heavily.

At this moment, a huge red hand below suddenly burst out of the diffuse smoke, and grabbed the huge tail that was about to fall. After the smoke cleared, I saw Mizuki's right hand in front of him, a crimson energy arm linked to the giant hand holding Shouhe's tail, obviously under Mizuki's control.

"This is a tailed beast transformation? It's not quite right, it doesn't seem to be a tailed beast suit? What exactly are you?" Shouhe, who gradually faced Mizuki's strength, also began to try to communicate with him.

"Frightened by this unseen method? I heard that you are the weakest and most timid among the tailed beasts. You can only bully the weak's waste..."

"Trash? What gave you the confidence to say such big words? Just because of your inexplicable fighting stance?" Shouhe moved his body and restricted tail, but it didn't work, Mizuki's strength was too strong It's too big to get rid of.

"Arrogant? You can say the same." Mizuki, who was temporarily strengthened by this strange state, said confidently, "Although I don't know what will happen to me, at least for now, I have strength. Yes. Qualified to talk big."

After finishing speaking, Shuimu used the power of his whole body, and through the giant hand linked to the energy arm, he directly swung the tailed beast upside down, rolled in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"At least for now, I have nothing to fear..."

Roaring out the mad words that seemed to cheer him up, Shui Mu once again used his giant energy hand to twist up the Shouhe, and after a spin in the air, he threw it in the direction of Feiduan not far away, in Feiduan's terrified eyes, heavy Shouhe, who fell, smashed him straight.