Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 232: intelligence

Hatake Kakashi is absolutely unwilling to believe the gossip information provided by Mizuki, and he will never follow the suggestion of using the "beautiful man's plan". Such a shameful thing, if you really do it, you can't handle it. What about Mizuki? If you accidentally spread it out, your reputation will be ruined. Mizuki doesn't care about fame and notoriety, but Kakashi does.

"After wandering around all morning, you went to inquire about these gossips?"

"Don't care if it's gossip or not, it's just useful."

This new female Mizukage Terumi Mei has a good reputation and reputation in Wuyin Village, and being able to sit firmly in Mizukage's position is considered to be well received. There are more respect and admiration, but less admiration and longing. In front of the strong aura of Yujie, there are probably no one who dares to express their love on an equal footing. As for marriage, it is far away.

Kakashi sighed and said: "To be honest, I think you are more suitable for this kind of trivial matter of bargaining with people!"

"How could it be?" Shuimu shook his head and said, "You are the captain and have a good reputation. If I go, my identity is still a little bit worse."

Just by virtue of his status as a student of Hatake Kakashi's fourth-generation Hokage, he has already made people dare not to be neglected. His record is outstanding and his background is extraordinary. It is more suitable to communicate with other ninja villages. grid.

"Okay, if you don't want to go, forget it." After several times of persuasion, Mizuki was unwilling to go, and Kakashi gave up, "Since this is the case, you should have more snacks for some things. Especially the safety of Naruto and Sasuke. , Judging from the information that has just arrived, the possibility of Orochimaru's men attacking has greatly increased."

"Orochimaru? Really haunted!" Shuimuzou said with a frown.

"In this world, no one dares to ignore the threat of Orochimaru, and this time it is said to be inevitable, to Sasuke."

"It is estimated that it is unlikely now, that is to say, our return journey will be very dangerous?"

Kakashi nodded and said, "Master Tsunade is under a lot of pressure. Both Sasuke and Naruto are in danger, and the stakes are very important. The consultant's opinion is to restrict Naruto to the village and not allow him to go out, and Sasuke is similar!"

"How is this possible?"

"This time, if Lord Jiraiya hadn't been in the Land of Water, it would have been impossible for the seventh squad to be allowed to leave the village so far to do the task."

"This is a troublesome matter." Mizuki also felt that it was not easy to handle. "Naruto is okay. In the end, Lord Jiraiya will take care of him. Sooner or later, he will leave the village to travel. No one dares to make irresponsible remarks. The problem is Sasuke..."

When Naruto left, the seventh class fell apart, and the elders had even more reason to restrict Sasuke's actions. With the current situation, banning Sasuke will only suppress his growth. Doesn't it make Sasuke more determined to leave Konoha's Heart?

"Let's deal with the front first, Kakashi." Let's talk about it when we get back to the village. Looking at the follow-up development, the seventh class may be about to fall apart before it emerges. It's a pity.

"Why is Orochimaru so anxious?"

It stands to reason that Orochimaru, who did not wait for Sasuke, should have completed this reincarnation a long time ago, why is he so eager to take away Sasuke? It's really hard to understand.

Kakashi thought about it for a while, but still revealed to Mizuki: "The relentless pursuit of Anbu has brought a lot of pressure to Orochimaru. He almost found Orochimaru's hiding place twice, but it was just a step slower. But I also got a lot of information and materials that I didn't have time to destroy. And there is a more important point..."

Kakashi seemed a little unspeakable and said: "There is a voice in the village now, suggesting that Sasuke should be cleared out, so that Sharinyan will not fall into Orochimaru's hands, making him more difficult to deal with."

After finishing speaking, Kakashi looked at Mizuki with a complicated face and said, "What you worried about is now becoming a reality!"

"Didn't we guess that?"

"I know. But I still feel unacceptable for some people's actions!" Even if he had been the captain of the dark part, he was not ignorant of some of the secrets, but he still felt a little chilly.

"Isn't this the time for your teacher to come forward?" Mizuki said comfortingly, "The current Konoha is not a time when the dragons are headless, and it is Hokage who has the final say!"

It's hard to say when the army is in chaos, but in the next period of time, with the silence of the "Xiao" organization, the ninja world will have a stable time, and no one will blatantly attack Sasuke Uchiha at this time. During this time It's an important buffer period.

Except for Konoha and Wuyin Village, which suffered heavy losses due to the attack of the "Xiao" organization, other villages have the intention to use this mercenary organization, especially Yanyin Village, the matter of Deidara, it has to be said that it is a It's a farce. As for Deidara himself, it's really unclear what role he plays in it, just like Uchiha Itachi, a double agent.

For the "Darkness of the Ninja World" Shimura Danzo, in Konoha Village with Hokage, it is still impossible to cover the sky with one hand, and Hatake Kakashi and Sasuke, who are backed by Tsunade, still have room for maneuver.

Mizuki's words gave Kakashi some confidence for the time being, and it was more appropriate for Tsunade to come forward for difficult things.

After talking about the troubles in the village for a while, Mizuki thought for a while, and suddenly asked: "Is it really reliable about the movement of Orochimaru? Not to mention how strong his subordinates are, just say that there is one of the "three tolerances". Come also adults together, who would be stupid enough to attack us?"

Kakashi replied: "You think too much, Mizuki, in order to complete the task, the ninja has to rush forward even in the face of the "three ninjas", even in the face of the gods. Another point, the whereabouts of Lord Jiraiya, It's not so easy to ask."

After listening to Kakashi's explanation, Mizuki nodded reluctantly. Orochimaru's intelligence capabilities have not yet reached the point where he can accurately confirm Jiraiya's whereabouts. But these are small things, and whether the attack comes or not, it is right to be prepared anyway.


On the roof of a high-rise building in Wuyin Village, Shuimu overlooked the small village and town below, which was shrouded in a faint mist. After the observation and preparation in the morning, in the afternoon, Shuimu carefully explored the defense of the village without attracting attention. Enchantment.

"I didn't expect that the barrier level of this village is really good. The defensive barrier of the Hidden Mist Village, which is keen on killing, actually has obvious illusion characteristics! 』

Moreover, to Mizuki's surprise, some of them still have a clear Konoha style. With the natural environment surrounded by clouds, the level of the enchantment is quite high. Unfortunately, the ninja level that maintains the enchantment is not good enough, and it can't exert its power at all.