Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 308: dispel doubts

To ask Mizuki why he thinks so, because he has been well educated.

When Uchiha Itachi invaded Konoha Village, the copycat Zhuli he sent by himself used his body to resist Amaterasu in order to protect Matekai. Still terrified.

The fact that the shadow clone can't disappear in time to avoid the pain of dying is something that few people can afford. Like Hidean, there are only a few people who are content with physical pain and death.

Shui Mu, who has suffered a big loss once, considers that in case the body and the clone are needed to fight together, when the clone is killed, the body will suffer huge mental damage.

In order to prevent this from happening again, Mizuki had to take a preventive measure.

The only thing that has a mental defense function in his hand is the Soul Gathering Formation, but this sealing formation is too huge and cumbersome, even if he keeps improving, he can't temporarily change the reality that this is not a combat skill.

As a last resort, it can only be turned into a small sealing technique under the condition of weakening some functions. Although the effect is greatly reduced, the mental shock of calming the avatar is enough. Naturally, this technique is also very effective in relieving the mental exhaustion accumulated by shadow clones during cultivation. If you rest more after the event, it will basically not interfere with your normal life.

"How should this be used?" Xiao Ying spread out the scroll and glanced at it, "Concentration?"

The name is really confusing.

"A sealing technique that condenses the defenseless spirit into a solid whole to prevent damage, what? Have an opinion on the name?"

"No no..."

Haruno Sakura hurriedly waved her hand to deny it, and she had a deep understanding of the young master's biggest weakness—named waste material. In the ninja world, in addition to some basic ninjutsu names that are relatively straightforward, there are slightly distinctive ninjutsu, which one is not the louder the better?

Like Hatake Kakashi's Chidori, Rachel, Matekai's Lotus, and towards the peacock, not to mention, even Uchiha Sasuke's turn in the air with a series of kicks are shamelessly called lions. In contrast, Mizuki's name is too lazy.

"It's fine if you don't."

Mizuki asked Sakura to open the scroll, and then continued,

"Have you seen the magic circle in the center? When using the shadow clone to practice, stand on it and input chakra, it will form a mental barrier to protect you and smooth the violent mental fluctuations. When will you be able to learn this technique, then If you print it on yourself and control it, you won't need this scroll. This is what I used before, and I don't need it now. I'm giving it to you."

"Thank you, Master." Xiao Ying put it away happily, "Can't I learn now?"

"Do you still think the learning task is not heavy enough?" Shuimu reminded, "I was going to teach you when you were a step closer to the sealing technique, but now I will use the ready-made ones for you, just to relieve your learning pressure, and this is a good thing. At the limit, if you have more than 20 shadow clones, you should pay special attention and don't put too much pressure on yourself."


Haruno Sakura replied happily.

Sakura wouldn't fully believe Mizuki. Some of the problems that I often encounter are easily analyzed by Shuimu, and then I take out a scroll from the magical ninja bag, and then tell myself how to do it, and finally the problem is solved.

In Xiao Ying's heart, this master may not be invincible in the world, but there are not many things that can stumped him. Maybe he will be coquettish and ask for something better, but this is enough for now.

"I haven't seen the master use the Chakra Shield to change the nature of fusion before, how do you know so clearly about the development of this technique?"

"What's so strange about this? I've thought about what you're doing now, but it didn't work out."

Although the Chakra Shield is very primitive in terms of morphological changes, it cannot be compared with the top technique such as the Spiral Pill, but the difficulty of integrating the changes in the properties of Chakra is correspondingly much easier. It's just that Hatake Kakashi couldn't incorporate the change of the thunder attribute chakra into the spiral pill, and then succeeded in creating his own Chidori. Mizuki also had no luck with the Spiral Pill, and experimented with Chakra Shield, which failed again.

It's not to say that it failed completely, it's just a tasteless achievement, it's really useless, it's not as easy to use as a high-level fire escape. Mizuki also had no interest in "playing with fire and setting himself on fire", so he had to give up the idea of ​​fire attribute chakra shield and began to develop the second attribute instead. With the fire attribute, Shuimu is not very thirsty for the wind and thunder attributes, which also belong to the attack type. In the choice between earth and water, Tu Dun is given priority because it can make up for the weakness of physical skills.

It's just that before Shuimu's second attribute cultivation is completed, the cultivation of the immortal mode is successful, so that Shuimu no longer has to rush to get an earth attribute chakra shield. Ordinary ninjutsu really has no advantage in the face of more easy-to-use immortal arts. In layman's terms, if you have already driven Gundam, what else do you need a bike for?

"It didn't work? Oh! It seems that the master doesn't have the soil attribute, so I don't need it?"

After speaking, Sakura nodded as she thought she had guessed it.

Shuimu had no intention of correcting, and said to the disciple who had too many thoughts: "Since you don't want to give up either, and I have given you a chance, then the progress of your studies will not let you perfunctory things. If you can't pass the test, just wait for the devil's training to be tempered!"


In the dense jungle of the Fire Country, Mizuki and the two Mist Ninjas walked through it. Since the time was not urgent, the speed of the three was not very fast.

"Fortunately, this collaboration is with Mr. Shuimu. If it's an unfamiliar person, I don't know if I can get along well!"

The shy Changjuro said to Mizuki.

"Am I good at talking?" It seems that in the Land of Water, the self who does not have a strong sense of existence is still relatively easy to negotiate in the eyes of others.

"Teacher Mizuki is joking. Yan Liu Shangnin will trouble you to arrest him."

"Huh? Arrest?" Mizuki turned back and said to the smirking Chojuro, "Did you do something wrong? The task I received was to stop the assassination. Of course, if the ally asked me, I would try my best!"


"Don't say it, Chojurou!"

The experienced Chunin Kanryu stopped Changjurou's words in time.

"Sorry for embarrassing Mr. Mizuki. The troubles in Wuyin Village will naturally be solved by Wu Ninja. It's just that before the reinforcements arrive, Mr. Mizuki needs to pay more attention."

Allies are just allies after all. Konoha and Kirin have their own tasks and can cooperate, but they should be cautious when they compete with each other.