Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 333: Seconded

Seeing that the trouble would involve himself again, Mizuki's face suddenly collapsed. It was originally just an inspection for the maintenance of the enchantment. By the way, he asked to find out the real situation of the death forest and to evaluate the examination room of the Chunin Exam next year. Stall such a troublesome thing.

Hearing Nara Shikamaru's words, Tsunade asked, "What is the specific plan?"

"Use enchantment to mitigate climate change, and then artificially put food to maintain the operation of the food chain!"

Nara Shikamaru replied.

"I knew that this kid was going to make trouble for himself, what is "climate change mitigation"? Thought it was a brazier at home? 』

"Boundary? Can this be done? How about the cost?"

Nara Shikamaru took out a document and handed it to Tsunade.

"Are you ready yet? Wouldn't this be a trick for me? 』

The corner of Mizuki's mouth twitched, but he didn't speak.

Tsunade casually flipped through the document Shikamaru handed over, and then handed it over to Mizuki.

"See if you can make it happen?"

Mizuki took it over and looked at the content inside, and he knew it in his heart. It seemed that the problem had already existed, but there was no good solution. From Nara Shikamaru's plan, it can be seen that even if he didn't conduct an on-the-spot investigation, he would not The conditions are not very clear, but the general problem to be faced is still clear.

"It's possible to transform the existing barrier in the forest of death. It's just costing such a huge price, why not choose another place to do a new exam room?"

Although it is a little troublesome, as long as you are willing to invest, you can really do it. The key is the question of whether it is worth it. A ready-made excellent training ground, just because the weather will affect a chunin exam, it is not very cost-effective. That being the case, it's still too late to start a new one and find a suitable place to make another one. Wouldn't it be good to harvest another trial ground?

Tsunade replied: "I have encountered similar problems before, and there is indeed more than one place in the village that is similar to the death forest. In the land of fire, there are also several suitable places that have been tested as forbidden areas. It's abandoned because it's too expensive to maintain, and only one is enough."

To put it bluntly, it is a matter of money. It is completely unnecessary to build a test field with the same function, which is not used several times a year.

"There is another problem, that is, time and manpower. It takes time to transform the enchantment. After the enchantment takes effect, it will take more time to reverse the ecology inside. Is it too late?"

There are still three months or so, and it is still unknown whether the problem can be solved. This is not a one-room heating, which requires a lot of energy. It is definitely not possible to rely on ordinary methods. Clark to fill the hole.

"Is it too late to start implementing it immediately?"

Shuimu shook his head and said: "The growth cycle of living things cannot be accomplished overnight. I can do this by raising the temperature in the enchantment of Death Forest. As long as there are no accidents, the plan can be completed within a week, laying and changing the enchantment. It will take another week or so to completely stabilize, and it will take another one to two weeks. Is it enough to leave a mere two months?"

The calendar of the ninja world does not have many distinctions. In the country of fire, the rotation of the seasons is extremely obvious. There are hardly too many miracles to happen.

"Where are the specific difficulties?" Tsunade asked with some embarrassment.

"It doesn't mean that when the temperature rises, everything will quickly return to normal. Winter and summer are cold and hot, and spring and autumn are over. We can change some things, but when the grass and trees sprout and grow, insects and other animals will start to breed. Only when more predators recover, the entire ecological chain will slowly recover. Every step in this is a series of links, and it is not something that can be done in a short time. It will be done in less than two months. It's difficult."

Hearing Mizuki's question, Nara Shikamaru interjected: "Then Mizuki-sensei, can we artificially speed up this process? For example, stocking a large number of insects, so that the bottom food chain inside can recover first! Or catch some animals, Released in the forest of death?"

"Do you know how troublesome this is, Shikamaru?" Mizuki replied with a wry smile, "Maintaining the barrier already requires a large number of ninjas to rotate. How can there be time for such a thing?"

"Let's do it!" Nara Shikamaru replied in preparation: "You just need to release some D-level tasks and let the Genin team complete the capture task. And the number of tasks has been reduced recently, it is also a good thing to find something for them to do. ."

"Shinoin? Let them make their exams more difficult, you are really bad-hearted, Shikamaru." Mizuki couldn't help but smile, "Okay, you're right, leave some trifles to them. Yes, but how about the barrier? Those people in the barrier class, I can work with them to transform the barrier of the Dead Forest, but maintaining such a large-scale barrier is not enough for a few people, I don’t think it is right now The Konoha can waste a lot of manpower in this kind of place."

Tsunade suddenly said, "About this, it can be solved!"

"Solution?" Mizuki looked at Tsunade in surprise and asked; "Lord Tsunade, how can there be so many wealthy people to do this kind of thing now, it's not enough to find a few Jinnin, it requires a large amount of chakra , but also the control is not weak, almost the Chunin will not come in handy."

"There are still many excellent ninjas in Konoha." Tsunade gave Mizuki a meaningful look, "Danzo, can you give some help?"


It was actually Shimura Danzo who wanted to intervene in the Chunin exam, which really surprised Mizuki.

"At this time, the ninjas in the village need to unite to tide over the difficulties. When you work with them, don't be too resistant. There have been several requests to strengthen the security of this Chunin exam. It is just to transform death. The enchantment of the forest is also a good opportunity."

"Elder Danzo?" Nara Shikamaru was a little puzzled, it seemed that Tsunade and Mizuki were a little bit afraid of this person.

Mizuki patted Shikamaru on the shoulder: "You don't need to worry about this for the time being, I'll handle it!"

Mizuki, who didn't know that Danzo's other gods had fallen into a long buffer recovery period, could not help but be cautious.

"It seems that your father never told you about this person!" Tsunade said to Shikamaru, who was a little puzzled: "Many Konoha ninjas don't like him, but no one doubts his loyalty to Konoha."

"There are many people who agree with these two sentences!" Mizuki said, "He really won't betray Konoha, but many ninjas still don't like him!"