Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 335: enough

Although he was in danger, Mizuki didn't feel too anxious. Everything is just my own guess, and the planners have been prepared, and the rest can only act according to the circumstances, maybe the situation is not so bad.

So, what should be done or what must be done, life cannot be overwhelmed by unknown troubles, not to mention that there is a wife and unborn child at home, how can you be flustered by this?

Every day, Shuimu still lives a life of leaving early and returning late. During the day, he either stayed in the death forest for field surveys, or sat in the office to design the formation map. This kind of life reminded Shuimu of his past life as a social animal and a technician. The long-lost experience also made people very emotional.

Fortunately, the work of transforming the enchantment has not been fully carried out. Since such a big change is to be made, it is simply redesigned. This kind of theoretical thing is not the more valuable the older it is. The truth passed down through the test of time is the cornerstone of development. Regardless of the difference in power level and quality, the new enchantment will definitely be stronger than the previous one. ,more efficient.

As for Danzo's side, don't worry too much for the time being. When the enchantment is about to be completed, it will be too late for its subordinates to join. Now these people in the enchantment class are enough.

During the rest of the rest time, Mizuki often accompanied Xiao Chun for walks, and the days were quite peaceful.


On a cold rainy night, Shuimu pushed open the door of the tavern, looked up and looked around. After identifying the direction, he walked straight over.

"You're here, Mizuki." It was Hatake Kakashi who had been waiting for a long time.

Mizuki was not polite either, walked to the opposite side of Kakashi and sat down.

"You don't seem to like coming to the tavern, why do you think about coming to treat?"

"Not long after returning from the Land of Rain, drink some warm wine to warm up your body."

"The Land of Rain?" Mizuki frowned, "Send an invitation letter for the Chunin exam?"

"Yes, it's really not a good job to go to the Land of Rain this season."

"Sanjiaoyu Hanzo is not a good person to deal with, and there are rumors that the situation there is complicated. There are big battles outside and small battles in the country of rain. It has never been calm, and even people like Hanzo can't stabilize the situation."

Hatake Kakashi shook his head and said, "What I saw this time was a little different. I didn't find the chaos in the legend. It's true that the security is heavily guarded, and there is absolutely no chance to move freely. It's even more extravagant to ask for any information."

"Have you seen Hanzo?"

"I was introduced, I heard the voice, but I didn't see the person with my own eyes." Hatake Kakashi shook the residual wine in the white porcelain bottle in his hand, then filled himself up, and then filled Mizuki's wine glass. , "You asked that, did you also hear the rumor?"

"Hanzo hasn't appeared in public for a while, and no new news has come out. It's normal to be suspicious. It's really dangerous for you to go to the Land of Rain at this time!"

Mizuki is not just suspicious, but he has long known that Sanjiaoyu Hanzo is dead, and now Nagato is in power, and the Kingdom of Rain is shrouded in the rain tiger's free technique. If he really wants to turn his face, he can't run away.

"Will you tell me to go if it's not dangerous?" Kakashi had the self-consciousness of being Konoha Kamijin, "Aren't we doing this?"

"Yes." Mizuki took a warm glass and drank it. "Tell me, what's the matter with me? Wouldn't you just come and invite me to a bar just to complain about the hard work?"

"If you ask Sasuke to bring it to me, I thought about it for a long time, and decided to let him improve his basic strength first, and temporarily suppress the writing wheel!"

"It's fine for you and Sasuke to decide, I have no opinion." No matter which path you choose, you will eventually come to the end. The difference is that it has a different impact on Sasuke's character.

"I tried the scroll of the concentration technique, and the effect is really good. It does have a good effect on some basic cultivation, but it is not without risks."

"It's always bad to squeeze too much mental power. I'm afraid that the little guy doesn't know how to control it, and it's not good to cause any damage."

"You really are a sensible person." Kakashi nodded, "That's what I'm worried about."

The Concentration Technique to calm down mental fluctuations is not a panacea. In principle, this technique has a good defense against external mental shocks, and it is very resistant to damage caused by shadow clones. , its energy will still be released slowly inside. After using this technique to a certain extent, it is best to rest properly instead of overdrafting.

Just like in sprinting activities, high-speed sprinting consumes a lot of physical strength in a short period of time, which will make people fall into a state of extreme discomfort. If this consumption is squashed, released slowly over a long period of time, and then offset by the body's own recovery ability, its impact can be minimized.

The general effect of the Concentration Technique is to slowly release a large amount of short-term damage accumulated by the shadow clone, and then buffered by the body's recovery ability, so that it will not be overwhelmed by sudden mental damage. As long as it is properly trimmed afterwards, it shouldn't hurt. Of course, it is different for the Uchiha clan, and this situation is very unfavorable for those who have a talent for writing round eyes.

Another trouble is that when the mental exhaustion is already very large, this technique will give people the illusion that they can still persist, and then excessively overdrawing their energy may cause even more trouble.

Hatake Kakashi's worry, Mizuki has long known, Mizuki on Sakura's side has carefully warned against the use of the taboo, but Sasuke, Mizuki is not sure, neither his own disciple, nor his own student, random It's not good to meddle.

"I can't think of a good way to solve this matter. After all, I can't stare at Sasuke all the time."

"So you left him in the forest of death?"

"You know this as well?"

"It's not long since you came back, so you don't know it yet! The enchantment of the death forest is being transformed, and the person who implements it is me, how could I not know? Even if it's not me, it's already at this time, and it's a high probability event to be discovered!"

"Chunin exam!" Hatake Kakashi said, "It seems that he can't be allowed to run around in it any more."

It's not too early, Mizuki said, "Don't worry too much about Sasuke, Sakura hasn't learned the concentration technique, Sasuke thinks it's impossible to monopolize the scroll alone. Sakura's practice task is very heavy, not so much. Time to accompany Sasuke. Even if Sakura loses her head for a while, I won't let the assessment tasks here go unchecked."

"Indirect control? Thank you, Mizuki."