Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 376: Common sense bias

Regarding this issue, Shui Mu said after thinking about it: "In the future, we need to control the number of direct synchronous memory clones. The potential of the human brain is huge. Isn't there a study that says that most of the human brain is unused? Frequent use Maybe it will be developed to a higher degree, and ninjas with excellent mental power may have their own specialties in this area. There is one more thing you overlooked..."

Mizuki pointed to the shadow clone not far away and said,

"Is it appropriate to apply the common sense of the previous life? You see so many clones, they all have the will to think, but they are just a group of chakra aggregates. In this world where chakra is the foundation, people's The brain is not what determines thinking, the spirit, soul and chakra are."

"That's right, you can even come back to life from the dead, what about human brain science!" The clone laughed at himself, "Let's not say anything else, if brain cells are really the only carriers for storing memories, then our bodies would be long ago. It was replaced from top to bottom by the super cells synthesized by Bai Jue. It stands to reason that we should all have amnesia. From the point of view of physicalism, we and the previous Mizuki individuals are not the same person at all..."

Mizuki said with certainty: "Understood? In a world where extraordinary power is rampant, there will be many mistakes in the common sense of previous life. Bai Jue can be cloned countless times without being affected, and our bodies may inherit some of them. The characteristics of Bai Jue. The key to everything should still be yin and yang."

After finishing speaking, the main body seals and releases the shadow clone technique. Immediately, a continuous chakra smoke erupted, and the shadow clones disappeared one after another.

Mizuki's body stood for a while before he came back to his senses, and then stretched out his right hand, a light blue chakra ball appeared in the palm of his hand, and then slowly turned light yellow.


"It's almost there. The previous progress was very fast, but it suddenly stopped, and now it's just the end."

"It doesn't look very skilled yet."

"Well." Shuimu nodded and said, "Go back after a short rest."

"Would you like to dig deep into the soil attribute ninjutsu?"

"No need." Mizuki didn't want to be a ninjutsu expert originally, and learning Hatake Kakashi to be a copy ninja is not Mizuki's goal, "The nature of chakra is changing with full effort, don't be distracted by other things, it seems that before the Chunin exam , should be able to complete the development of the third attribute."

"After the earth attribute, what attribute do you practice?"

"Thunder!" Mizuki doesn't value the excellent stabbing ability, but the restraint of the earth attribute and the ability to paralyze the body are very valuable.

On the streets of Konoha, Shuimu, who had finished his practice, was walking among the crowds. Different from the red and bright New Year in his previous life, the custom of the New Year in the Ninja world was slightly more elegant. Light red and lavender lights began to hang on the streets, and the occasional breeze brought , let it shake slightly. The winter sun shines on people's faces. Although it does not bring much warmth, it also brings smiles to the faces of elated people.

Of course, not to mention the loud brows and big eyes that "splashed youth" in the cold weather, green skin tights, and the noisy figures of two watermelon peels, one large and one small. It's all so harmonious.

There are also the two guys in front who are obviously not Konoha ninjas. Their stature features are so obvious. The tall and strong terracotta and the slender black soil are walking around the street, it seems that the roadside snacks have completely conquered them. My heart, what I chewed in my mouth, and what I held in my hand could hardly be put down.

"Could it be that these two "bunnies" from the land of the earth stayed in Konoha for so long and didn't go back? 』

Thinking about it, Mizuki shook his head and denied the idea. It had been almost two months since they came to Konoha Village as messengers last time, even if one was Tuying's granddaughter and the other was Tuying's student, Yanyin Village It is also impossible to let these two people stay in Konoha for so long.

But looking at the two people carefully, Chi Tu seems to have gained a lot of weight, while Hei Tu's long face is about to become round, and with the mouthful of constantly chewing food, it looks even more round.

"No way? 』

Mizuki was a little shaken by the previous guess.

Seemingly feeling the gaze, Kuroto and Chitu turned their heads in unison, and Mizuki met their gazes.

"Long time no see, two distinguished guests from Yanyin Village..."

"Mizuki Shangren?" Heitu swallowed the food in his mouth three times, and said, "You are really busy, we have stayed in Konoha Village for so long, and we have not seen Mizuki Shangren once! "

"What's up?"

It seems that he is not familiar with them, and Mizuki doesn't think it has anything to do with these two rock ninjas.

"It's nothing, just in Konoha, we don't know anyone, Mizuki Shangren is a rare acquaintance who has dealt with it!"

Mizuki smiled and said, "Why don't you go back to Yanyin Village? The New Year is coming soon."

"The land of the land is too cold at this time, but Konoha is much more comfortable!"

"Really!" This kind of outrageous reason can be said, most likely because the mission of the messenger and spy has not been completed.

At this moment, an Anbu appeared in front of Mizuki.

"Joinin Mizuki, Naruto-sama has urgent matters to call the relevant ninjas, and gather immediately."

"Understood." Mizuki nodded apologetically to the two Iwanin, and then followed Anbu quickly.

"Mizuki Kamijin, those two rock ninjas seem to be interested in inquiring about Konoha's lower ninja and "Didara", please don't deal with them if it is unnecessary."


The value of rock ninja is not large, and only the light and heavy rock technique and blood follow-up elimination of the three generations of Tukage Onogi that can make people fly are very precious. Other than the human pillar strength, they will basically not have any impact on the pattern of the ninja world.

When I came to Hokage's office, Anbu knocked on the door, led Mizuki in, and then disappeared in a flash.

Mizuki looked around, in addition to Tsunade, Mute was also present, and there was an Anbu wearing a mask, it seemed that Mizuki had a relationship with Tianzang.

"Everyone is here." Seeing Mizuki coming in, Tsunade said, "There is a mission that you need to perform during the Chunin exam."

Shuimu and Tianzang each got a mission statement.

"Hey, there's still silence? 』

Slightly puzzled, Mizuki opened the document in his hand and saw that it really was about the disposal of Taki Ninja Village's Nanao Ren Zhuli.

"The information is all there, you don't have to ask why." Tsunade said succinctly, "If Renzhuli loses control, Tianzang is responsible for subduing Nanao, Mizuki is responsible for sealing it, and Mute is the chief examiner of the second test, responsible for arranging support and Rescue the wounded."