Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 395: The strong eat the weak

In fact, in the first written test of the Chunin Exam, the candidates who followed the mute out of the classroom could almost guess that they were qualified. Although everyone is not familiar with each other, the general strength of each other can still be distinguished. Obviously, most of the Geninzhong who followed the mute and walked away are masters who do not feel weak.

In a Chunin exam, it is not ruled out that some excellent genin perform poorly and be eliminated, but it will never happen that a large-scale strong person cannot enter the next round, then the ending is obvious, and most of the relatively weak people are left behind. will miss the second exam.

The Genin who can stand outside the forest of death are all mentally determined people. Fighting or even death during the Chunin exam is expected. After signing the voluntary letter and taking their scrolls, they entered the forest of death with an order.

After a while, Tianzang and Mizuki appeared beside Mute.

"It's time for us, Tianzang, you go to follow the Nan-Tails Zhuli, you must be more careful! I have other tasks. If there is any situation, send a signal immediately."


"Then, go in!"

Immediately, Tianzang dodged a few times and disappeared into the jungle in a blink of an eye. Mizuki, on the other hand, used the enchantment to sense the orientation and walked in one direction.

Although many people were wiped out in the first Ebisu game, in the forest of death, it was time for many people to show their talents. What Mizuki needs to do is to try his best to keep the losers who are unable to continue the exam to exit the forest of death smoothly, not to lose his life in vain and become the ration of the beast.

In addition, there is a more important task, which is to prevent unknown forces from interfering with this Chunin exam.

So far everything is normal, except for the squad that Nanao Ren Zhuri belongs to.

In the official exam, even the most powerful Konoha Village, not everyone was very successful.

Just like Mino, Forge, and Kamano who were lucky enough to enter the second round, it was not because of how smart they were to pass the first test, but because their reaction was too slow and direct, and they were addicted to solving problems during the written test. I didn't have time to write down the names of my teammates, and then entered the forest of death in a daze.

When the real knives and real guns began to compete, the gap in strength was highlighted. Facing the Sand Ninja in front of him, the three of them basically had nothing to do. The team on the opposite side was really excellent, with medical ninjas, strong attacks and perception, and knowing that they couldn't escape the depression, the three of them also experienced it over and over again. Finally, Mino, who was still standing at the end, was kicked in the abdomen by the sudden appearance of Koji Sand Shinobu, and the severe pain suddenly made him faint.

"Zhi Zhixiong, is there no one around?" As a medical ninja Yuno, who is rarely seen in Sand Ninja, or a medical ninjutsu of the water attribute, it is very rare to be sent out to take the Chunin exam. Every medical ninja is a treasure in Sand Shinobi. If it weren't for the exam location in Konoha, Sand Shinobi would not have sent him out to take risks.

"Don't worry, there's no one around for the time being. Koji, how are you over there? Is it the Scroll of Earth?"

Guang Si bowed his head and picked up the scroll on Meinong's body and glanced at it: "I'm really lucky, I met a team of veggies for the first time, and it happened to have what we wanted."

"Really!" said the female medical ninja Yuno, who is also the captain. "In this case, Zhi Zhixiong, let go of the perception and avoid the strong enemy, and we go straight to the central tower."

Their strength is not top-notch, in this monster-infested death forest, it is very lucky to be able to pass quickly.

"Pit, Shanai and Sha Ye haven't been found yet. Do you give up the meeting? It's safer to be together with six people."

"No need, the plan can't keep up with the changes. It's too dangerous to bump around at this time. We must leave as soon as most of the people haven't reacted. Shanai's strength is very strong, so there shouldn't be a problem. "

"Okay!" If you don't leave sooner, if you meet a real master, not to mention the scroll of the earth, even the scroll of the sky can't be saved!

The same thing happened to Gennai, Wheat and Rice Ears, who unfortunately encountered powerful enemies. The pride of being a Konoha ninja, in front of Taki Ninfu, Toki and Kun, he was beaten to pieces, and he was knocked to the ground with little effort to fight back.

"Hey, you see, since we met, it was fate, do you want to be friends with me?"

"Stop joking, how can being friends grab our scrolls?"

"Hey, can't you? I just want to make friends with you, and then play something together!" Fu turned to Toki and said, "How about we give them back the scrolls? No, give them our scrolls too. Well, then you can definitely be friends with me!"

"Huh, really?" Konoha ninja Inho said in surprise, "If you give us both scrolls, it's fine to be friends with you."

"That's great." As Fu said, he was about to hand over the scroll, but was stopped by Kun next to him.

"Fu, don't be self-willed. Have you forgotten the village chief's request? If you go back, you will be scolded by the village chief."

"Hey, it seems like that too!" Fu thought a little tangled, and finally said embarrassedly, "I'm really sorry, since it's brother Feimo's request, it's not good to listen, but I can be friends with you at any time. If you change your mind, you must come to me..."

Before he finished speaking, he was led by Toki and Kunla and went straight to the tower in the middle of the death forest.


Of course, not all Konoha ninjas are unlucky. Just like Sasuke Uchiha, who knocked the three Iwanin to the ground in a destructive manner, the opponent's proud earth escape ninjutsu, in front of Leidun Chidori, is as vulnerable as paper.

Kusanagi's three sub-ninjas - Anwu, Kazami and Ayumi, were knocked to the ground before they could make a move in front of Lockley's speed. The crushing speed and strength made the opponent lose without even knowing the shadow.

Rainin Village, who also participated in the Chunin exam last time, the three people, Oboro, Menghuo, and Bon, thought of repeating their old tricks this time. Only the last time I was defeated by Naruto Uzumaki's super physical strength and Chakra, this time I met the three genin of the eighth class with outstanding reconnaissance ability, coupled with the good sealing and enchantment skills of Oil Girl Shino, It was directly crushed by the illusion enchantment, and then ended in a fiasco.

It's a pity that the tenth class, which encountered a strong opponent, failed to go further. After all, Shiho could not perfectly fill the vacancy of Nara Shikamaru, and was defeated by Kirin Changjuro, Ran and Ruka.

In addition, Omoi, Karui, and Aziyi of Yunyin Village also broke through the joint attack of Iwa Ninja and successfully broke through the second level of the Forest of Death.