Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 410: mixed feelings

Danzo, who has always used an old-fashioned face to cover up all his emotions, rarely shows an angry look.

"Do you think I can only get support by showing off an old face?"

The right arm, which was no longer in serious trouble, was once again hidden with a bandage, and Danzo commanded in a dignified tone:

"Bring me the potions you collected."

"Potion? Do you mean those things that Mizuki named the omnipotent potion?"

"Of course, why don't you go soon?"

"Yes." Terai quickly went down to prepare.

Danzo stood up and walked towards the deeper "root" base on crutches.

"Originally, I shouldn't have taken this risk, but now it seems that I need to prepare more! 』

For advanced human research, Danzo does not have talents in this area, but the use of ready-made medicines and results is not a problem.

The omnipotent potion is not only a desperate trump card in wartime, but also a magical potion for developing potential, even if it has huge flaws that are irreparable.

Danzo couldn't help but have some hope in his heart, what is it to consume a little life? Danzo, who was transplanted with the first-generation Hokage cells, can still afford this little side effect. Danzo, who looks old, is actually in better physical condition than many ninjas in their prime.

As for what Tsunade was going to do, Danzo was aware of it long ago. Even if Tsunade is the top leader of the village, some things have to be put on hold because of various constraints. This time Danzo's prestige has declined greatly, and it may no longer be able to prevent some things from happening.


After the defeat of Rock Lee, there was a battle within Taki Ninja Village. Fu faced his nominal teammate and team leader Tochi. After several rounds of confrontation, Tochi conceded defeat and ended.

Then there are Hyuga Neji and Taki Ninku.

"Take the cheating Takinoin out of the Chunin Exam?"

Shuimu couldn't help but curled his lips. To say that there was no black box operation in this lottery, Shuimu was the first to not believe it. First, use the civil war to consume Taki Shinobi's combat power, and then let Hyuga Neji eliminate Kun. To say that Kun has no chance of winning is not enough, but if he wants to defeat Neji Hyuga, Taki Shinobi's image can't be maintained, and then everyone will see that Taki Shinobi is cheating!

The result was almost the same as Mizuki's expectation. Hyuga Neji, who went all out, even Kun all-out might not be able to defeat it, let alone when he had scruples in his heart. After a lively fight, Kun happily conceded defeat.

There is basically no suspense in the next few games, and the strength and weakness are too clear. In the rookie pecking between Wu Renlan and Sha Renyu, the two female ninjas, Yu Nai relied on skilled medical ninjutsu to support to the end in this war of attrition, and eliminated Wu Renlan from the game, which is considered to be saved. Sand Shinobu's last face.

In the other three competitions, oil girl Shino, Hinata Hinata and Sasuke Uchiha, the three Konoha ninjas, eliminated all the remaining three sand ninjas - Koji, Pit and Sanai, allowing Konoha's backup force to show a strong performance Drizzle to the fullest.

The twelve winners are all out, Konoha seven, Mist, Sand and Taki each one, and Yunyin Village two are qualified.

"Konoha Village is really powerful, and it occupies more places than other villages combined."

"I haven't encountered any strong enemies."

Shuimu disdainfully looked at the electronic display screen called random drawing. The rhetoric of randomness is only a choice between certain rules and the like, and it can be completely controlled by human beings. In this tryout, except for the showdown between Haruno Sakura and Locke Lee, which one of the others has encountered a strong enemy? It's not that Konoha Ninja doesn't deserve to advance to the third exam, it's just that it went too far.

Not to mention others, as far as Changjurou's strength is concerned, except for Neji Hyuga and Sasuke Uchiha who have a good chance of winning, it is difficult for others to take advantage of flounder. In addition, Inuzukaya is just right. Encounter the ninja type who is restrained by himself. Therefore, there are too many coincidences, so Mizuki has to be suspicious.

『In order to show the strength of the village, Tsunade has taken great pains! 』

Next, Tsunade reappeared, presided over the draw for the third test, and officially announced that the test would be held a month later.

The twelve candidates who were shortlisted for the third round, the form of the confrontation was still relatively calm.

All candidates are divided into two zones.

In the first half, Sakura Haruno faced off against Yuno, a ninja from Sandyin Village. The winner will compete with Inuzuka Ya for the top four spots. The winner between Sasuke Uchiha and Chojuro will compete with Karui for the top four spots. Inuzuka and Karui were lucky to have one less match.

In the second half, Hinata Hinata will play Tenten, and the winner will compete with Shino Oil Girl for the top four. The winner of the duel between Hyuga and Fu will compete with Omoy for the top four. In the second half, the oil girl Shino and Omoi were lucky to have one less fight.

"Ninja in Yunyin Village is really lucky. Only two are promoted, and all of them have one less round. Just like their country and Ninja Village, they always like to take advantage."

Sand Rencun led the team, Kamijin Fuyi sourly satirized Yunyin Murakami's promotion by luck.

Not to be outdone, Yun Ren Tutai retorted: "Luck? You have to have strength to catch it. It seems that the female ninja in your village can't make it to the next round. To be able to get to this point, it is estimated that the luck of a lifetime will be lost. It's over!"

Wen Ya, Chitu and Heitu were sulking on the side, watching the ninjas in other villages show off their power, the feeling of the whole army of Yanyin Village being wiped out is really not good.

Not far away, Shui Mu felt amused when he watched these very discordant guys blushing for a little face. Just forbearance, what is there to discuss? It only counts if they can grow up smoothly. I don't know how many geniuses die halfway every year.


As the second round of the most troublesome Chunin exam is completely over, the battle under the table is over, and the next is the battle between the strongest jinin in the ninja world.

Generally speaking, although Konoha has a large number of people, he is generally young, only thirteen or fourteen years old, two to three years younger than other Shinobi villages who took the exam. Don't underestimate this gap. If the difference between adult ninjas in two or three years is irrelevant, in the teens who are growing and improving the fastest in strength, let alone a year, the gap in strength may be widened after a month. big.

The reason for this situation is indeed to show the excellence of this session of Genin, but it also sets off the situation that Konoha is not in touch. The mission of protecting the growth of the seedlings is heavy on the heart of every Konoha ninja.