Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 428: pad field

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the day when the third session of the Chunin Exam started was crowded. As long as people in Konoha Village have a little spare time, they will basically go to the venue to see this rare event in the ninja world. Even Yunyin Village and Yanyin Village, who were quite unconvinced, had to admit the appeal of Konoha Village in the ninja world.

Even if Raikage and Tsuchikage didn't come, it didn't prevent them from paying attention to this Chunin exam. As their eyes and ears, Tutai and Wenya came to the venue early. The candidates in Yanyin Village were completely wiped out, and Yunyin Village still had two people to take the exam.

There is no need to worry about the normal female ninja Karui. The excellent speed and excellent swordsmanship make her combat power quite good.

But Omoy is very worrying. The superior speed, coupled with the flexible and changeable swordsmanship, should logically be stronger than Karui, but the actual combat power is at a disadvantage. The fundamental reason is that Omoy's overly pessimistic thoughts often make himself in a state of tangled thinking, and he is defeated if he cannot exert his full strength.

"Later, you guys can take a good look at other people's battles. If you are lucky, you can make good use of it. The candidates from other villages are strong, but you are not weak. Don't embarrass the village, understand?"


Karui was flat, Omoi seemed absent-minded.

More and more people came in one after another. As the person in charge of maintaining order on the bright side, Mizuki stood at the back of the stand, watching steadily to see if any suspicious people came in.

Under the perception of Shuimu, the unknown Chakra is basically difficult to escape detection, but there are too many people, and all kinds of small troubles are emerging one after another. Shuimu didn't want to worry about these trivial matters, he just ordered To Hidden Sunrise and Gu Shanbu Shui to deal with them. The big man should be in control of the overall situation, and it was a waste of time to argue with some tricks that didn't even have a name.

After waiting for a long time, Mizuki unconsciously yawned, this kind of tiring trouble, of course Mizuki hoped that the less the better.

After a while, Hatake Kakashi came in and came to Mizuki to say hello.

"The big men are coming?"

Kakashi replied, "Yes, it's almost time."

Unlike last time, this time Hatake Kakashi was in charge of the security of the VIP stands. The common field below is where Mizuki has to look after him.

"There are just a few people, a bunch of Junin watching, is it necessary? Look at this place, so many people, their eyes are sore."

"I saw you dozing off just now!"

"Combining work and rest!"

Mizuki said indifferently,

"Why haven't Tianzang and his Anbu subordinates come yet? There are more and more people, and they can't manage to come..."

"Come on, Tsunade-sama and Mizukage will appear later, and Anbu will take over the protection of the shadows."

While the two were chatting, below the venue, Aoba Yamashiro led twelve candidates to the stage. Standing opposite the candidates in a row, Aoba Yamashiro ordered something, which should be introducing the rules of the exam.

"When the time is up, I'll go up and take a look. Your side is short of manpower. If something happens, ask for help in time."

"Understood, don't worry!"

In fact, at this time, Shuimu believed that no one would dare to make trouble. Unless Penn Liudao came in person, it would be hard to imagine who else would make trouble in such a gathering of masters.

The trouble is that some civilians who can't figure out the situation make troubles. As long as they want, any ninja can suppress them. If there are too many people who want to make trouble, a large-scale illusion can bring them all down.

As the nobles headed by the name of the country of fire entered the venue and took their seats, the five generations of Naruto Tsunade and the five generations of Mesukage Terumi Meicai arrived late, and sat down on the rostrum directly opposite the main stand, watching condescendingly. Everything below.

When everything was ready and the atmosphere was almost ready, the efficiency of the ninja began to show without any delay. After Yamashiro Aoba asked Tsunade for instructions, the Chunin exam began immediately.

The first match between Konoha Shita Ninja Haruno Sakura and Sand Ninja Yuno is about to start.


The confrontation between two female ninjas is actually not very attractive. The two are neither famous nor family members, nor have any great inheritance. The only thing that stands out is that Haruno Sakura's guide is the famous Hatake Kakashi, and the others are not much to watch.

After the start of the game, it was indeed as expected, there was no overly gorgeous ninjutsu duel.

The mediocre physical skills and straight-line fighting are really boring.

Off the field, Haruno Sakura looked at the female ninja who was about the same age as her, and after several rounds of testing, she had already made up her mind. The opponent is very weak. Except for the medical ninjutsu he is good at, he is not his opponent at all. If this is the case, then there is no need to waste too much physical strength.

Haruno Sakura, who made up her mind, raised her hands slightly, the light blue chakra condensed, and the light of the chakra scalpel began to emerge.

Seeing Haruno Sakura getting serious, Yu Nao didn't dare to be careless and stepped back slightly.

"Medical Water Escape - Water Mantis!"

The crystal water gathered in the arms, forming a curved blade like the forelimb of an insect mantis, a translucent sharp weapon, somewhat similar to a chakra scalpel.

"It's finally worth seeing."

Seeing Yu Nai begin to show force, Sakura was not afraid, bullying her forward, waving her arms, and killing Nusha Ninja back step by step, even the hideous alien weapon could not completely resist Sakura's attack. The diligent practice during this period of time, coupled with some basic swordsmanship from Professor Hatake Kakashi, Sakura's strength is no longer something that a pure medical ninja like Yuno can resist.

Even a layman can see that Izumi's defeat is only a matter of time.

In the corner of the VIP stand, Shayin Murakami Shinobu Fuyi shook his head in disappointment. Although I have long understood that a medical ninja is out of the team to go head-to-head with others, there is basically no chance of winning, but it is still regrettable that it is so simple to be eliminated.

Although Yuino, who was struggling to keep up on the field, understood that she was in a very disadvantageous situation, she had no intention of giving up. Although it was very difficult, his own medical water escape, the water mantis, was not defeated by the Chakra scalpel. If it is a protracted battle, it may be possible to win with physical strength like the play-off a month ago. Judging from Haruno Sakura's appearance, he should be one or two years older than the other party, and his endurance is undoubtedly the advantage.

It's a pity that although Yu Nao's idea is good, the gap in strength cannot be made up by a little trick.