Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 444: flying

Not only did Oil Girl Zhinai win easily, but she also played one less game. This real and huge advantage is far more reliable than the illusory comparison of strengths.

"Kakashi, Kai, aren't you responsible for the safety of the VIP stands above?"

Staying here and watching the game, this should be considered to be fishing at work. Tsunade is watching from the opposite side, and he dares to cheat and play slippery, it is too arrogant.

"Asma is watching from above, nothing will happen, but the problem here is very serious, there are too many audiences, and too few staff..."

"Let's do what you want." Shuimu said casually, "Since you are here, you should work harder. I have something to do, so let's go away for a while!"

Saying that, ignoring Kakashi's suspicious eyes, Shuimu turned around and walked out of the stand, followed the empty corridor, and came to the behind the curtain of the high rostrum on the opposite side.

"Who's there!" The guard in charge of the guard also noticed the movement behind him and came to check with vigilance.

"Don't be nervous, it's me." Mizuki said softly, "What about Mute? Why did the other guard change to Ivasi?"

Die Ivasi used to be the guard of the fourth Hokage. He had just been promoted from Chunin to Special Jōnin, and his qualifications as a guard of Tsunade were enough.

Seeing that he was an acquaintance, he let go of his guard.

"Senior Mute went to treat the seriously injured candidate. The situation is relatively serious, and it is difficult for ordinary medical ninjas to deal with it."

Mizuki nodded to indicate that he knew, it should be what the clone said just now, and the situation of Hyuga Neji may not be very good.

"What's the matter here at this time?"

"Notify Tsunade-sama, I have important information to report!"

"It must be at this time?"

Leaving the table without authorization is very rude to the fifth generation of Mesui Kage Terumi Mei.

"Master Tsunade knows, let's talk about it, there are some things, only Hokage can make up your mind."

Since Mizuki said it solemnly, he also turned around and walked out.

After a while, Tsunade walked in in a formal suit with a Hokage hat, but did not let Mizuki wait for a long time.

Putting down his serious expression, Tsunade seemed to feel relieved, opened his mouth and asked, "What's the matter, so urgent?"

Mizuki didn't say much, and directly took out the information scroll that Uchiha Itachi let Mizuki change his hand.

"Have those two rebels left?"

Tsunade took the scroll and opened it to watch.

"We have already driven away from the vigilance range of the village, and there has been no fierce battle!"

"Yeah." No accident, that's the best thing, Tsunade looked at the information in his hand casually, and suddenly, on the side of his face, the original relaxed look disappeared. It seemed that I saw something incredible, so I turned around and read it again from beginning to end. After a long time, I closed the information in my hand.

"Is there anything special about the Genin sent by Yuren Village to take the Chunin Exam?"

Mizuki shook his head and said, "Nothing out of the ordinary!"

"That's it!"

After Tsunade took a deep breath, he instructed with a serious face: "Don't spread this information for the time being, and wait for further actions from the village."


"You go down, Uchiha Itachi, I will let Jirai pay more attention."

Mizuki nodded, then turned and walked out.

"In the end, the important things are still more reliable! 』

There is no dissatisfaction, and it is not a problem to trust my former companions more. However, the information on the scroll has a great influence. If Tsunade tries to solve the problem with the power of one village, it is basically impossible, and I want other Ninja villages to contribute. , it will definitely release a large amount of classified information, and it is really hard to say what changes will be produced in the future development.

Judging from the current information, Nagato should not take too long to kill Sanjiaoyu Hanzo and dominate Yuren Village. The Samsara Eye is very powerful, but the burden is definitely not small, even if it is the blood of the Maelstrom family, it is not so easy. can be used freely.

From my own memory, Liu Dao Payne's combat power is undoubtedly the strongest in the current ninja world. Even if the "Xiao" organization is not required, one person can destroy and crush the five major ninja villages, but this kind of thing did not happen, just Killing a Sanshoyu Hanzo would require it to rest for so long, obviously not durable.

In addition to Nagato's main body, among the six realms, except for the heavenly realm as a standing combat force, the other five realms are under seal in order to reduce consumption. Only when they decide to attack in person, will the six realms gather together.

This is why, under the power of Samsara Eye, there is still no such thing as Payne's **** of the ninja world alone.

When he left the rostrum, Mizuki looked back and saw that Tsunade had appeared again, and judging from his expression, he could not notice anything. Shaking his head, Shuimu walked around an unnoticed corner, and the Flying Thunder God technique was activated, and he appeared in the dark basement in a blink of an eye.

The appearance of Mizuki did not cause any commotion except for the two avatars who looked up and glanced.

"Have Nanao Chakra in hand?"

A prepared scroll was handed over, and Mizuki took it smoothly.

"The last basic ability has been completed."

With the passage of time, more and more incidents will occur in the ninja world. With the technique of flying thunder god, Mizuki has been invincible to a large extent.

However, if you want to make better use of your own advantages, there is one thing that must not be ignored...

The ability to fly is the key to changing the situation of the battle. As long as you use the seven-tailed chakra to realize the half-tailed beast and gain the ability to fly at a high speed, you will fundamentally liberate and release Mizuki's imagination.

If nothing else, if he could fly half a month ago, the dried persimmon ghost shark would have been boiled into fish soup. Floating in the high sky, quietly watching the two of them being cooked by Qian Zhengling is enough, where is the need to retreat halfway?

And today, how could Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmons escape so easily?

Just when Mizuki was about to leave with satisfaction, a clone who was studying suddenly raised his head and said:

"By the way, you said a while ago, comparing the cellular differences between Naruto Uzumaki and Xiang Rin, and there are preliminary results!"

"Huh? So fast this time?"

"Actually the situation is not complicated!" Shuimu's clone put down the work in his hand, walked over and explained slowly, "Leave some trivial matters aside, and then ignore the influence of the gender factor, you can clearly know the relationship between the two. Similarities and differences..."

"The bloodlines of Nagato, Xiangrin, and Naruto Uzumaki all come from the mother body, but only Naruto Uzumaki's hair color has changed, indicating that there is a great possibility that the problem comes from the fourth generation of Hokage Naruto Feng Minato."

"Hair color variation is just an appearance, there are deeper problems..."