Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 78: Mizuki Jinchūriki

It was Zhuli, a copycat made by Shuimu, who came. As he said that, a scroll was thrown from the opposite side, and Shuimu reached out to catch it, and then put it away.

"It's just right, it's about to start, you can have a big fight later, be careful, don't die." It's not difficult to do another one, the key is that it's a waste of time.

"Don't worry, I cherish my life more than you~"


When Mizuki appeared in the stand again, the battle off the field had already heated up, the enthusiasm of the audience was also very high, and the whole stand was full of noise.

Seeing Mizuki appear, Kakashi, who ended the soap opera with Matekai, nodded to this direction.

"Huh? No~" Kakashi, who was observant, suddenly found that this Mizuki was a little different from the previous one.

"As expected of Kakashi, I found out so quickly." Mizuki said with a smile.

"This is really an amazing method~" Kakashi, who pulled down his forehead to reveal his writing wheel eyes, looked at Shuimu carefully, "This is not a shadow clone, nor is it a simple transformation technique, how did you do it?"

What is even more surprising is that Kakashi looked behind Mizuki, and an identical Mizuki appeared in front of him: "Isn't it a trick, just standing behind me? If you don't pay special attention, you won't pay attention to where you are~ "

The breath-holding technique exerted to the extreme completely covered all the exposed auras. This was definitely not the effect that the invisibility technique could bring, but the existence of Shuimu was fundamentally and subconsciously ignored. If it weren't for the faint chakra fluctuations, even Kakashi might not be able to see through it at a glance, as long as the perception is not too keen, standing by the side, the average person will not be aware of it at all.

"This is the breath-holding technique you gave Sakura?" Kakashi said in surprise, "It's not like you said you can only store chakra, right?"

Mizuki smiled lightly: "Kakashi, for ninjas, any kind of ninjutsu, to the extreme, is not a simple existence."

Even if it is a simple three-body technique, if it can really play tricks, it is a remarkable existence. Sanjiao Yu Hanzo is a typical example. With a simple use of poison, most of the ninjas in the ninja world can be beaten down, and the young Sannin will crawl under his feet and tremble.

"What's more, this technique was invented by me, and I know how to use it. If Xiao Ying wants to achieve this level, she will not be able to do it without long-term practice."

"That's right," Kakashi nodded in agreement, "but if you can completely remove the smell of illusion from your body, then it's really an incredible ninjutsu."

"It can't be that simple." Shuimu shook his head. The two stages of starting from nothing and starting from nothing are the most difficult.

Don't be fooled by the name of Breath Containment Technique, this is not a sealing technique developed for detection and tracking after all. Mizuki has always used it as a pre-training ninjutsu for practicing the immortal mode. As for concealment, whole body defense, MUJI and ninjutsu, they are only temporary and small means, which can be used as a good ninjutsu reserve, but I really put this To spend too much energy on research at all is putting the cart before the horse.

Seeing that Mizuki didn't say more, Kakashi stopped asking questions, pulled down his forehead, and asked while watching the game below: "What are you doing so sneakily? No matter how you look at it, it's all about the enemy. , it's pointless to hide your body, right?"

"What is sneaky?" Shuimu said dissatisfiedly, "This is to increase combat power, okay, not everyone is as strong as you, I'm just Chunin."

"Ah, yes, but seriously, what exactly are you?" Kakashi asked, pointing at the copycat Zhu Li, "This doesn't seem like something ordinary people can do, right?"

It is neither a shadow clone, nor is it a manipulated puppet or something, and it has nothing to do with illusion. In the ninja world, there are a lot of real and fake clone ninjutsu, but it is rare to be able to manipulate such a flesh-and-blood body with ease.

"It's not polite to point like that, Kakashi." The copycat Zhuli was a little dissatisfied with being described like an object.

"Huh?" Kakashi was even more surprised. "What kind of thing have you made? It's so amazing, do you still have independent consciousness?"

Mizuki said: "I don't know how to describe it temporarily. It should be similar to the shadow clone, but it will last for a long time."

Indeed, since the great progress of the breath-holding technique, the consumption of chakra has been greatly saved. Although the fundamental problem of the shanzhai's pillar strength has not been solved, at least the problem of endurance has been greatly improved, and there is no need to inject chakra more frequently. Practicality is also much higher.

For a long time, Shui Mu, who has no foundation, hopes to have a very reliable avatar to deal with inconvenient things, but the Shanzhai Zhuli is still a long way from his own requirements. Long term plan.

Since the research on the spirit and the soul has progressed, especially after the Moonlight Wind incident, Kaiichi Yamanaka's spiritual and soul concept has given him some new ideas. In fact, there is no lack of similar but more advanced means for the knowledge of the previous life.

What is one gasification three clear, cut three corpses and the like are too mysterious and unruly to mention, those who were born in new China and grew up under the red flag would not be able to understand the reasoning. But it's not impossible to make some references, some of which are more in line with some phenomena in the ninja world. And what Mizuki was looking at was a conceptual creature from the previous life called the Information Integrated Mind Body.

When I just heard about this whimsical theory of life forms, Mizuki used to just joke about it as a fantasy story. But after coming to the ninja world, the more I understand, the more I feel that this idea has extraordinary possibilities as time goes by.

The tailed beast, this kind of creature originating from the divine tree, is essentially a collection of negative human wills, and it has a lot in common with the information integration, which seems to be more unimaginable than science fiction.

And Mizuki's research on these is not to recreate a creature of collective will like a tailed beast. Mizuki has already done this, just like the signboard of the Four Seasons Flower Shop, even if it is so inferior.

What Shuimu wants to figure out is the reason why the tailed beast can be born with the will of human beings, and then reverse research and use, regard himself as a collective will, map out the subordinate wills with Chakra, and then seal it. Enter the blank body, and use the technology of Shanzhairen Zhuli to make the real "Shuimuren Zhuli".

Although it is a bit whimsical, if you can get a little tailed beast Chakra, it must be helpful.

This Chunin exam may be the last chance. Think about which tailed beast can approach with the strength of Mizuki? None. Only Ren Zhuli has a chance, and which person Zhuli can bully himself for profit without anyone making irresponsible remarks? Who else besides Gaara who was beaten down by Naruto at this time? Before Shippuden begins three years later, this may be the only chance for him to obtain the tailed beast Chakra.