Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 790: advance and retreat

Powerful and perfect power may exist in the ninja world, but it will not appear so easily.

Even Shuimu has just found a way that is powerful enough to control himself, and he is still far from that step.

If he can't master the Yin-Yang escape, he is still a bit weaker at the level of power, and he can't pose a threat to the real enemy, the Ten-Tailed People Zhuri.

As for theoretically being able to use physical attacks such as physical techniques to forcibly defeat all opponents, Mizuki thinks about it and forgets it. Even Matekai, who opened the eight-door dungeon armor, fell short. No one in the ninja world can do it.

The theoretical possibility is, in the end, only an ethereal wish.

Those who don't know the truth may feel that the world is full of infinite possibilities, but when they reach the level of Shuimu, they will know that the road ahead is so narrow and there are barriers everywhere. The road is so difficult.

There are only a few keys that can lead oneself forward. Immortal magic, yin and yang escape, reincarnation eye, ten-tailed human pillar power, and all the others cannot be on the table. They are not the power that can determine the direction of the ninja world and control their own destiny.

There are still many things that need to be prepared by Mizuki. For some things, it is not too late until Kaguya Otsutsuki is completely sealed at the last moment.

And even if Kaguya Otsutsuki is defeated, it is not necessarily the end for Mizuki.


After a long period of communication, the Five Ninja Villages, which had been deeply estranged, finally achieved a general intention. The daimyo of the five major countries did not raise any objections, and the Five Shadows Conference will be held as scheduled.

In spring, the season of vegetation growth, the country of iron is still a land of ice and snow. In this cold country, the leader of the country of iron, Mifune, has been preparing for this Five Shadows Conference for a long time. He has always adhered to neutrality and maintained the balance of the ninja world. The country of iron will once again perform its mission.

The Five Shadows Conference will naturally not be as casual as a general meeting of leaders. The strict security and guard system has largely eliminated many people who want to fish in troubled waters.

Even the guards accompanying the shadows of the Five Ninja Villages have strict restrictions, just to ensure that during the negotiation at the Five Shadows Conference, if the negotiations are not smooth, resulting in a big fight, there will be no real fire.

Like Yunyin Village, at the ceremony site of the covenant signing, the rebellious ninja headed by the golden horn and the silver horn actually staged a coup, and then killed the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, which is a lesson from the past.

The Five Shadows Conference was held in the Kingdom of Iron, a country of samurai who strictly guarded neutrality, in order to prevent such a situation from happening again.

The time until the Five Shadows Conference is officially held is not long. At this time, the shadows of the major Ninja villages should almost set off with their guards.

In the Land of Wind, Gaara took his brothers and sisters, Temari and Kankuro, all the way towards the Land of Iron, and soon, they will leave the realm of the Land of Wind.

Less than 100 kilometers away is the battlefield of the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire for so many years.

Beyond the Kikyo Mountain Castle, where countless elites from Konoha Village and Sandyin Village were strangled, it was within the jurisdiction of Konoha Village, the country of fire.

Just as the three of them walked forward in silence, Gaara, who was the leader, suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong?"

As a puppet master, Kankuro was stunned for a moment, then he reacted, and then looked at the sky in the distance, a black spot was flying from far to near.


Temari also realized that something was wrong, and unfastened the folding fan behind his back, with the rung in front of him.


Gaara said calmly,

"That unbridled malice can be felt from far away."


Temari and Kankuro looked at each other.

Compared with the human column, except for the non-mainstream Naruto Uzumaki, it is indeed self-inflicted. In the investigation of hostility, as long as you get along with the tailed beast in harmony, you are generally extremely sensitive to those who radiate malice to yourself.

"Are you going to send a signal for help?"

Gaara shook her head:

"This place is too far from Shayin Village. If you ask for help, you can only count on the guard troops of Konoha Village stationed in Kikyo Mountain Castle. The two countries have been allied for more than three years, and there has been no war for a long time, so there can be no masters there!"

Those ordinary ninjas can still play a role on the battlefield, but they can't get involved in the battles at the shadow level.

"Are you alone?"

Kankuro had a look of embarrassment on his face.

Dare to target Kazekage who went to the Five Shadows Conference at this time, this is provoking the order of the entire ninja world. With such a crazy move, he must be quite confident in his own strength.

"The enemy is dark and I am clear, are you retreating temporarily?"

The bad premonition was getting stronger and stronger, Temari couldn't help but persuaded,

"Don't be impatient, the enemy will come prepared, and you must be quite sure."

"It's useless, we can't run and fly in the sky!"

Gaara rejected Temari's proposal,

"Prepare to fight, it's okay to be here, don't worry about accidentally hurting others."

Gaara, who is good at manipulating sand, is naturally a chakra amount as a pillar of one tail, and there are few times when he can fully exert his own strength.

The most powerful ninjutsu is mostly large-scale attack ninjutsu. Many times, you can only restrain yourself and dare not let it go.

"However, the enemy can fly, and we can only be beaten passively. Is it too passive?"

"I can fly with sand..."

"I know, but Temari and I can't help."

The chakra threads controlled by the puppet technique are limited and cannot be infinitely long. Although Temari's wind escape ninjutsu is extremely powerful, no one can say how powerful it will be after it is launched into the sky and reaches a high altitude.

"The guy who can fly is really annoying."

Gaara looked at the enemy who was slowly approaching, and a huge, pale-white biplane appeared, which seemed to be carrying a person.

"You stand by on the ground, and after I knock down the enemy, you catch him."

If it was on the ground, the three of them would feel much more at ease, but in the sky, it was the enemy's home field, and the initiative rested in the hands of the enemy who could advance and retreat freely.

But now, I can only hope that Gaara will play normally, show the power of Kazekage, and smash the enemy cleanly.

After the enemy approached, the figure standing on the giant clay bird suspended in mid-air finally revealed its true face.

"Pharmacist pocket? And Deidara, who died a long time ago, is the dirty earth reincarnated? Orochimaru is dead, what are you doing here? Does it have something to do with the "Xiao" organization?"