Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 799: aware

The comparison of combat power between the "Xiao" organization and the five major ninja villages in the ninja world is not in an advantageous position.

The most dreaded thing about this rebel organization is that they are in the dark, and it is difficult for the enemies to hide their goals.

Especially now, after finally knowing the location of the headquarters of the "Xiao" organization, a major change occurred due to the death of the leader, and the organization went underground again.

Just how dangerous a rebel ninja organization that is powerful and always ready to attack, you can know a little from the past battles.

This time, it was surprising that Yao Shidou was bold, but no one was surprised. It was just a little strange that this guy and the "Xiao" organization acted together.

The joint operation of the seventh and eighth squads, as well as the senior and deputy ministers of the garrison department dispatched at the same time, and Tsunade's disciples also acted together. This kind of combat power is enough to fight a ninja war.

However, the skillful task of finding someone and rescuing them very much requires corresponding expertise, otherwise, it will only have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

Even with the excellent tracking and reconnaissance team of the eighth class led by Mizuki, it is still quite difficult to find a hidden person like a needle in a haystack.

If it weren't for the help of Chiyo's mother-in-law, Temari and Kankuro who were traveling together, Mizuki even wanted to give up.

"Can you guys do it? Last night, I said that it was almost the same, but now I say that I haven't found it, and I haven't even seen a figure. What a waste of time!"

Several times, mother-in-law Chiyo fiddled with a broken device that did not know the reason, and then pointed in a direction to lead the team forward, but whenever she was about to reach the destination, she disappeared inexplicably.

It's okay to do it once or twice. From yesterday afternoon to this morning, a lot of everyone's physical strength was wasted for this reason.

Although it is said that it is Chakra, who is familiar with the one-tailed guardian crane, and can perform ultra-long-distance exploration, but in fact it is not the case at all. What the investigation perceives is the psychic seal on Gaara and the leaked tail. The beast chakra, after being transformed, mixed with Gaara's own chakra and leaked aura.

"Young man, don't be impatient."

It's hard to see any expression on the wrinkled face of Chiyo's mother-in-law.

"It's really weird, it shouldn't be wrong!"

"Well, it's your leader anyway!"

The compatriots in Shayin Village are all calm, and Mizuki naturally won't worry about it.

Ignoring mother-in-law Chiyo's command of Temari and Kankuro fiddling with a pile of junk machines, Mizuki stepped aside to rest.

"Those things should also be puppet techniques. I didn't expect that Shayin Village would have such a technique. Puppet techniques are really used to the top by them."

Being able to use the puppet technique to achieve ultra-long-distance investigation is a rare thaumaturgy, but I didn't expect such a big problem to happen this time, and Shuimu was quite helpless.

"The one who uses the puppet technique to a great extent should be the scorpion of the red sand. I don't know what the world-shattering secret skills of the well-known Granny Chiyo in Sandyin Village are."

Mizuki shook his head:

"The limit of puppet art is there. Unless there is a god-like creation authority, it cannot create life. It is just a useful fighting skill."

Of course, Mizuki knew that Granny Chiyo's secret technique - reincarnation was a thaumaturgy that could give real life to a puppet that had not died for a long time, or even had no life.

To exchange one's life for one's life is already one step away from the realm of God.

From medical ninjutsu, she found a new way to create a secret technique that is even more terrifying than Tsunade. This technique is the sublimation of her decades of ninja career, and it is also a reliance to realize her dream.

Just when Mizuki and Kakashi were taking a break from their busy schedules, Xiang Rin, who seemed to have something to do, came over. After hesitating for a while, he still asked:

"Mr. Kakashi, Mizuki-senpai, did you encounter any problems?"


Mizuki didn't shy away from anything, and sooner or later these students would know,

"The allies of Sandyin Village seem to be in trouble and can't find anyone!"

Although this is not unreasonable, the more sophisticated the equipment, the worse the stability, but it is a bit embarrassing that something goes wrong at a critical moment, and it is also embarrassing in front of allies.

There are only two types of sealing techniques in Sandyin Village, one is the super perception of chakra developed based on the application of puppet technique; the other is a large-scale reconnaissance technique developed because of the harsh environment in the desert, mainly for extreme weather. prevention.

A technology that is too targeted is indeed very effective if it encounters a problem that is just right for the right medicine, but the universality is too poor, and it will be blinded when a problem occurs.

"Well, it's no wonder I stop and rest frequently."

Xiang Rin nodded knowingly,

"Sand Ninja's equipment is really not very good. I can feel the familiar chakra reaction inside, and I have also detected several almost identical fluctuations."

"Several fluctuations, how is it possible?"

Hatake Kakashi burst into laughter, although he knew for a long time that this ninja, who was born in the Uzumaki family with Naruto, could be accepted as a disciple by the fifth-generation Naruto Tsunade. There must be something special about it, and it is indeed the case. The accomplishments of medical ninjutsu are indeed impressive, and even the sealing technique has entered the hall.

But speaking of perceiving multiple strands of the same chakra?

Even with twins, the chakra response is different, which is the accumulation of dual differences in soul and body.

But it fell into the water fungus, but it was a shock.

"Is what you said true?"

Xiang Rin is not sure so she nods her head:

"I was also a little weird, I thought I felt something was wrong."

Mizuki asked:

"Are these chakra reactions the same as Gaara's?"

"Very similar, after all, I haven't seen each other for a long time."

In the Chunin exam three years ago, Xiang Rin also met Gaara. As long as the Chakra reaction was memorized, it would be more difficult to escape Kagura's perception.

"Kakashi, map!"

Aware of the bad Kakashi Hatake, he unfolded the map in time and placed it on the ground.

"Here is our position, you point out the position of the Chakra that is similar to Gaara."

After a while, Mizuki and Hatake Kakashi looked at the mark made with bright symbols and looked at each other.

"Procrastination tactics?"

Hatake Kakashi asked uncertainly.

"Of course, isn't it obvious?"

"However, this thing can really be done? Simulate other people's Chakra, and cooperate with the transformation technique, in theory, you can perfectly disguise yourself as someone else. How can there be such a technique in the ninja world... Huh? No, there really is. !"