Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 80: Seek more happiness

After leaving the venue, Mizuki went straight to the front line. If there was one thing he was most worried about, it was the safety of his fiancee Chie Tsubaki.

Xiao Chun's strength can be regarded as quite satisfactory, but after all, he is not a type with too strong life-saving ability. If something goes wrong, Shuimu will regret it.

Traveling through the streets and alleys of Konoha, the location near the center is relatively peaceful, and the war has not spread here. However, there are very few people on the street, and everyone will no longer stay in dangerous places at this time.

Most of the fighting forces in the village went to the front line. There were not many ninjas on the road, so they went to the small building where Xiao Chun worked without encountering any obstacles.

From a distance, I saw several figures lying down at the door, and Shui Mu couldn't help but sank in his heart. I walked in and saw that it was not a Konoha ninja.

"This injury is Tsubaki! 』

The damage from even the blade to the body is not caused by any common ninjutsu. This kind of attack method that is directly killed by extremely powerful ninjutsu, at present, it is estimated that only Xiao Tsubaki's unique fusion escape can do it. do it.

Not daring to waste any more time, Shuimu hurried in, and there were several corpses of Sand Ninja lying around along the way.

"The situation is favorable? The barrier has not completely lost its effect, so it is no wonder that it can resist the enemy's attack. 』

Generally, like the seal class, medical class, and enchantment class, they do not often need to face the front-line combat. Many of them are ninjas who are not strong in combat, but only have specialties in certain aspects. There are even a few civilians and even scientific research scholars. in.

When these people face the enemy alone, they will appear particularly powerless. Of course, this is not the case for all of them. Tsunade is the most typical example.

Mizuki, who hurriedly walked to the innermost defense line, just saw a bright flash of lightning flash, and Xiao Chun was pulling his right hand from a slowly falling sand ninja.

"Xiao Chun, here~" Mizuki breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the enemy had been killed.

"Shui Mu, why are you here~" Xiao Chun finally showed a smile on his tired face.

"Isn't this worrying? Are you not injured?" Mizuki asked with concern.

"I'm fine."

"That's good."

"But several of my colleagues were injured~" Xiao Chun said worriedly.

"Leave it to me," Mizuki looked around at several ninjas who were slightly or seriously injured, and it seemed that there should be no danger to their lives.

The battle between Orochimaru and the third generation of Sarutobi Hiizan has been going on for some time at the Chunin exam venue, and the normal ninjutsu showdown at the beginning is almost over. This level of attack, for ninjas of their level, that is, The degree of warming up.

"Come out, Orochimaru, don't put on any pretense anymore?" said Sarutobi Hirazan, who had just buried Orochimaru using a combination of earth escape and water escape.

"That's right, the boring trial is almost over!" In the mess, Orochimaru slowly showed his figure.

"Although the third generation is old, Yu Wei is still there, and ordinary ninjutsu really can't help him. If it drags on for too long, it will not be a good thing~"

Orochimaru, who made up his mind, said: "Since you are so desperate to die, then let you see my latest achievements~"

I saw Orochimaru quickly biting the fingers of both hands, quickly forming a seal, pressing both hands, and a burst of psychic runes spread.

"Reincarnated from the dirt."

Immediately, three psychic coffins emerged from the ground.

"Not good." The three generations were shocked, and hurriedly shot several shuriken at Orochimaru, but was blocked by the coffin in the front. Affected by this, only two of the three coffins were summoned successfully.

And Zhuli, a copycat outside the Siziyan Array, had to sigh that there were too many cannon fodder in Orochimaru. Doss of the sound and forbearance trio was still lying in the Konoha Hospital without knowing whether he was alive or dead. Orochimaru easily gathered the offerings. .

Seeing that only two were summoned, Orochimaru said regretfully, "Although the third one failed, it was barely enough."

Sarutobi Hiizhan looked at Orochimaru angrily and said, "I originally thought you were just going astray, but I didn't expect to get to such a level that you can do things that blaspheme the dead?"

"Hahaha~" Orochimaru said with a smile: "That's why you are getting old so fast, and isn't this technique also invented by the second-generation Hokage? Such a miraculous ninjutsu, no one uses it! I just use it. It's perfect. I'm also curious, what is the purpose for the second generation of Mesenju Tobirama to develop this forbidden technique? Really can't underestimate the wisdom of seniors!"

"You are hopeless, Orochimaru, I regret letting you go." Sarutobi Hizan said with a heartache, "It's because I didn't fulfill my teacher's responsibility, so today I will definitely correct my mistakes and let You understand that if you do something wrong, you should be punished!"

"Did something wrong? Sanction?" Orochimaru disagreed, "Looking at your old appearance, it's really embarrassing, how strong is the former Shinobu now? Let you see what I have done. A miracle..."

Saying that, Orochimaru tore off the disguise on his face, revealing an overly young face.

Such a change not only stunned Anbu outside the venue, but Sandaimu was so shocked that he was speechless for a while.

"How? Are you envious of my immortal face? It's completely different from your aging body?"

The three generations of Sarutobi Hiizan restrained his mind: "We have no need to talk anymore."

"That's right, but it's still time to meet a few seniors. It's been a long time since you two, maybe we can catch up..."

Outside the venue, Zhu Li, a copycat of Shuimu, watched this familiar scene. The first and second Hokage appeared, and then the three Hokage fought in chaos. The magnificent and shocking performance of Mu Dun reappeared in front of people after decades. The power of the water escape and illusion of the second generation is also amazing. With the launch of the dark line technique and the cover of the wood escape, people outside can no longer easily observe the changes inside.

"What should I do?" Several Anbu were at a loss as they were blocked by the Four Purple Flame Formation.

Shuimu shook his head, expressing his powerlessness. This is obviously not something these people should worry about. Even if they go in, it won't work. Instead, it will only add to the chaos. .

"In the dark, there is still a powerful pharmacist who is coveting, and I don't know what he is doing now~"

Moreover, according to Shuimu's observation, the protection of the village is actually quite in place and successful. The important strongholds have not been conquered, most of the civilians have been evacuated, and the Genin and the seedlings are also far away from the front-line battlefield. But only here, the power to support the three generations is pitiful.

"Is Danzo's selfishness? Really cool style. "I won't hurt you, but if you're not strong enough to be killed, you won't blame anyone." Is that what you mean? 』