Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 853: commonplace

The words of the White Snake Immortal made Shuimu, who had Chengzhu in his chest, stunned for a moment.

"Repeat, what do you mean..."

Before he finished speaking, Mizuki suddenly realized something.

"Refuge, you mean this?"

"Of course, why else would I tell you this?"

The White Snake Immortal seemed to be a little bit brooding about the downfall just now, and prefers to see Shuimu puzzled.

"My preparations are redundant? That is to say, the Six Path Immortals have already prepared a place of sanctuary that humans can continue?"

"Want to know? Get your chips, maybe I'll tell you."


Shuimu ignored the smug White Snake Immortal, but after a moment of contemplation, he shook his head,

"No need, I already know."


The white snake fairy who was still thinking about continuing to ask Shuimu for advice and bargaining got stuck in his mouth and couldn't help swallowing it.

"Since it's all right, let's continue to fight..."

Mizuki said, waving the giant lava fist again and stepped forward.

"Wait, how could you possibly know? Except for those who have experienced the events of the past, there is absolutely no way for anyone in the ninja world to know. Did you know it from Miaomushan? Don't lie to me..."

"So, your pattern is only worthy of lingering here."

The heavy punch hit the neck of the White Snake Immortal, and the smooth feeling of the hand removed most of the strength, and the rest only made the head of the White Snake Immortal sway slightly.

"It's fine if you insist on fighting, but with our strength, we won't be able to decide the winner in a short time. With this time, it's more valuable to have a good chat!"

"Oh? This is inconsistent with the previous stubborn attitude. You made a mess of Longdi Cave, won't you hate me?"

"what is this?"

The white snake immortal snorted,

"Longdi Cave is bigger than you think, it's only a trivial part here, it doesn't have much impact!"

"It's really open-minded, and the cunning sense of seeking benefits and avoiding harm is full of cunning. As expected of an old monster who has lived for a long time."


The White Snake Immortal smiled disdainfully,

"You are more like a monster than me, but your body is more like a human than me!"


Mizuki also doesn't want to talk too much,

"As you wish, showing your strength is also the basis for the two sides to have a good talk!"

"In that case, let's form an alliance!"

The White Snake Immortal breathed a sigh of relief,

"Longdi Cave is the last place for my clan to live. If there is no strong fulcrum and loss of influence on the ninja world, it will make me very embarrassed."

"There's no need to form an alliance. I'm not interested in you guys. I just want to know something and confirm my guess."

"Guess? It's really an unpleasant rhetoric. You said just now that you knew the arrangement of the Six Path Immortals, and you guessed it?"

Mizuki nodded:

"Almost, but it's probably not wrong, after all, the Ninja world is only so big!"

"Yeah, the ninja world is only so big!"

The White Snake Immortal seemed to sigh with emotion,

"You guessed it, the former ninja world... I'll call him the ninja world... It wasn't like this before. Unfortunately, that magnificent scene is gone forever."

"Once a person starts to recall the past, either he is old or he has a bad life now! It is also suitable for you, and..."

Mizuki glanced at the White Snake Immortal,

"You seem to have both."

"Hahaha... boy, how dare you say it! However, Longdidong is indeed old, and my family, which symbolizes rebirth and recovery, is so powerless, and can only silently drift with the tide, waiting for the judge. The day will come."

Perhaps the psychic snake family was extremely powerful, but now it is only a marginal force that seems to be respected, but does not have much substantial influence.

The power level of the ninja world is constantly falling, and the ancient races that can survive are already quite rare.

The psychic snake in Longdi Cave, at least it seems, is not in danger of being destroyed.

If human beings also fall into this situation, it is impossible to say whether they can do better than them.

If it weren't for the immortals of the Six Paths, perhaps more than a thousand years ago, human beings would not be eligible to enjoy the authority of the spirit of all things.

"Although I don't know how much you know, but you actually know what I just said, it seems that I underestimate you. You can infer something with just a few words, and I am convinced that your wisdom and the information you have mastered should It’s no trivial matter, in this way, trading with you is a good thing, and it shouldn’t be useless.”

"It's best if you think so."

"Then, can you first tell me what you found?"

"Is this part of the deal?"

Mizuki asked rhetorically.


The White Snake Immortal, who had just praised the other party, was suddenly very angry,

"You only found out after my reminder, shouldn't you share information with me? There is also a part of me here, maybe you know it, I already know it, but it's just Just to confirm each other."

"Okay, there is some truth to what you said!"

After hesitating for a while, Mizuki still nodded.

"Then I will say it directly, the last retreat of the Six Path Immortals is the moon that can be seen almost every night in the sky!"

After listening to Mizuki's explanation, the white snake fairy's eyes widened:

"You really guessed it, what an amazing guy."

This is not a top secret that can be easily learned by ingenuity.

A natural phenomenon that is common to almost all creatures in the ninja world, but it is not so in the eyes of creatures who have lived for more than a thousand years.

Before the Six Paths Immortals used the strongest sealing technique - God Earth Blast Star, there was no moon in the ninja world.

This blind spot of thinking makes the human beings in the ninja world not aware of anything strange on the moon in the sky.

This is like Einstein, if he did not receive basic education, no matter how smart, let alone 200 IQ, if he doubled his IQ, he would not be able to come up with the theory of relativity.

There is no necessary premise, and there is no possibility of the follow-up.

What's more, the human beings in the ninja world can't even confirm whether the legend of the existence of the Six Path Immortals and the Ten Tails is true.

It is only in recent years that I gradually understand that those specious myths are not groundless.

"Even if you praise me, I won't do you any favors!"

Mizuki shrugged indifferently. For others, it may be impossible to imagine, but he has already known so much Mizuki, how could he not find it?

I just didn't think about it before.

If it is necessary to build a refuge for human beings after the destruction of the ninja world, only the immortals of the six paths can do such a thing independently.