Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 859: determination

There are not many people in the whole ninja world who can do such things under the eyes of Mizuki.

Although it is a matter of time for Yukimura to be exposed like this, but at this time, it is really difficult to take care of it.

Facing Mizuki's question, Yukimura hesitated and felt a little aggrieved, and seemed to resent Mizuki's long-term indifference.

It was hard to come here once, and it was the attitude of Xing Shi to ask for guilt. Although he did not have any malicious intentions, he seemed to have done something wrong, which was really puzzled.

"A period of rebellion! 』

Every child will go through this stage of growth. Although Yukimura seems to be a young man in his early twenties, his mental age has not yet matured to that point. defect.

Looking at the stubborn young man who bowed his head and resisted passively, with an attitude of neither arguing nor wanting to tell Mizuki the truth, Mizuki turned his head and said to Yuhuo:

"Come on, tell me everything you know!"

Yuhuo glanced at Yukimura who was a little embarrassed, hesitated for a while, but answered honestly:

"Some time ago, there was a strange boy of thirteen or fourteen years old who said that he was a wandering ninja and wanted Yukimura to leave with him. After being rejected, he left a strange ninjutsu scroll and left, saying he would come again in the future. , but has not reappeared to this day.”

Such a skilled abduction of a qualified young ninja seems to be a familiar sight!

"What else is there besides these?"

"That person said his name was Miyuki, and I couldn't understand the ninjutsu scroll that was handed to Yukimura, only the words "Snake Immortal Jutsu" were written on the title page!"

"Siyue, Snake Immortal Art?"

Shuimu's heart was shocked, and the secret path was really the handwriting of Orochimaru. He didn't expect to start stirring up the wind and rain before he was resurrected. It seemed that something terrible had happened.

"I see."

Mizuki nodded and said to Yukimura,

"What else do you want to say?"

Yukimura looked up at Mizuki cautiously, looked at Mizuki with a flat face, and lowered his head nervously,

"Nothing, I just want to be a ninja too!"

"Being a ninja?"

Mizuki carefully looked at Yukimura's expression and judged whether this guy wanted to do this himself or was bewitched by others.

"Aren't you having a good time here? Why do you suddenly have such thoughts?"

"No, there's nothing wrong with staying here, but sometimes it's a little lonely. The people around, except for fishing fire, are not ninjas, and there's not even a person who can talk about ninjutsu in their spare time. I feel like I'm missing. Order something!"

"That's it!"

Mizuki sighed, insisted on practicing ninjutsu every day, and found that his proud ability was completely useless, and no one could even understand such a sense of loss, although Mizuki could not empathize with it, but it was not incomprehensible.

"The world of ninjas is not easy to enter. If you really want to become an official ninja, it is not impossible, but now everything must be put down!"

The friends, neighbors, and people with whom I have met over the years no longer interact with Yukimura's life.

"Even Yuhuo may not be able to stay with you again. If I take action, you will definitely come with me, but Yuhuo may not be able to go together!"

"Eh... can't you?"

Yukimura was taken aback, and things that he had taken for granted were actually problematic.

"You have my support, and naturally there is a way to make your wish come true, but Yuhuo is not from Konoha Village at all, not even a ninja, how could it be so well arranged?"

Although Mizuki gave Yuhuo some pointers when teaching Yukimura, if she did not slack off and study hard in the past three years, the strength of Chunin should not be a problem, but these are meaningless, and there is no shortage in Konoha Village. For a mediocre chunin, I don't know how much effort it would take for Yukimura to have an identity under the sun, and another unidentified fishing fire would be too troublesome.

"My three-year period with Yuhuo has passed. I stayed here because I paid her to help you here, and I didn't stay here for granted."

The words have been made clear, it depends on how this young man chooses.

Mizuki signaled Yuhuo not to talk too much, and then quietly waited for Yukimura to make a decision.

After hesitating for a long time, Survivor raised his head.

"I still want to be a ninja, but I want to bring fishing fire with me..."

"What are you going to do if I don't agree?"

Seemingly anticipating Mizuki's troubles, Yukimura solemnly replied:

"Then I don't want your help, I'll find a way myself!"


Mizuki couldn't help but laugh.

"It's really outrageous, the ninja world is so tempting to you?"

Although he didn't care, Mizuki still restrained his smile, laughing at a young man's ideals seemed a bit inappropriate.

The stubborn survivor looked at Mizuki without giving up.

"ok, I get it."

Mizuki waved his hand,

"I can already feel your will to be a ninja, but have you asked Yuhuo? She may not be willing to be a precarious ninja!"


Yukimura was stunned by Mizuki's reminder. He really didn't think much about the feeling of fishing fire before.

"Don't you want to be a ninja?"

Seeing Yukimura's hopeful expression, Yuhuo replied a little embarrassedly:

"It's not that I don't want to, but if it's too troublesome, forget it."

The attitude of going with the flow, suddenly made Yukimura a big blow,

"But if you're not a ninja, what are you going to do? I won't see you in the future!"

"Idiot! Ninja is not the only way out. If you are not a ninja, you can't meet? Many civilians in Konoha Village are not ninjas..."

It seems that although this guy is not bad in intelligence, he really still lacks a lot in the way of people.

"That's it, prepare first, take care of the country of waves, and say goodbye to those who take care of you at ordinary times!"

" agree? That's great!"

Although he still didn't understand, Yukimura was overjoyed.

"But what about this warehouse?"

"You don't need to worry about it, I will find someone to take over! Since I want to leave here and become a ninja, all this has nothing to do with you."


Although it was his own choice, Yukimura still felt a little reluctant to give up on the home that he had spent nearly three years in.

"Okay, you can do your own thing. I still have something to do, so I'll go first. Next time I come back, it's time for you to leave."