Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 884: explain

Mizuki doesn't have much interest in the choice of Orochimaru's road, whether it is immortality or exploration of the unknown, Mizuki has no deep desire.

"This is not the place to talk, get out of here first!"

In the secret room where there were only three figures, Mizuki's physical clone suddenly appeared - Shen, grabbed Orochimaru's shoulder, and after performing the Flying Thunder God Technique, Shen and Orochimaru disappeared instantly, leaving only Mizuki's body and unconsciousness. of Mitre Washed Red Beans. This carefree ninja might have some doubts about Mizuki's actions in her heart, but she could not have imagined that Mizuki's target was not her at all.

Although Orochimaru was resurrected and Mizuki had important things to deal with, since Mitarai red beans had become a tool used by Mizuki, she naturally had to ensure her safety.

The resurrection of Orochimaru itself, although the obsession in the curse of the sky is removed, but it does not necessarily make the curse of the sky disappear, just like Uchiha Itachi sealed with the ten fist sword, the technique of eight Qi, the spiritual obsession There is no causal relationship between resurrection and the removal of the curse.

But Uchiha Sasuke and Mitashirashi Red Bean's Heaven's Curse Seal did disappear. The reason is actually very simple. Orochimaru took the initiative to withdraw. Except for the creator of this curse seal, no one else could do anything about it. The owner of the body produces a large number of Charm Chakra, which is a kind of fairy chakra.

The newly resurrected Orochimaru is very weak, and must leave the necessary self-protection strength, and has to withdraw the immortal chakra in the curse of the sky on the host to maintain its own strength.

And this is the real reason for the disappearance of the curse of the sky. This is just like when some egg-born creatures break out of their shells, they will use the egg shell as their first meal in the world, and eat the most delicious food around them. .

This instinct was prepared by Orochimaru when he set up the Heavenly Curse Seal. The more qualified ninjas, the stronger the Heavenly Curse Seal, and the safer Orochimaru would be when he was resurrected. This is to penetrate the soul. The survival instinct, Orochimaru is no exception.

Now Mitarai Red Bean has really gotten rid of her troubles for many years, and everything about Orochimaru can't affect her anymore.

After the outbreak of the curse seal, the damage to the body was also extremely serious. When Mizuki stayed, in addition to giving the necessary treatment to Mitre Washing Red Bean, he also had to give some explanation to the waiting Tsunade. , can never let go without saying a word.


When Mizuki opened the door of the secret room and handed the unconscious Mitarai red beans to Tsunade, the suspicious eyes never left Mizuki's body.

"Why so long? Besides, Red Bean's body looks very bad!"

"Don't worry, it's just that the overdraft is too serious, just rest for a few days."

"I know!"

At this point, Tsunade still has it.

"According to the description of Red Bean, it shouldn't be that serious, right? How did it become like this?"

Mizuki shrugged,

"The method of treating the symptoms but not the root cause may have sequelae, it is better to solve it once and for all..."

"Once and for all?"

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, and then noticed that the curse of the heavens on the neck of Miten wash red beans had disappeared.

"How did you do it? If you have this ability, you don't need to be so troublesome when treating Sasuke Uchiha, and you don't need to take risks, right?"

With Tsunade's medical ninjutsu accomplishments, of course, he knows how dangerous things such as the curse of the sky that penetrate deep into the soul are. If you want to separate completely, you will have to tear apart part of the soul. If only the spirit is injured and there are few deviations in memory, that's fine. Now, the point is that this may be risking life, and no one knows what trouble it will bring to the soul.

"At that time, I was not so strong, and the research on curse marks was not so thorough. The most important thing is..."

Mizuki grinned,

"At that time, Orochimaru didn't die!"

"The last one is the key, right?"

Mizuki did not deny it,

"Things with the Lord are always troublesome to deal with."

Although the causal relationship is nonsense, if Orochimaru hadn't died, the spiritual obsession in the curse of the sky would be suppressed by the body, and there was no way to take it off.

"All right!"

At the beginning, I checked the status of Mitre's red beans, and after it was really okay, Tsunade was relieved.

"That's it, if there is any problem, I will find you again."

"Understood, I will follow your instructions."

This matter, although Mizuki did not authentically, using the hand washing red beans, but also relieved her from future troubles, anyway, she did not use the power of the curse of the sky, it is a good thing to peel it off.


At the Houshan base, after Mizuki took care of the troublesome things, he came to this place where the value was not as good as before.

"You're finally here, tell me, what do you need me to do?"

Orochimaru, who visited Mizuki's laboratory with great interest, couldn't wait for a long time. In the past, only others waited for him, and there was no reason for him to wait for others.

"Don't worry. It doesn't look like you're very worried. You think I won't really kill you?"

Orochimaru replied indifferently:

"If someone else said this, I can only say that they think too highly of themselves. As for you... If you really want to kill me, you won't give me a chance to speak at all!"

Well, Mizuki admits that this wise man who has lived for decades guessed right. As long as Orochimaru is still alive for a day, he doesn't know what he will do to make a comeback. It might be better to kill him with a single strike.

"You're right."

Mizuki turned his head and took out a glass container. In the solution, there were a pair of scarlet and strange eyeballs.

"Sharing the eye... No, the kaleidoscope is the trophy of that guy from Danzo Shimura, and sure enough..."

Orochimaru, who was aware of his next fate, also frowned a little, but he was relieved immediately.

"Don't be a god, it's okay, if it's not like this, maybe you will kill me after taking advantage of me. As long as you are still alive, you will have a chance to make a comeback."

"You can think about it!"

Mizuki also thinks this is good.

If there is anyone in the ninja world who is not afraid of other gods, except Mizuki, it is estimated to be Orochimaru.

Shuimu has enough strength to use a powerful mental attack to completely break the will of the other gods. Even if he dies in the end, he will be resurrected by other methods, and he will definitely not become a puppet of other gods.

Orochimaru is actually similar. Although it is not as flawless as the backhand arranged by Mizuki, he has a lot of spiritual obsessions. Sooner or later, he will resist the intrusion of other gods through his ready-made will. Overwhelm the will imposed by other gods.

It's just that Orochimaru's method is too passive, and it may not have obvious effects within a few years.