Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 923: Way

The sudden turn of events surprised Kaoru, but it also warmed the somewhat dull atmosphere.

"Hahaha... This is just right. I'm also worried that the force is too strong, and the casualties are too heavy. It's not good. Since you are so strong, I'm welcome."

When an undercover police officer encounters a colleague and cannot reveal his identity, how can he control the measure?

This is a university question.

At this time, Jiao Du finally felt that the trip was worth it.

Kakuto, who originally felt a little constrained, has already begun to think about doing a big job.

Such a formidable opponent has not been encountered for a long time.

If you haven't met an enemy who can practice your hands for a long time, it's not good to have your hands.

After perceiving the surroundings, Jiao Du still hadn't found any suspicious hiding place for Hei Jue, only a few eye-catching avatars of Bai Jue remained.

"Never mind, such a good opportunity, it's a pity not to try it out, even if this physical clone is scrapped or suspected, it doesn't matter. 』

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

From the mouth of the fire-attribute chakra heart monster, what spit out was no longer a B-rank ninjutsu—Fire Dun and Head Diligence, but a genuine A-rank ninjutsu.

Under Shuimu's manipulation, an oversized flame ball, like a wall, with an irresistible momentum, rolled over towards the Kingdom of Fire and his subordinates, and all the places it passed were turned into scorched earth.


Five generations of Mesui Kage Terumi Mei just used two high-level ninjutsu, even a strong person of this level, after all, is a mortal body, and needs to take a breath.

The almost unlimited physical strength and a large amount of chakra brought by the immortal body can exert terrifying lethality on top of Jiaodu's not very outstanding comprehensive ability, not to mention the more powerful Mizuki's will to control. .

At this time, the battery function that can exert the five Chakra attribute escape techniques is the most effective means to deal with a large number of enemies at medium and long distances. Maybe Yuanjiao has not fully exerted all the power of this body, but Shuimu can. out almost all potential.

At a critical juncture, Sasuke Uchiha didn't care to reshape the arrow of Indra that was about to be shot. The bright white energy in his hand turned into a huge shield to block in front of the fire escape used by the corners. Susanoo changed shape like soft jelly, wrapping the gathered friendly forces in it for protection.

"The power of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is really a convenient ability."

Terumi Mei glanced enviously at Sasuke Uchiha, who was fully resisting the enemy's attack, and then signaled Changjurou, who was beside him, to wait for an opportunity to raid, and let an enemy who is proficient in ninjutsu attack recklessly. The defense was breached by the enemy.

"It's gotten to this's not bad! 』

It seems that Sasuke Uchiha's proficiency in using Susanoo has reached the peak, and the rest is to integrate various powers to maximize the specialties of Susanoo's container and armor, as well as the power fusion catalyst. , which requires Sasuke Uchiha to slowly explore according to his own characteristics, and others can't help much.

Unprecedented road, only he himself explores to go.

Although a hand is broken, this is really not a big deal for Jiao Du. The so-called immortal body is not just five lives, but has no weakness except for the heart.

Jiaodu's body stretched out several dark blood vessel tentacles, which quickly stretched, rolled up the broken arm, and pulled it back. The secret art and resentment worked, and the arm was reset. The dark blood vessel tentacles were like needles and threads. Arm and torso stitched.

After a while, the horns that felt almost finished moved their right arm, and the fighting power returned to normal again.

"Wind Escape, Vacuum Continuous Waves!"

As for how to use clone tactics to fight the enemy, there may be few Shinobi worlds who are better at it than Mizuki.

Although the chakra attribute heart monster is not a clone, it is not much different in battle mode.

The wind escape and the vacuum wave sent out more than ten rotating wind blades, and through the shield turned into by Susanohu's weapon power, they directly defeated the somewhat difficult defense that resisted the raging fire.

The remaining scattered wind and fire were wrapped together again, and slammed into the Susanoo that Uchiha Sasuke cast.

Only a loud bang was heard, and the dust was flying, obscuring the sight of both parties.

Fortunately, Susanoo's defense is indeed very strong. Not only did it block out the aftermath of the wind and fire of Kakuto, but even the blazing heat waves and the shock waves that spread everywhere did not hurt Susanoo, who was killed by Sasuke Uchiha. protected people.

"It's kind of interesting, but it's too naive to think that it can be resisted like this."

Kakuto's body made a mark with both hands, and then pressed the ground with both hands.

"Earth escape, split earth and turn palms."

With a large amount of chakra injected into the corner, cracks began to appear on the ground under the feet, and it spread rapidly in the direction of the kingdom of fire. When such a large area was covered, the ground began to crack and shatter. The people under the protection of Hasasuke's Susanoo also had to start saving themselves, avoiding the surrounding ground sinks and sliding clods.

The originally seemingly unbreakable defense naturally revealed a flaw.

At this moment, Jiao Du, who was about to increase his strength to attack, suddenly stopped the ninjutsu in his hand, and then jumped, dodging the streamer that broke through the ground.

"This is the power of flounder! Is it Chojuro? Although he is good at double swordsmanship, the ninja from Kiriyin Village really should not be underestimated in stealth and assassination. 』

After all, Jiaodu's body is not as strong as Mizuki's body, and it would be very difficult if he was hit from the front.

Nagjurou, who broke in alone, is not a brainless attack. As one of the Kirigakushi Seven Ninja Swords, the biggest feature of the flounder is its powerful explosiveness. As long as the chakra and physical strength are sufficient, the instantaneous range of lethality is still very amazing.

"Flambfish · Liberation! 』

In a short period of time, the chakra of the whole body was injected into the double-knife flounder. This humble weapon began to flash with fierce light, and gradually formed an energy blade that was so huge that it looked like a giant machete that people could not wield at all.

Roaring and using all his strength, spinning the blade constantly pushing back Kouto and the four attribute heart monsters.

Although it looks astonishing, it is actually only a moment and a half. As long as this breath is released, Changjurou, who consumes a lot of physical strength and chakra, is estimated to be less fortunate.

The strength itself is not as good as Jiaodu, and using this kind of desperate tricks, if you miss a hit, the end is not very good, but...

"The tactics are used well, you are lucky."

If there are only one or two people, it is estimated that it is to give Jiaodu a head, but there are many helpers on the opposite side, which is the confidence of Changjurou to dare to break into the disturbance alone.

Because they were too busy, attacking Kakuto, which naturally stopped, could not cause trouble to the five generations of Mesui Kage Terumi Mei and Uchiha Sasuke. There is no need to protect these ordinary people and the name of the country of fire. These masters can pull out their hands and be able to take Kakuto. seized the initiative.

Nagjuro's attacks were still coming in a row, but the corners were able to dodge with ease, so that the seemingly powerful attack had no effect at all.

The gap between the strengths of the two is still very large. Maybe Changjurou, who will become the sixth generation of Me Mizukage in the future, can have the strength to compete with Kakuto, but it is still too weak now.

"Water Escape Water Curtain Barrier!"

"Lei Dun · Pseudo Darkness!"

The water-type heart monster and the thunder-type heart monster, under the cover of Kakuto and other heart monsters, freed their hands and began to use ninjutsu to force the aggressive Changjuro back.

Although the attack power of the Water Escape and the Water Curtain Barrier is average, the barrier-avoidance formed by the curtain-like scattering of the jetted water cannons has an amazing defensive power. In addition, there is the blessing of the Thunder Escape Pseudo-Darkness, which spreads around along the good conductors. It is the best way to repel close enemies.

Changjurou's combat experience is still a bit poor, or in other words, this is the first time I have encountered a ninja of this type, and I don't know the correct way to deal with it. The lightning flashes all over the place hit, the damage ability of Thunder Dun Ninjutsu itself is not weak, coupled with the paralyzing ability that makes people headache, the Mist Ninja boy who was still playing in a similar way instantly lost his energy just now.

However, it was enough for Chojuro to fight for such a long time.

Disrupting the attack formation of Kakuto finally allowed Sasuke Uchiha's Susanoo to exert his strength again.

"The Arrow of Indra is really troublesome!"

This kind of powerful, long-range, and surprisingly fast long-range attack, only by paying full attention to improve the focus, can you predict the direction of the arrow's attack a little, and you need extremely fast reaction ability to avoid it.

When fighting with the enemy, there is such a man staring at the formation next to him, and the pressure is too great.

Of course, it is not easy to use Indra's Arrow, and the consumption is also very large, but Sasuke Uchiha, who has reached the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, will definitely be able to persevere for a while.

"Has the offensive and defensive trend changed..."

Mizuki's experience in fighting Susanoo is not very rich, mainly because the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is too rare, even if it is dealing with tailed beasts, he may be better at it.

Although it is a bit troublesome, with the current fighting style of Jiaodu, it is not so simple to restrain.

How to deal with Kaleidoscope Shaker and Susanoo, there is no good way for now, but now it's not a one-on-one duel, there are too many places to operate, and there are some good things to deal with Shaker. Experience, even the eternal kaleidoscope, is the same, especially the arrow of Indra, which relies heavily on dynamic vision and responsiveness.

"Water Escape·Mist Hidden Technique!"

Since they are at an absolute disadvantage in head-to-head confrontation, then make everyone blind.

At least on Jiaodu's side, there is a tacitly compatible body and four attribute heart monsters. Although perception is not Jiaodu's forte, but with the blessing of the spiritual power manipulated by Shuimu's will, it is also much better than the people present. After all, , Shuimu has come to this level only by relying on this to save his life and escape countless dangers along the way.

In this place surrounded by mountains and rivers, this season, this time, it is easy to fog, and the technique of fog concealment, used here, has unique conditions.

The fog mixed with the strong chakra atmosphere gradually spread, gradually covering everyone's sight.

Under such visibility conditions, no matter how good the Xue Ji Boundary and the kaleidoscope Sharien Eye pupil technique, it is useless to see.

"Five Elements Escaping Technique, each of them is useful, but Jiaodu's usage is too biased towards attack and defense. I have lived for more than 90 years, and I have played the Five Elements Escaping Technique for so long, and it is too much to use it like this. Shame."

Like the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi Hiizan, who have all the five elements, they are mixed with a ninjutsu doctor. With the conditions of Jiaodu, a doctor can't be a master's and a bachelor's head office. As a result, it's like holding a machine gun and using it as a fire stick, there are After the body of immortality, he really relied on it too much, and he didn't even pay attention to the power at all. Instead, he took the ground and resentment as the foundation.

Mystery is an aid, and only the power you master is the right way, and the corners are just a lost miserable worm.

After the two sides were invisible, the biting sense of crisis disappeared, and the arrow of Indra, which could not be aimed, also lost its effect.

Jiaodu can roam at any time, and there are so many people on the opposite side who need protection. As long as you know the general direction and send a high-level ninjutsu, the enemy has to resist head-on. If you can't effectively limit the attack of Jiaodu, you have an advantage but If it can't be played out, it will only become a stage for the corners to perform recklessly.

"what should I do now?"

With the cooperation of several ninjas who were proficient in assassination in Kiriyin Village, when Nagjuro was exhausted, he mustered up his last strength and quickly escaped.

And the five generations of Mesui Ying and Terumi Mei, but some can't do anything,

"I didn't expect to be targeted by the enemy using the silent killing technique that we are good at! But it's a bit strange. That person is obviously Jiaodu, but the information shows that this person's fighting style should not be like this, right?"

On the other hand, Sasuke Uchiha, who was also a little helpless, removed Susanoo and stared at the thick fog around him with his scarlet writing wheel eyes, but found nothing.

"Ninjas are not static. The more they fight against powerful enemies, the faster their strength increases."

Terumi Mei nodded, and only this explanation made sense.

"A guy who has lived for decades still has such potential. He is indeed an old guy who has survived the rule of the first Hokage Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara since the Warring States Period."

The information on Jiaodu and Diqiyu is no longer a top secret. Although the details are not clear, it can be useful. I have learned a lot through Shuimu.

"This is not the way, I will kill Jiaodu, and..."