Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 925: destiny is in me

"What a lucky guy! 』

Jiao Du was annoyed in his heart. In such a large space in all directions, just a tentative attack, just hit a heart monster, which is really helpless.

Now no one can see who, except for perceptual exploration, all actions must be judged by intuition.

Although Kakuto has the initiative, the destructive power of Terumi Mei and Uchiha Sasuke's Susanoo is too powerful. As long as a flaw is exposed, or Chakra fluctuations are detected, they will be killed with one blow.

If it weren't for five lives... no, now there are only four lives, and the corners would have slipped away long ago.

"It's the wind attribute with the strongest attack ability..."

If you want to ask which one of the Five Elements Dunjutsu is sure to be able to cut Susanoo, then Feng Dun has such a glimmer of hope.

Uchiha Sasuke himself is good at Lei Dun, and his resistance is too high.

Huo Dun is even more hopeless. With Uchiha Sasuke with earth life, it is difficult to hurt him with Huo Dun below S rank.

Earth Dun and Water Dun are the ninjutsus that are suitable for large-scale killing and field control on the battlefield. The horns have been used, but it is useless without hard kills.

"That's fine, don't have any scruples, let's try the power you imagined! 』

Kaoru originally didn't want to reveal the prototype of his power here. If others knew about it, when the main body Mizuki used it again during the fourth ninja battle, it would definitely be criticized, but...

"I can't take care of that anymore! 』

Power is developed to be used, and power that has never appeared before is likely to catch the enemy by surprise, but there is also the possibility of negligence and mistakes.

It is too risky to use ninjutsu that has never been tried as a killer.

The corners who made up their minds took out a scroll, spread it out on the ground, and then made a seal with both hands and untied the rune on it.

The transcribed seal that had been rubbed on it for a long time exploded, and the ninjutsu that was originally sealed inside began to function, and a silver radiance enveloped Kouto's body. At the same time, the fire attribute that was originally cruising around The heart monster rushed into the large cocoon formed by the silver radiance, and after returning to the main body, the earth-attribute heart in the main body of Jiaodu, in the silver large cocoon, underwent wonderful changes.

"My destiny is in me, not just talking, even if it's just for a moment, I will be omnipotent..."

What Mizuki handed over to Jiaodu as a killer was the unique pupil technique of Jia's kaleidoscope Shakern Eyes - Hiruko.

Although it was only used by the dirty body of A, its power was definitely far inferior to the miracle that brought Shimura Danzo back to life last time, and even the time limit was huge, but it was enough.

The remaining water-type heart monsters and thunder-type heart monsters immediately used ninjutsu to cover the action of the main body, diverting the attention of the enemy.

"Water Escape Water Curtain Barrier!"

"Lei Dun · Pseudo Darkness!"

The compressed water bubbles formed a scattered barrage wall and flew towards the enemy, with the arc of thunder in the middle, adding even more power. At the same time, the water-type heart monster and the thunder-type heart monster constantly changed positions, completely covering the body. The ever-expanding momentum.

Maybe such a superficial cover tactic is not very clever, but now, because of the power of Jia's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye pupil technique, the possibility of success is extremely high.

When Sasuke Uchiha and Terumi Mei were distracted, the silver cocoon kept stirring, and the pressure brought by the huge chakra became more and more intense. horns appear again.

"Mongdun, it's a success! 』

It is not only a perfect understanding of the changes in the chakra properties of Fire Dun and Earth Dun brought by Shuimu, but also has rich experience in using Rong Dun. With the current strength of Jiaodu, it is not impossible to practice Rong Dun, but the hope is not very big, Xue Ji Boundary is not just a matter of changing the nature of chakra, it also takes time for chakra to subtly change the body.

This kind of moisturizing improvement, unless the aptitude is amazing, must be accumulated over a long period of time.

Because of the magical kaleidoscope writing wheel-eye secret technique that temporarily changes luck - leech, even if it is a small possibility, the probability will be infinitely increased at this time.

"The ready-made way to deal with Susanoo's bloodline limit, Terumi Mei's fusion and monster fusion technique can be used, and my fusion is naturally no problem."

Being suppressed at the power level, it is natural to seek a solution. It is unlikely that the Five Elements Escaping Technique will continue to win by quantity, and one can only hope for the limit of blood and yin and yang.

Kakuto, who was covered in hot lava and had entered the melting chakra mode, looked at Susanoo, who was being manipulated by Sasuke Uchiha, who was chasing the water-type heart monster and the thunder-type heart monster.

"Now, it's my turn."

The temperature of the whole body increased rapidly, and the water vapor carried by the dense fog in the nearby air made a sizzling sound when it hit Jiaodu, making Jiaodu look like a foggy monster on fire.

This seemingly monster quickly turned into a real monster.

"The red lotus that destroys everything, bloom, the fire of heaven and earth!"

As Kakuto's voice fell, Sasuke Uchiha and Terumi Mei, who had noticed the change here, changed their expressions.

"what is this?"

The red giant flickering with coquettish flames rose from the ground, and even the surrounding dense fog was dispelled by the scorching breath.

At the top of the mountain in the distance, he noticed that the bad black Jue had slipped away, and he thought that Jiaodu was doomed this time, but he didn't expect to turn around and see such a terrifying sight.

"It's really surprising, this old guy still hides such power!"

Even if it was the derivation of Kaguya Otsutsuki's will, Hei Jue could feel the faint aura of destruction in the red giant in the distance.

The horn who played his trump card ignored Sasuke Uchiha's surprise, and manipulated the terrifying lava giant to stride forward, grabbing Susanoo's arms at a speed far beyond his size.

The red lava giant pressed Susanoo to the ground with both hands, and the fire of the red lotus on his body, along with the hot magma dripped on the purple Susanoo, the indestructible Susanoo was like ice Like hot water, it keeps dissolving.

"Let me see if your current strength is qualified to let me change the alternatives, if not, play the trick of falling in love with Naruto Uzumaki! 』

It is a matter of life and death in the Quan Ninja world, and there is no room for negligence. Because of Shuimu's crossing, the butterfly effect has become so large that the memory of the original book is extremely unreliable. There are some things that were originally believed to have to be confirmed in person.


In Konoha Village, Hokage's office is as busy as ever, and now, there is an endless stream of people coming in and out. If it weren't for the newly recruited assistants, Tsunade would be really busy.

The thing that is giving everyone a headache now is the emergency information just received...

"Daimyo was attacked, and it has been confirmed that the enemies who appeared are Jiaodu and Bai Jue. By the time they sent the information, the battle was going smoothly..."

"The battle is going well?"

Nara Shikahisa, who was sitting down, frowned,

"Not asking for help?"

Tsunade shook his head,

"The Mizukage Terumi Mei of Kiriyin Village is there. If the leader of the "Xiao" organization came in person, he would naturally go to the rescue, but it doesn't seem to be that dangerous now!"

"After all, it's Mizuyo-sama..."

Hatake Kakashi agreed, but what he thought in his mind was Sasuke Uchiha's actions, but when he thought of Sasuke's strength, there should be no problem, not to mention that there are so many strong aids, not fighting alone and being succeeded by the enemy is unlikely.

Mizuki, who also put down his work and was called over, didn't say a word, and didn't know what he was thinking!

Seeing Mizuki in a daze, Sarutobi Asma poked Mizuki's arm with his arm.

" it time for me to speak?"

Shuimu, who was observing the battle through spiritual connection, raised his head and looked at everyone around him with strange expressions, smiling awkwardly.

"Sorry, I've been too busy recently, and I didn't have a good night's rest!"

A ninja of Mizuki's level would be distracted at an important meeting because he didn't rest for a few days. It's just nonsense. Even if he doesn't eat or drink for ten and a half months, he can maintain enough fighting power in a good mood.

But Tsunade was too lazy to care about these little things at this time.

"With five generations of Mushuiying around, there shouldn't be any major problems. It's not necessary to mobilize the army to rescue, but we can't ignore it. After all, it's the name of the country of fire. If you know it, you need to express it."

Everyone seems to be a little too optimistic about this small conflict, and Mizuki is also a little speechless.

Although as long as the outsider golem and the eye of reincarnation do not appear, there is really no need to make too much of a fuss.

However, this can be regarded as the outpost of the Ninja World War at any rate. I actually feel that the odds of winning are very high. We must know that the enemy is prepared for a sudden attack, and this side is hurriedly confronting it!

Mizuki didn't bother to refute either. Fortunately, the initiative was in his own hands, and the situation was indeed not that bad.

According to the original information, the strength of Kakuto and Jue alone is indeed not enough to shake the large army led by the fifth generation Mesui Kage Terumi Mei.

"Asma, take your students on a trip!"

The personnel allocation of the Ninja World Alliance is coming to an end, and those who are still on standby in the village are the tenth class. As Sarubi Asma's former guardian Shinobi, it is only appropriate to deal with the daimyo.


Although it was emergency information, the result of the discussion did not seem to be that serious, and Tsunade's handling was nothing special, but after the meeting, Tsunade still left Mizuki alone.

"The seal enchantment of the coalition headquarters?"

Mizuki frowned, he didn't expect Tsunade to prepare himself to do such a thing,

"If the enemy invades the command headquarters, it means that the front line has been defeated long ago, and it is useless to defend against tightness, right?"

It is definitely impossible for both sides of the war to put most of the elite soldiers in the rear.

In fact, the command system does not need to be supported by strict sealing techniques and enchantment techniques. The key is to have smooth uploading and distribution. Too closed defense systems are not so convenient.

What's more, in the wartime headquarters, there are shadows of the five major ninja villages there. Before the battle formation collapses, the enemy will not use it as an attack point.

And when the shadow of the five major ninja villages leaves the headquarters and goes into battle in person, it must be Madara Uchiha who has been resurrected, and the ten-tailed person Zhuri is reborn.

At that time, there were ten-tailed beast cannons flying around, and no matter how powerful the defensive barrier was, it was like a paper paste, and it had no effect at all.

"If you want to establish a smooth command system, I think Kaiichi Yamanaka-senpai may be better at it!"

It is better to let a professional do it as to how to convey the long-distance transmission of the essence of magic to each team in a timely manner through enchantments and various ninja tools.

"I know this!"

Tsunade waved his hand,

"What I want to say is something else. Because it is a battle of nearly 100,000 to 200,000 people, such a situation has never happened before in the ninja world. Therefore, we decided to establish a transfer station in the headquarters to quickly deploy key forces to the right places. battlefield."


Mizuki suddenly realized that although due to the limitations of the ninja army, he had little experience in such a large-scale war, but the advantages brought by intelligence and mobility were still very clear.

"Flying Thunder God, do you want me to be the coachman?"

Tsunade nodded,

"Almost, in fact, Die Ivashi, Shiranui Xuanma, and Pei Zui can also be used reluctantly, but the limitations are too large, you are more suitable."

To put it bluntly, it is to Mizuki to establish a teleportation array between the headquarters and the main positions to help deploy troops.

Although it is a lot of work for those who are capable, such a thing is really troublesome.

"Lord Tsunade, if a large number of people and materials are passed through time-space ninjutsu, whether it is suitable or not will be put aside, but the consumption of chakra is quite large!"

For a little advantage on the battlefield, using the main combat power - Mizuki's Chakra here is really worth the loss.

Even with the breath-holding technique, Shui Mu is rarely troubled by the lack of chakra, but no matter how rich he is, he is not so prodigal.

"I understand this. What I ask is only to teleport the elites and even the shadows to where they are needed at critical moments. It's not that you use time-space ninjutsu too often."

Since Tsunade said so, Mizuki couldn't find a reason to refuse for a while, so he nodded after hesitating for a while.

"Please, Lord Naruto, tell other ninja villages that time-space ninjutsu is for emergency use, not a conventional method, and cannot be used as a reference for main tactics."

"I'll handle this!"

As long as Mizuki agrees,

"Also, take this!"

Said Tsunade handed over a scroll.

"Is it a time-space warehouse?"

Mizuki took it in his hand and felt it for a while, and then he understood what it was.

"There are many precious pills in it, which are good choices for supplementing stamina and chakra."

"Then I'll take it."

After all, it's not for nothing, wanting the horse to run, and knowing how to feed a few handfuls of hay, it's a good result.

When the daimyo of the major powers are transferred to a safe place, including the last remaining forces like Tsunade and Mizuki, they will almost be on the battlefield.