Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 945: Destruction

A long time ago, Mizuki set up numerous time and space markers in many key places in the Land of Frost, and they were all set in inaccessible places just in case.

If there is no special method, or a master who is proficient in sealing, it is not easy to find.

It is very difficult to erase the space marker, but it is also a good way to deal with enchantment traps directly nearby after discovery.

However, the time and space markers were directly removed, which was beyond Mizuki's expectations.


On the border between the Kingdom of Frost and the Kingdom of Tian, ​​a monk of medium stature is withdrawing his hands on the ground.

The treasure is solemn and looks like a master monk, which is incompatible with the breath of death emanating from his body.

Not far away, there was a middle-aged woman with red hair. After the monk finished processing, she went to another location in her perception.

The cleaned up monk followed quietly.

"Fenfu monk, your method of lifting the seal is still so sharp. Even me, the efficiency cannot be so high."

"Princess Mito, isn't this the time to talk about this? I didn't expect to see you for many years. After you die, you can reunite with the old in this way."

"The reincarnation of the dirty earth, this is a forbidden technique developed by the second generation. I didn't expect it to be used on me. It's really unpredictable."

The Vortex family that was able to develop a ghoul seal has long since begun to study the soul.

In Konoha Village, all the ninjutsu involving the soul, including forbidden arts, can be completed independently by its developers without consulting Uzumaki Mito.

Although he did not understand the specific situation of the reincarnation of the dirty earth, and after several decades of development and several improvements, there has been a considerable difference from the original appearance, but the essence of Uzumaki Mito will not admit it wrong.

"Since you know, why let this forbidden technique control your actions?"

"That blessed monk, why do you want to help Zhou? Those guys are obviously not good people! Even if they are the legendary Samsara eyes, you should not really regard them as the masters of the ninja world..."

"You look up to me!"

"Huh? The only enlightened monk who sealed a tailed beast without the help of Konoha Village. He is so good at breaking time and space markers that cannot be completely erased. How could he be controlled by so many loopholes in forbidden techniques?"

Although Yaoshidou improved the reincarnation of the dirty soil, allowing the dirty soil body to retain its own will to a great extent, so that the dirty soil body could maximize the strength before birth, but it also had great risks.

The filthy soil body with great autonomy has greatly increased the possibility of being out of control. If it wasn't for the black stick in the filthy soil body constantly receiving the power of Uchiha Obito's reincarnation eye, the yin and yang escape would have wiped out everything that could not be affected. The controlled chakra reaction, the so-called filthy soil Payne Six Paths, has long been out of control.

Uzumaki Mito is so optimistic about the sealing technique of sharing blessings - to be precise, the ability to break the seal, and it is not for nothing.

Among the people who have appeared in the ninja world, only Sand Hidden Village grabbed the tail of the beast before Senju Hashimura and Madara Uchiha distributed the tail beast.

In other words, when the order of the ninja world was rebuilt, Shayin Village suffered a big loss and basically did not get any benefits. The only one assigned to Shayin, Ichizuru, was originally the property of Shayin Village.

But it is no wonder that Shayin Village is vast and sparsely populated, and there is no famous ninja family. At the beginning of the establishment of one village and one country, the civilian ninjas basically had no strength. The strength of the ninja family inside.

At that time, Shayin Village was one of the five major Ninja villages. It was already a good luck, and naturally I didn't dare to ask for too much.

Because of this, although Fenfu is not well-known, and even in Shayin Village, no one knows this person, but in the eyes of Uzumaki Mito, this monk still has a relatively heavy weight.

At this time, Fenfu Gujing's unwavering face rarely showed a trace of regret.

"My belief, although I have a firm will, but also because of this practice, I can't use it on myself."

The monks are good at breaking seals, not because of their profound understanding of the seal art, which is definitely far inferior to Uzumaki Mito.

The monks broke the seal, not for the seal itself, but because of the special effects attached to the spiritual practice of faith.

The monks who have attained the Tao generally have enormous spiritual power, but this power is too biased. What they are best at is actually calming energy fluctuations and mental fluctuations, so the one-tailed guardian crane who has the characteristics of sealing can only get points. Method.

And this special ability of monks is often used by some wandering monks to exorcise evil spirits and let the souls stranded in the ninja world for special reasons return to the Pure Land, euphemistically called - reincarnation or Buddhahood.

Therefore, occasionally there are some monks who walk around the world and use this method to sway and deceive and eat and drink.

In the ninja world, although ninjas are the masters, there are also many temples of various schools that endure.

As for the mark of the Flying Thunder God, it looks bland, but the seal runes inside are extremely complicated, like a pump that is extremely efficient and runs continuously, but is deeply hidden in the ground.

If it is the whirlpool Mito to break it, you must first find the water pump hidden in the ground, and then study its operation principle, carefully destroy it, and stop its operation.

And Fenfu doesn't have to be so troublesome, as long as you know the position of the time-space marker, and then you are like a super-powerful air cooler, directly stopping the working water in the pump - the running chakra, and even freezes it into ice cubes, Makes the pump completely inoperable, thereby destroying it from the inside.

Therefore, when the monks break the seal, they do not need to know the type and nature of the seal. As long as the chakra flows, or the type of mental fluctuations that are calmed down, they cannot escape their poisonous hands.

Of course, if the sealing technique is too domineering, a monk who does not have enough cultivation will not be able to do this.

And the ascetic monk like Fenfu is precisely the natural enemy of the seal technique. Except for a few special seals, there is basically no one who can stymie him.

The only shackle is that he can't save himself. The air cooler can only cool others, but it is difficult for him to enjoy such a function.

Reincarnating from the dirty soil of the soul, there is no way to share the blessings. If you can't treat your soul as an evil spirit, you may be really lost.

"However, Princess Mito, if it is you, as long as you are willing, you should be able to make a difference. Even if you can't release the reincarnation of the dirty land and return your soul to the pure land, you can still get rid of the control of those suspicious guys, but you don't do anything. It's really confusing to do."