Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 947: residual

Mifune blushed. Although he had rich combat experience, it was the first time he had faced a tailed beast.

The former "demi-god" Sanjiaoyu Hanzo, although the combat power is stronger than the average tailed beast, but the absolute power is much inferior to the tailed beast.

What makes Sanshoyu Hanzo dread is that it is almost perfect to have no weaknesses and is highly poisonous like a moving plague.

Mifune is not just happy to see the hunter and wants to try the power of the tailed beast jade, but the instinct of many years of samurai practice.

The orthodox warriors of the Iron Kingdom are fundamentally different from swordplay ninjas like Yanryu and Hatake Sakumo.

Although sword ninjas also practice kendo and are quite skilled, their goal is to use force to win.

Samurai, on the other hand, regard kendo as their belief, and sometimes, for the sake of perseverance in their hearts, they will give up their thirst for victory, and are even willing to sacrifice their own lives.

Ninjas have trouble understanding these one-axle elm heads.

It's not unreasonable that samurai who don't know how to work around lose out to ninjas in the competition.

But this is precisely the point that cannot be given up.

Just like a ninja without chakra, a samurai is no longer a pure samurai if he gives up his adherence to his own path.

The only samurai in the ninja world belongs to the country of iron, which has always inherited the tradition of the old-fashioned to almost mean samurai.

Although swordsmanship ninjas also use swords, they are not much different from the use of kunai, shuriken and other ninja tools. Although they also have spiritual practice to hone themselves, it is Chakra that supports the foundation of strength.

The samurai is different. Although the modern samurai also uses chakra, the blade infused with a tenacious will regards the sword as a part of himself, to vent the power of his own practice, and feedback himself, and the strong will complement each other. improve.

"I was reckless, but seeing such a strong enemy, I can't help but try my strength."

Although the direct attack of the tailed beast jade was smashed by three ships and one sword, the collapsed tailed beast jade exploded instantly, and the cathartic impact was the most terrifying.

Even if Mizuki rescued him in time, Sanchuan was not unscathed, and the embarrassment on his body was ignored. The tip of the long sword in his hand was gone, and the broken corner splashed and cut through Sanchuan's cheek, leaving a trail of blood. The thread, the long hair that ran down the back of the head, was also cut off.

Seeing the long sword that was completely scrapped in his hand, Mifune also felt very sorry.

"It's such a pity that my partner who has followed me for decades has come to an end like this."

A samurai without a sword is still a samurai?

Mizuki looked at Mifune and asked helplessly:

"Senior, do you still have spare weapons? Long swords, long knives, etc. Now is not the time to equip you with weapons..."

Most ninjas do not have such high requirements for weapons, but if the samurai does not have a weapon that is good at hand, their strength will drop a lot.

"Relax, how could I not prepare for the war in the history of the ninja world?"

Throwing the Broken Sword aside without hesitation, Mifune took out a scroll, spread it out, bit his finger, and pressed it on the rune on the scroll...

"The long sword that has been with you for decades, just lost it?"

The bow of the three boats is not lifted, and a small amount of chakra is extracted and poured on the scroll.

"The broken long sword is dead, even if it is repaired as before, it is no longer a former partner. The way of the warrior, the battlefield of death, is a great honor, and there is no need for unnecessary weakness."

Well, the difference in values ​​between samurai and ninja is indeed a bit big. It's okay to not have a deep friendship. After getting along for a long time, it does feel a little strange.

Compared with these trivial matters, the serious warrior leader was actually performing ninjutsu, which really surprised Mizuki.

Although he only used the props to perform simple props, but this is not a proper job, right?

Sure enough, the samurai who insisted on tradition were also more or less influenced by ninjas.

After a while, a luxurious long sword with silver from the grip to the tip of the blade appeared in front of Mizuki.

This weapon, like a ceremonial long sword rather than a slaughtering weapon, immediately attracted Mizuki's attention.

In the eyes of Mizuki, this sword is not as simple as it looks. The pure murderous aura emanating from the blade is so strong, the killing sword without any impurities makes Mizuki feel uncomfortable.

"This sword is not simple, what is it called?"


Mifune took up his long sword and shook his hand, a silver light flashed across his eyes, and a deep sword mark appeared out of thin air on the ground in front of him.

"You have good eyesight. This sword is the secret sword enshrined in the Kingdom of Iron. According to legend, it is an artifact that has been passed down for countless years in ancient times. Humans with blue threads on the road have to stand up weakly in order to compete for food with various beasts. Resist. And this sword is the peerless divine sword forged by the ancestors with the blood of countless foreign races. The legendary heroes even killed the demon **** with Murakami."

"That's really great!"

Mizuki feigned admiration!

No one can say for sure how true this specious myth and legend is.

However, this sword does have the meaning of the sword of Taoism. In addition to the tenacity and sharpness of the artifact, the killing power it contains is indeed eye-catching.

The history of ninjas is only a thousand years, but the history of human beings is not only so long.

Although the history that can be traced back is not even a few hundred years old, it is more accurate, not even a hundred years old.

Years of war have left the human beings in the ninja world with no history at all.

But as a group valued by the ninja world, there are still some things that have been passed down.

Not far away, it is also difficult for one person to resist the incoming of two tailed beasts. Under the ground, tentacles composed of several crimson tailed beasts chakra suddenly stretched out and caught Mizuki and Mifune in a cage.

"It's really haunted!"

It's not that the three of them are not strong, or that they are the opponents of the two complete body-tailed beasts, but they have scruples.

The four-tailed man Zhuli Laozi has the power of hell, and the five-tailed Zhulihan has the power of Shura. Although the direct combat power is average, he has the power of yin and yang escaped by the eye of reincarnation. Too close, it is easy to cause problems.

And in the long-distance battle, it is bound to fall into a battle of attrition with these big monsters to compete for power.

For these undead monsters, many methods are actually ineffective.

Shui Mu, who has not been able to find a good opportunity, is also a little anxious. He is hesitating whether to open some trump cards. At this moment, Michuan, who was protected by Shuimu behind him, suddenly flashes forward, the silver light swirls, and the blade is like a circling and rising storm. , twisting the surrounding tailed beast chakra tentacles into pieces without delay.


Mizuki couldn't help but admire.

The attack ability is good, and it is quite pleasing to the eye!