Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 995: Catfish

Fighting against Madara Uchiha is a very courageous thing, even if there are a group of not weak comrades around.

Even if he had Baiyan early, Mizuki did not have the conditions to use a large number of similar Baiyans to synthesize Tenseigan, and it was basically impossible to use a large amount of Chakra to forcibly improve Baiyan.

Even if there is this condition, it is better to spend it on the white eyes that are not the core of strength, it is better to use it to improve Xishuixiang, and to enrich and improve the rules system inside.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Baiyan was destined to only play a supporting role, and could not be the focus of Shuimu's development.

And now, Xinzhen is also unable to evolve Baiyan into a complete Tenseigan.

However, with the caged bird that cooperates with it, it is only necessary to forcibly break the curse seal, and then the white eye can be greatly improved.

Tenseiyan's chakra mode is not inferior to the power of Samsara Eye. Although it is not as comprehensive as Samsara Eye, its destructive power is stronger than Samsara Eye.

In Tenseiyan Chakra mode, the golden wheel and the silver wheel are terrifying secret techniques that can ravage the moon.

When it came to Mizuki's long-standing white eye, the direction of development was extremely obvious from the very beginning.

Since there is no other special purpose, and what Mizuki values ​​most is the essence of chakra, the development direction of Baiyan is also very clear, which also leads to the singleness of its ability.

If the white eyes will become stronger and stronger with the passage of time, and eventually reach the level of Tenseikan, naturally everything will not be a problem.

The problem is that there is not enough time, there are only trade-offs.

Mizuki doesn't value the space and illusion abilities possessed by Tenseigan, and he already has a more suitable type of ninjutsu.

On the other hand, Tenseiyan's chakra mode is very attractive. It can use the same level of power as the six paths, and the yin and yang escapes manipulated by the Daoyu can be used to cut through the moon.

It's a pity that such a powerful pupil technique is not available. What Xinzhen can do now is to give full play to the characteristics of Baiyan's own chakra absorption after the evolution, and attack the enemy from a distance, so that the enemy's chakra is absorbed.

In addition, there is an accompanying stunt, which is to rebound the enemy after absorbing the ninja.

This is a secret technique that is more powerful than the Uchiha family's flame fan and the third-generation Hokage - Sarutobi Hizan's five-element escape technique. The suppression of ordinary ninjutsu by high-level abilities is vividly reflected. Sealing technique is even more domineering.

"The blood lineage, especially the blood of the Otsutsugi clan, is really the darling of the ninja world!"

Xinzhen waved casually, and the large net of yin and yang that had formed on the top of the outsider golem's head collapsed and disappeared because Chakra was absorbed out of thin air.

As long as it uses Chakra's out-of-body ninjutsu, it is within the range that can be erased, and as long as it is not too far within the sight of Xinzhen Baiyan, the released power to absorb Chakra will cross the void, land on the target point.

This kind of unreasonable, almost phenomenal coercive ability is simply too powerful.

This is more terrifying than the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye that Shuimu has experienced many times.

At this moment, Xinzhen, who has ignored gravity, floats in mid-air, smoothing out all the fluctuations of Chakra power, and wherever the power passes, all conflicts are calm.

If it weren't for the real vitality in the body of the outsider golem, there was no chakra, and Xinzhen wanted to try to see if it could work on the ten tails.

And this is precisely what Uchiha Madara fears.

Losing his undead body and infinite chakra, although his strength has become stronger, and his chakra has recovered quickly after transplanting the first-generation cells, it is also limited in the end. After doing all the chakras, no matter how powerful the reincarnation eye secret technique is, it is just a decoration.

As a last resort, Madara Uchiha could only fight under the protection of the outsider golem, otherwise, during this time, most of the enemies present would have been swept away.

However, the power of faith is not lasting.

The characteristics of Baiyan's absorption of chakra can not only be used from a distance, but as long as the contact with non-Hyuga clansmen is all absorbed, the closest Xinzheng is naturally the first victim.

Why let others back away, because they are too close, and they are likely to be drained of chakra too.

There is basically no one here who can resist a coercive force that even the nine-tailed people can't resist.

If it weren't for Shuimu's body to continuously transmit power across the air to maintain the life and will of Xinzheng, maybe even the soul would be burned into power and absorbed by the white eyes.

But now it's over.

"Time is running out!"

The body has begun to collapse from the molecular level, just like the one-time reincarnation eye used by Shuimu a few years ago, the hands, feet, and then the torso are slowly blurring.

Looking at the few tailed beasts trapped by the golem lock, Naruto Uzumaki who was pulled away from the nine-tailed chakra, and the eight-tailed bull ghost who used the secret technique of breaking free, using the broken limb chakra as the continuation of Kirabi Dangerous situation of life...

By the way, there is also Sasuke Uchiha who was pierced and nailed to the ground by the black rod of Yin and Yang.

Although the process is a little different, the result is not much different under the efforts of Xinzhen.

"It's fate and people's hearts. In the end, including me, I'm just a member of all living beings. Many times, knowing too much is also the beginning of misfortune."

Whether it is Nagato, Uchiha Obito, or Uchiha Madara, including Indra, Asura, and their chakra reincarnations from a long time ago, this is the case.

Just because Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha are the last reincarnations of Indra and Asura, it is time for the Six Paths to make the final verdict on the millennia-old differences.

In a trance, Xinzhen seemed to have heard the final conclusion about his own positioning after studying all aspects of the ninja world on the eve of the fourth ninja war.

"Whether it's accidental or intentional, the occurrence of the catfish effect is already obvious. While agitating the living environment of the small fish, the alien catfish also activates the survival ability of the small fish, making the whole ecology more vigor and vitality. The system is degraded because of the closed environment. Especially in the precarious ninja world, it needs a sense of external crisis to drive ninjas to become stronger and their overall strength to a higher level.”

Except for Naruto Uzumaki, basically all the main forces of the allied forces in the ninja world are stronger than the original. The only exception is Naruto Uzumaki, the true savior. As long as his temperament remains unchanged, his strength depends more on the nine tails and the The Power of the Six Paths, unlike his partner, relies more on correct guidance to practice.

"However, when the small fish is energetic enough, the catfish has eaten too much and is so strong that it endangers the whole fish, how will they be treated?"

As long as Mizuki exists, no matter how he acts, from the perspective of the ninja world, it is beneficial, but when this foundation does not exist, and even Mizuki has the ability to destroy the entire ninja world, what should we do? .

The absolute master is not needed in the ninja world. If there must be, there can only be one. If there are more, sooner or later there will be conflicts due to differences in ideas. The brothers Otsutsuki Yui and Otsutsuki Yumura sealed their mother because of this. - Kaguya Otsutsuki.