Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1134: Dean

"Yuan ... Master ... you ..." Mu Yuyi saw the boy sitting on the throne at the moment, and some of them were speechless.

He thought of many scenes after entering the ninth floor. He might meet the most peerless genius of Tianxuan Academy or the legendary character thousands of years ago, but he never thought he would meet Lu here. Job!

"Are you surprised?" Lu Boyo said, looking at Mu Yuyi with interest. "It seems that I should be the dean of our Tianxuan College now. After more than two thousand years, my strength should be very strong now. It's strong! "

"I ..." Lu Boyo at this moment, Mu Yuyi didn't know what to say for a while.

If there are no things on the eighth floor, then Lu Boyu is still his beloved teacher, the kind old man, but after listening to what the girl Qingying said on the eighth floor, and he himself became a yin and yang teacher, This sense has changed a lot.

Especially now, after Mu Yuyi has practiced the Yin and Yang Jing, he has a very subtle feel for many changes around him. He can feel the affection of this young Lu Boyo for him, but there is a kind of affection that makes him Feeling very uncomfortable.

Mu Yuyi can be sure that the Lu Boyo in front of her is definitely not just a puppet, but the encounter with Lu Boyo on the ninth floor has also raised the level of complexity of the whole thing again.

"In fact, it's not surprising. The deans of Tianxuan College are all disciples from Tianxuan College. I also stepped into today's strength and status step by step. I came to the ninth floor of Tianxuan Tower and left my own. Inheritance is not surprising! "Lu Boyo explained while looking at the still-confused Mu Yuyi.

"Yes, my disciples understand!"

Mu Yuyi said respectfully, although he noticed that the situation was different, but he didn't show the slightest, but secretly, Mu Yuyi performed a technique of gasification and Sanqing to communicate the Taiqing clone Mu Yucun who was retreating from the elder tower of Nizong. He began to use Yin and Yang to deduct the events in the Tianxuan Tower, and the purpose of Lu Boyo.

"You don't have to be polite, we are all disciples here, of course, you have gone to the ninth floor, and to some extent are no longer ordinary disciples!" Lu Boyo said softly.

"Then I have to defeat you to get your legacy?" Mu Yuyi asked carefully.

"No, no, what is left here is not strictly my heritage, but the heritage of Tianxuan College. As long as you go to the ninth floor, it means that you have already become the next dean of Tianxuan College. Qualification! "Lu Boyo said with a smirk," It also means that I can finally take off the responsibility of the dean! "

"Dean you ..." Mu Yuyi was startled and looked at the young man on the throne in an incredible way. He never thought of becoming the dean of Tianxuan Academy. His main purpose here was Nanming under Tianxuan Tower. Continent-associated fairy scales.

Of course, after becoming the director of Tianxuan College, Mu Yuyi can get the measuring ruler more easily, but this is not in accordance with his plan. It is not a good choice, and because of his personality, he doesn't want to be involved in this. In a complex situation.

"I should also do what I want to do, and for so many years I have not been able to break through the refining period, and there is not much Shouyuan left. I can find the next dean's successor now, and I am quite relieved. One thing! "Lu Boyo continued, looking sincere.

"As long as you enter the ninth floor, can you become the dean of Tianxuan College?" Mu Yuyi asked, after a moment of groaning.

"You are the first one to reach it, naturally the most qualified, but if there are others, you have to compete with each other, but you are still the first candidate!" Lu Boyo explained.

"Then what should I do now?" Mu Yuyi asked with a look of surprise.

"Wait! See if anyone else can enter the ninth floor, if not, you are the only candidate!"

After saying this, Lu Boyue's uncle closed his eyes and stopped paying attention to Mu Yuyi. It seemed that his purpose here was to guide the next dean of Tianxuan College, and it had nothing to do with the trial.

At the moment, Mu Yuyi, the spirit and Tai Qing, Mu Yu Cun, is in a state of communication. He is uniting the two to work out this event.

Time is passing quickly, and the spiritual power of Yin and Yang of the two is also continuously being consumed. The spiritual power is even more so. The funeral on the side of Nizong is already sweaty. For him, although Mu Yuyi shared the Yin and Yang classics he practiced However, at this moment, the actual operation and deduction are extremely expensive, and the cost of leaking this secret is really not affordable for ordinary people.

The time of San Ayaka passed, Mu Yuyi became more and more clear about this incident. He seems to have cleared the silk thread around him, but there is only one, but it also makes Mu Yuyi There are many new discoveries.

"President Lu Boyo's love for me is true. This should be fine, but his feeling towards me seems to treat not a disciple but a personal thing, which makes people very uncomfortable! Mu Yuyi secretly said in his heart ~ ~ As the deduction continued, Mu Yuyi felt that something was pulling him forward. He could feel the danger, but he also clearly felt it. He must follow this established route. This contradictory perception makes Mu Yuyi's heart very puzzled and somewhat annoyed, because he always feels that he can catch something by reaching out, but every time he makes a shot, he is Missing it, even slipping away from his fingers, this feeling is really not beautiful.

"It's really annoying that you can see part of the deduction and not all the deductions!" In the practice room of Ninzong, the burial face said ugly.

Many times it ’s okay to say secrets, but this feeling of knowing a part of the secret, but not all of it, really makes people scratch their heads and feel uncomfortable.

However, with the current deduction ability of the two, there is only so much that they can achieve. No matter how advanced the deduction is, they can't do it at all, let alone watch the stars. For them, it is astronomy. I don't understand.

Time went on like this, Lu Boyo didn't speak again, and Mu Yuyi didn't ask again, but just sat down and practiced.

Ten days passed quickly. On this day, Luo Yuxi, the last of all the students, left the eighth floor and returned to the outside world. This also means that except for Yu Yuyi, the cultivation of everyone else is over. He is The only disciple who entered the ninth floor of Tianxuan Tower.

Lu Boyo's eyes reopened at this moment, smiling and looking at Mu Yuyi with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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