Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 517: 3-corner grudge

Looking at the Dragon Ball that exudes blood in his hands, Lin Chuan took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and closed his eyes and began to recover.

It is not known if the nine blood dragon **** gathered together can summon the **** dragon Linchuan, but he knows that this dragon ball can help him greatly improve his strength.

Once he swallowed a drop of blood from the ancient fierce beast from Lin Shen, he greatly increased his ability to obtain the lysed blood submarine limit. Now, this is the blood dragon ball of the ancient immortal descendant's blood. Lin Chuan was so shocked that he didn't even dare to swallow it easily. I can imagine how powerful Lin Chuan would become if he slowly refined it.

At this time, the Prince's Skeleton and Ling Hong, who had received a blood dragon ball, also chose Linchuan as they did in Linchuan, and did not rush into the sixth storey of Tibetan sutras.

They all know that the assessment of the fifth layer has been so abnormal, and the assessment of the sixth layer will be even more horrible. Entering the sixth layer in this incomplete state is almost the same as giving up the assessment directly, so they want After the restoration is completed, go to the next level of the sutra hall.

As time goes by, people from the Tibetan Pavilion are coming and going. Some people are quickly eliminated after entering, and some people do not go out after entering.

These people who haven't gotten out have become the focus of everyone's attention. After the joint deduction of everyone, they have put a list of those who haven't come out of the Tibetan Pavilion.

Among them, Mu Huiye, Prince Skull, Ling Hong, and Meng Jingxian are listed among them. In addition to this, there are eight families and four gates of Tianjiao, which number as many as thirty.

Among the other major forces remaining, the ink cicada from Dayin Lou is now coming. Although everyone is not sure what their status in Dayin Lou is, it is clear that this girl is not simple, and her Strength also proves this. Since she entered the Zangjing Pavilion, she has not yet gone out, which is enough to prove many things.

At the moment, Luo Yuxi, who has been given high hopes, is still recovering from the wounds, and she has not entered the Tibetan scripture pavilion. At this moment, someone with a keen sense of smell found that Luo Yuxi should have suffered a serious injury, otherwise she would recover. Ability, should have entered the Tibetan scripture hall and competed with other Tianjiao for a long time.

It was also when everyone was arguing that those who entered the Scripture Pavilion could go to the end. There was a riot over the Wannian Jinsinan Wood Forest. Not long after, thousands of monks came here and walked all over The blood-covered man in front of everyone surprised everyone.

"Isn't this the blood spirit boy? Why is he here now?" Someone said in surprise.

"It is said that this blood spirit son is the weakest one of the chief disciples of the four major gates, and was hunted down everywhere!" Said a Jindan monk, looking at the robe he was wearing, he was a member of Jinyangzong. .

"You ca n’t say that. Although his blood evil spirit has been killed several times, this also shows his strength from the side. The repair must be not bad. If all the blood evil spirits are merged, it is estimated that the strength will be Explosive! "Said another disciple of Jin Yangzong, frowning, apparently he didn't look down on Xueling Lingzi.

"That being said, I remembered that it seemed that the first blood spirit body of the blood spirit son was killed by Luo Yuxi, and the grievance between the two of them seemed not simple. This is a good show!" Someone immediately said that he looked at Luo Yuxi who was recovering not far away.

Sure enough, as these thousands of people approached, Luo Yu's blue eyes suddenly opened, and he looked at the blood spirit boy who was walking towards him with a murderous look.

boom! Without any hesitation, Luo Yuxi erupted instantly, and the light blue river rolled straight out of her side, and went straight to the blood spirit son. There was a twinkling of starlight, and the horrible breath rose instantly to the sky!

"Well, she really met Luo Yuxi's girl!" Blood Linger's eyes narrowed slightly, his right hand flung, and a large amount of blood flew out, stopping in front of the light blue river.


The shock of terror erupted, and the blue and the blood were instantly intertwined, and suddenly exploded in the next moment.

The blood-colored light curtain shattered, and the blood spirit boy flew into the wolf, but it was different from the first time he was killed by Luo Yuxi. This time, the blood spirit boy's strength was significantly strengthened, at least hard. Resisted Luo Yuxi's one-hit attack containing Luo River Shenshui without being injured.

"Luo Yuxi, don't think that I can't move you, someday I will let you die in my hands!" Xueling Deng said coldly, and his body turned, and it turned into a blood light rushing towards Luo Yuxi .

"Then I will kill you now!" Luo Yuxi's cold voice made all the monks feel a cold behind, the killing meaning contained in it has reached the peak, it is personally able to see Luo Yuxi's hatred of the blood spirit son meaning.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the blood light transformed by the blood spirit son turned directly on the way to Luo Yuxi, and disappeared when he hit a stone tablet in front of the Tibetan Pavilion.

"Lao Tzu has no time to play with you, wait until I kill that Mu Huiye!" The last word of the blood spirit son echoed in everyone's ears ~ ~, and his figure has completely disappeared and entered the Tibetan scriptures Court.

"What's the situation, why is Xueling Son still related to that Mu Huiye?" Everyone was shocked, and they couldn't figure out that there was a Mu Huiye involved between Luo Yuxi and Xueling Son.

In the erratic look of everyone, Luohe Shenshui rolled out, fell on the stone tablet and disappeared in front of everyone after the blood spirit son.

"I'm going, this Nima triangle love !!!"

Everyone was shocked and looked at Luo Yuxi, who followed the blood son into the Scripture Pavilion. There was a strange feeling that couldn't be explained, what was wrong.

Even when everyone was wondering about the grievances between the three blood spirit sons, Luo Yuxi, and Mu Huiye, several people came flying and did not choose to rest. They fell directly in front of the stone monument and entered. Tibetan scripture court.

Between the light and the flash, everyone saw the faces of those people clearly, and their faces changed suddenly.

"Fengtai ancestor, this old guy has gone and returned !!!"

"There is also Qing Cheng Zhang Cheng, he is back, without Mu Huiye's deterrence, they are simply unbridled!"

"Well, totally ignore our existence, **** it !!!"

For a time, all Tianjiao felt bad. These ancestors of the meta-infancy were too cunning, strong and strong, and over time, the next time they weakened their coercion, it was not far off.

By that time, these people will be able to use Jin Dan's later strengths. Even if Mu Huiye joins forces, they will no longer be rivals. By then, their younger generation will really have no right to speak. Already.

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(End of this chapter)

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