Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 903: , "Otsutsuki" is back!

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As the huge waves like landslides and tsunamis smashed through the dense forest, countless ninjas jumped up and attacked the enemies in front of them.

In the splash of water, the trees cracked, and with the deafening explosions, countless broken corpses floated on the water.

This is a war, and a tragic civil war broke out in Wuyin Village, which is now on the verge of collapse!

Hundreds of ninjas, even civilians who had just picked up their weapons, roared and rushed to the location of the Water Shadow Building under the leadership of an elite force, launching a suicide-like attack.

Countless kunai burst out from the dark fog with the whistling of death, easily harvesting life, but were washed away by a strong and irritating fog and melted, revealing the hidden scene.

"These guys are actually enemies?!"

Looking at the "white monsters" that had appeared in their original form under Kaguya's attack, everyone around was shocked.

If any enemy really knew of their situation, the Fourth Mizukage would definitely eradicate them before he fell.

Ghost Lantern Full Moon was even more incredible, because these "tribes" were brought back by himself.

"What the **** is this...?"

"Don't be nervous, just some chops."

Hui Ye Qiangsheng said lightly, his eyes calmly staring at the struggling Bai Jues on the ground.

Generally speaking, as long as Bai Jue doesn't get hit, he can still continue to move with the powerful vitality brought by the degraded wood escape cells in his body. However, the corpse vein attack by Kaguya Qiangsheng is not simple.

"Destroy it, under the power of the corpse veins, ordinary wooden tunnels can't escape the end of withering..."

In the screams, the Bai Jues did not make any substantial resistance, and they all turned into a solution-like substance, and even the cells died one after another, losing their vitality.

This is the result of Orochimaru's secret study of the corpse veins. When the Kaguya clan's blood-restricting ability continues to improve, it will naturally awaken a trace of the power of the Otsutsuki clan.

The ultimate meaning of the corpse veins, a terrifying forbidden technique that destroys all vitality - killing the ashes together!

The corpse veins in Hui Ye Qiangsheng's body are continuously researched and refined by Orochimaru using a large number of Hui Ye clan bloodlines. Although the power of annihilation is far from the terrifying level of killing the ashes together, even the six powerhouses can beheaded, but it is also terrifying. Enough to have a huge inhibitory effect on vitality.

If it is to deal with some ninjas with powerful vitality, Kaguya Qiangsheng's corpse bone veins already have a powerful lethality, of course, the side effects and great...

"Don't come into direct contact with those substances, freeze all their corpses with ice, and then find a place to dispose of them." Hui Ye Qiangsheng ordered.

An excessively powerful corpse vein will not only pose a fatal threat to the enemy, but also cause harm to one's own body, that is, blood disease.

Even Kaguya Otsutsuki, when she uses the move to kill the ashes, once she controls the bone blade shot into the enemy's body to release the power of decay, the bone veins in her body will also collapse under the power of decay, which is difficult to control. .

Therefore, every time Kaguya Otsutsuki releases a total of ashes, while killing the enemy, the bones growing behind his body will also crack and wither, and it will take a long time to recover after using this move again.

This kind of power is difficult to control, and the caster himself may be attacked. For example, Junma Lu of the original time and space has fallen, and there is almost no cure.

However, after years of research on Orochimaru, I finally came up with a more feasible way.

That is, while enhancing the power of the corpse veins, inject the power of the blood of other Otsutsuki clans into the user's body, and use other "matching" blood lines to suppress the corpse veins in the body.

It's like using the wood escape cells to suppress the kaleidoscope Shaker's backlash on the body. At this time, in addition to the power of the corpse veins, Kaguya Qiangsheng also has white eyes and a large number of wood escape cells.

If he exerts his full strength, Kaguya Qiangsheng's strength is enough to easily defeat the four generations of Mizukage and Yutachi Yakura in normal state...

"What a powerful force, is this the strength of Lord Johnson?"

The ninjas of the other two clans did not understand what that faint decadent aura represented, but the eyes of a senior Kaguya ninja showed a hint of horror and enlightenment.

"Don't worry, this place has a special formation barrier. This time I will come in time, and the enemy should have no chance to get information."

Seemingly aware of everyone's worries, Kaguya Qiangsheng reassured everyone, "According to the information I got this time, these strange guys are also the subordinates of the fourth generation of water shadows, a kind of existence similar to the first generation of Hokage wood escape, but they are not. Have a certain sense of autonomy.

They can absorb the chakra of the ninja they are fighting with, and then pretend to be someone else, and they cannot be detected by ordinary perception methods. "

"Woodun clone?"

"There is such a thing!"

Hearing Kaguya Qiangsheng's explanation, the ninjas of the three major families looked around in amazement.

Especially the ghost lamp full moon, his face is very ugly at this moment, standing in the corner and bowing his head silently.

"Don't be suspicious, these ghosts seem to have appeared recently, and I'm sure we don't have any other such things here.

It's just that when you bring other people in in the future, you must have more information. Since everyone is a blood-based limit ninja, as long as you use some blood-based boundaries, you can prove your identity. Those ghosts also have the ability to imitate the blood-based boundaries. "Kui Ye Qiangsheng laughed.

"I see……"

"It's so worrying."

Guideng Jiyue and others breathed a sigh of relief, and admired Hui Ye Johnson even more.

"That **** in Yakura is really haunted, he still doesn't let us go at this time, and how could he have such a strange subordinate?"

Seeing Bai Jue's body being disposed of, everyone started talking.

Hui Ye Qiangsheng sighed softly, and the fact that Bai Jue appeared so quickly in this stronghold also surprised him.

This is a very obvious signal. He still controls the Obito of Yutachi Yakura. Now that the country of water is almost over, he is also ready to run away after a big vote, so he will send Bai Jue at this time.

"Uchiha Obito, Lord Orochimaru has mentioned this kid many times, so I must be careful, I really can't relax."

Hui Ye Qiangsheng said to himself, as Ye Long's important subordinate and a cadre-level member of the Dark Organization, Hui Ye Qiangsheng naturally knew the current situation.

Madara Uchiha has fallen, and Yakura is not worth worrying about at all, but with Obito still in Kiriyin Village for a day, he cannot reveal his existence.

The purpose of Yelong and Orochimaru is to use the power and righteousness of the three major families of Wuyin Village to secretly control the entire Wuyin Village and the country of water. When the fourth generation of water shadows steps down and the fifth generation of water shadows is ready to succeed, they will make a comeback. when.

Simply getting the name "Water Shadow" and getting a country of water that has turned into ruins has no meaning, and even he, Kaguya Qiangsheng, has the confidence to directly kill Yutachi Yakura and replace it.

What he wants is the blood follower ninjas of the three major families of Kiriyin Village, who will continuously provide fresh blood for the entire organization of the two adults, and will fundamentally become part of the organization's power and an important part of controlling the entire ninja world in the future.

Unlike Madara Uchiha, it is just treated as a one-time consumable, messing around and spoiling...

"Okay, since I found out this time, everyone should be careful, and then I have other information to discuss with you."

After arranging his thoughts for a while, Kaguya Qiangsheng waved his hand to interrupt everyone who was still discussing, "Yakura's actions are seen by everyone, and everyone who loves the country and the village will not support him.

Except for the group of dead-hearted confidants he cultivated, others will not tolerate such **** to completely bring down the entire country, so except for us, some people have already begun to act secretly! "

"What? Is it true?"

"In the end, is the family member so kind?!"

Everyone was in an uproar, Kaguya said with a smile, "But it's a woman, a woman with strong strength and a very hot wrist, Terumi Mei!"

"Terumi Mei...!"

Everyone was stunned, and immediately fell into deep thought.

Terumi Mei is a female ninja with a beautiful appearance, a good figure, and a noble bloodline. Although she is not a member of the three major families, she also has a considerable reputation in the country of water.

The reason why she is so famous is not just her beautiful and unforgettable beauty, but more of her strength.

Terumi Mei, who has chakras of water, earth and fire at the same time, has two kinds of blood-sublimation boundaries, Rongdun and Boiling. The entire ninja world can't find the second one, and his strength is quite amazing. Anbu of the village secretly has a large number of fans.

"If it is the woman Terumi Mei, it is reasonable to become the leader of the opponents when our three major families are no longer in glory, and... maybe there is a great chance of success!"

Someone analyzed, "As long as Terumi Mei wins over other families and powerhouses in Wuyin Village, and wins the support of the Great Name of the Land of Water, there is at least a 50% chance of overthrowing the fourth generation of Mizukage.

Lord Johnson, are we going to take the opportunity..."

"Don't worry, now is not the time."

Kaguya Qiangsheng smiled and said, wouldn't it be a pleasure to use the power of Terumi Mei, the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole, and sit on the throne of the water shadow?

But after all, he couldn't go against the master's wishes, he could only find a way to control the land of water in secret and control the future five generations of water shadows.

"Now in addition to the secret rise of Terumi Mei, many masters from Anbu have been wooed, and the rest of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen have also secretly stood in line.

The ghost lamp full moon is naturally from our side. It seems that Kuri Kushimaru and Ringo Yuri have been in contact with Terumi Mei, and I am afraid they will become her subordinates. As for Loquat Juzo... It seems that they are going to defect. "

Hui Ye Qiangsheng said seriously, he has been silently paying attention to the movements of Loquat Shizang and some Wu NinJunin.

Through them, he could indirectly understand the Xiao organization that Orochimaru had mentioned to him many times.

"The three major families will eventually rise, except for the clansmen who are still living in the outside world, if everyone can recruit some powerful masters, it is also good.

In addition, the union of our three families may also go further, marrying each other, becoming a family, and giving birth to a stronger bloodline? "

Kaguya Johnson probed.

If you want to control the country of water, you must further integrate the Three Lives Association, make the three major families fully integrate, and make him a legitimate "leader".

However, this time, Hui Ye Qiangsheng still somewhat overestimated his influence and underestimated the pride that the three major families still had in their hearts.

The crowd looked at each other and did not say a word.

Everyone has no doubts about Kaguya's information, but the relationship between the Seven Ninja Swords is not very good, and everyone doesn't care, and even the three major families themselves cannot be completely trusted.

Now everyone is in danger. Except for Terumi Mei, there are many people who defected. It's just that things like Bai Jue happened before, and they don't have much thought.

As for the marriage of the three races, it is still too difficult for them to regard bloodline more than anything else. Not everyone is like Kaguya Qiangsheng, who can directly fuse the blood and the boundary under the transformation of Orochimaru as easy and pleasant. .

"Hey, these guys, they were full of ambitions before, but their hearts are still only worthy of the fear of Yakura's rule..."

Hui Ye Qiangsheng shook his head silently.

After the Wuyin assassination incident, the current Sanshenghui is still too weak.

But it is still a long way to go to completely control the country of water and make the five generations of water shadows a puppet controlled by Sanshenghui...

"In any case, I will never forget the life-saving grace of Mr. Johnson & Johnson, and take the lead of Mr. Johnson & Johnson!"

"Let's follow the lead of Mr. Johnson & Johnson!"

The atmosphere was a little depressing, and everyone expressed their heartfelt...

Another week later.

The existence of the Sanshenghui was not discovered by the outside world because of that accident. With the efforts of Kaguya Qiangsheng, it silently accumulated strength and cultivated a new generation of blood ninjas.

The moon in the sky seems to have calmed There has been no surprising abnormality, and many people in the ninja world are relieved.

However, the incident of the Otsutsugi clan coming and attacking Konoha quietly spread, and with the addition of other ninja villages, the term "mysterious ninja clan" is still fermenting.

And Wuyin Village also maintained its original lifeless appearance, but in the dark, it became "prosperous".

Obito seems to have successfully "brainwashed" the ghost shark, making him his loyal super thug and one of the most reliable key members of the future Xiao organization.

In addition, although I don't know the method, Kaguya has already determined that Loquat Shizang has joined Obito's subordinates, and together with many Shangin from Wuyin Village, they will officially leave the ruined ship of Wuyin Village at any time.

Among them, there is a fog ninja with good strength, known as the "blood slaughter", Kawashima Taro, the fog ninja powerhouse. Although he is not one of the seven ninja knives, his weapon is also a big sword. Comparable.

The outside world is not clear about these intelligence, they will only think that these people are just defectors, but they will become the original team of Obito to join the Akatsuki organization, and win a place in the hands of the "God" Nagato. Important bargaining chip.

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