Naruto’s Strongest Bloodline

Chapter 269: Take away Pratunam Kushina (first one! S

Jiuxinai wanted to persuade that Watergate had already used the ghoul seal and donated his soul to the **** of death.

After the **** of death tied the soul of Watergate, it was considered to have reached a contract with Watergate.

"Trust this kid! He is our kid!" said Watergate.

"After the ghoul seal is complete, I will seal your Chakra on Naruto. I hope you can help him when he tries to control Kyuubi as a human being."

"He is our son. Because of this, I don't want Naruto to bear such a heavy responsibility. And, why should the ghouls be sealed off? Just to let me see the grown-up Naruto, and use gossip to seal it. All right?"

"Just for such a short time, why should you give your life?! I hope you can stay with Naruto and protect him from growing up, why? For the balance of the tail beast? For the country? For the village? Do you want Naruto to be a victim? Do you want to be a victim for me!" Kushina loves peace and loves the people around him even more.

In fact, Jiu Xin Na has been saved by Shigure, and water gate shouldn't be sealed off with a ghoul.

"Abandoning the country, abandoning the village... Just like abandoning the children, you should have a deep understanding of the destruction of the motherland, right? I, what cruel life will be forced to live through the country? What's more, our family is ninja !"

"You and I understand that the current Kyuubi can't completely seal it with the gossip seal. Moreover, I did this not only for you, but also for Naruto. As a mother, you have your responsibility... Take care of some Naruto for me!"

"To die willingly for the sake of my son is also the duty of my father." Watergate showed a resolute expression.

"Boom!" Sarutobi Rizhan used his Diamond Wishful Stick to smash the barrier fiercely, but found that he could not enter at all.

"Master III! How's it going!?" Anbe asked.

"No, in order to prevent Kyuubi from coming out, the barrier was opened in front, and they couldn't get in at all. They planned to deal with Kyuubi on their own." Sarutobi Rizen was very anxious, but there was no way.

Grim Reaper couldn't wait, put his hand into Mizumon's body, and then stretched out from Mizumon's body, his long arms grabbed Kyuubi's soul.

"The ghouls are sealed!" A hand of death stretched out of Watergate's body, and he had firmly grasped half of the soul of Nine Tails.

"Damn fourth-generation Hokage!" Kyuubi was very angry. As soon as he broke the seal, he was about to be dealt with by fourth-generation Hokage.

"Seal!" The fourth generation eye grabbed the soul of Nine Tails into his body, and the abdomen immediately showed a sealing technique.

"The body is numb! I didn't expect its chakra to be so heavy!" The fourth generation was taken aback.

"Damn it!" Kyuubi was taken away from his ordinary soul, so he lost half of his chakras, and his body was naturally half smaller.

"Okay! Next is the gossip seal!" The fourth generation immediately summoned the altar for the ceremony.

"The altar used for the ceremony? Do you want to seal me up again? And seal it on that kid?!" Kyuubi took advantage of Kushina's seal to be weak, and Mizumon's attention was distracted, and then he hit Naruto. past.

At this critical moment, a voice came out.

"The **** emperor produces the spirits!" The surroundings instantly turned grayish white, and time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

Only one figure can still move freely in this world, and that is naturally Shi Yu.

With the kaleidoscope containing the power of the night, it has the ability to control time and space. The **** emperor's spirit is naturally stagnant time, and the high emperor's spirit is to absorb ninjutsu into a peculiar space, and then increase the energy of ninjutsu. Hit the opponent back.

In order to save Naruto and the Mizumon couple, Shigure ran in the direction of Kyuubi, and then just a light push to release the **** emperor's spirit.

The world returned to normal, and the Watergates blocked Naruto one by one, but they did not feel the pain of being penetrated by their bodies.

"How is this going...

"Naruto! Still alive...Are we intact, too?"

"How is this possible! I should be pushed to the ground by a human!?" Kyuubi couldn't figure out how such a small human could come from.

"Nine-tailed!" Kushina then strengthened his restraint on the nine-tailed tail, and the nine-tailed tail immediately became unable to move.

"Damn it!" Kyuubi also cursed unwillingly.

"Teacher Shiyu, you must have been to Miaomu Mountain? Do me a favor? I will give you the sealed key, and then can I let Teacher Ji Laiye keep it?" Watergate asked.

Immediately afterwards, he summoned words similar to curse seals on a scroll.

And the three generations outside the enchantment were also dumbfounded.

"Shigure is here? Water Gate... It seems that he intends to make his child become Renzhuli, in order to save the village!" Sandaime also understood instantly.

"I promise you, I believe that Jiraiya will also teach Naruto well." Shi Yu nodded and took the key, which is considered to have agreed to such a request by Watergate.

"Then I can rest assured!" Watergate nodded gratefully and then said: "It's almost time to start the gossip seal. I also want to seal as many Chakras on Naruto as possible."

And Shigure took advantage of Shidaime and Kusina to leave a message for Naruto, and naturally walked to the edge of the barrier and said to Hokage III.

"Ms. Sarutobi? Don't come here unharmed?"

"Shigure... Sarutobi Rizuan is a bit mixed, but it's okay not to see Shigure, but when he sees Shigure's guilt, he can't suppress it.

"As Hokage, every time you make a decision, I think you have to choose? How come you are full of regrets after seeing me now? I don't know what Danzo said about me after he came back. ?" Shi Yu smiled faintly, now he doesn't care about Hokage or Danzo.

"Don't worry, this time I came to Konoha, but I happened to meet someone who wanted to clean Konoha. Mizumon and Kusinai had an affair, so we temporarily tried to help. It seems that Mizuno must die. What about Kusina You can’t live long after being forcibly pulled away from Nine Tails?"

"I won't take their child away, I hope you will take good care of him?" Shigure then turned his head to see that Kushina's words had already said almost.

"Sorry, Hokage III! Have time to clean up the remains of Lord Biwa? I'm going to bring Mizumon and Kusina's corpses and leave here!"

"Spell of the Black Light!" After Shigure switched to the Snake Immortal mode, he directly used the Snake Immortal's Immortal Technique to block the surrounding five senses, and then left the place with Jiuxinai and Water Gate.

"Fei Lei Shen!" Shi Yu then quickly used Fei Lei Shen to escape from the barrier.

"Oops! Even the remains of Mizuno...Sandaime couldn't stop Shigure from leaving, and it was full of regret.