Naruto’s Strongest Bloodline

Chapter 415: The Seven Ninja Swords (Second! Seek col

Shigure then channeled out five ninja swords. After killing the seven people before, they have been sealed up. However, the broken sword and the decapitating knife, Shigure gave it to the ghost, and the big knife and the shark muscle. shark.

"Hoshino, you are using Thunder Escape. Thunder Knife will be very suitable for you, and it will be very suitable to play long-range." Shigure gave Thunder Knife Tooth to Xiong.

"Nanxiong, in addition to the reduced gray teeth, I will stitch you a long knife, which can better make up for your shortcomings in the middle and long range."

"Xiaoxing, you have a lot of Xianshu and Chakras, but you are good at melee combat. The power of using Double Knife and Flounder will be much stronger, and it can also extend your combat distance."

"Patriarch Fuyue, your ninjutsu is very strong, but close combat lacks explosiveness. I will give you the blasting knife and droplets, which can combine fire escape and explosion."

"The last knife, blunt knife, cut...

"It can defeat all defensive knives, Shigure-sama doesn't mind giving it to the old man, right?" Masamune Uchiha said actively.

Shigure knew that Masamune himself was a fierce tiger on the battlefield, and gave Masamune the blunt knife and slash in his hand without much thought.

Shi Yu looked at the seven ninjas, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"You are the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of my Ninja World!" Shi Yu was quite proud.

"Dashewan, Dou, how about the research on the reincarnation of Dirty Earth that you two did? I have done research on Mu Dun, Xianshu, and Yang Dun Chakra. Don’t tell me, it’s not completed yet?" Shi Yu asked.

Da She Wan licked his tongue and replied, "Sir Shigure, don't worry! We are done! The most perfect rebirth of the dirty soil!"

"I choose Bai Jue for the sacrifice, but don't give me a living person." Shigure also warned.

"Of course, Shigure-sama, how dare I go beyond the rules you set?" Oshamaru said.

"That's good, after the meeting, I will go to you, and other Shinobu villages have also agreed to the request for reincarnation of the dirty soil, so I can use it when I have to." Shi Yu said.

"Next, more than 20,000 ninjas from Ninja Ninja Village will participate in this battle. This is the biggest battle in our village since its establishment. I hope everyone will not take it lightly." Shigure said afterwards.

"The other five great ninja villages will also send around 150,000 ninjas, and the Iron Council will send 10,000 ninjas. From a standpoint of strength, the ninja coalition will reach around 15,000."

"Next, I will contact the small countries around us. After all, it is to save the world. I think they still have to rely on their power. It is estimated that they can dispatch 15,000 ninjas, so the total force will reach 120,000 or more. It’s a situation that has never happened before in the Ninja World."

"Master Shigure, this is the intelligence obtained jointly by the Mu organization and the intelligence department." At this time, Yi Chuan Yin also delivered an important document, Shigure nodded, just needing this information.

Shigure opened the paper, and then said: "Very well, the reconnaissance unit organized by Mu has shown that they have found the movement of the two main enemy forces. First, the first wave is Uchiha Madara, Mask Man, and Akatsuki. Organizing the enemy, they led one hundred thousand Baijue and traveled underground, the destination should be Yunyin."

"We can stop them in the northeast of the country of fire and the southwest of the country of fire. In other words, the battle with Madara is divided into the battlefield of the country of fire and the battlefield of the country of fire."

"In addition, the Western Onmyojis, the magicians, and the powerhouses of the divine palace will surely attack on a large scale from the western desert. They travel long distances. We must lengthen their battle lines and lure the enemy into the depths. Finally, we can The country of grass and the country of Taki launched a war of encirclement and suppression. At present, their military strength is still unknown...

"Therefore, together with the battlefield of the Kusano country and the battlefield of the Takino country, there are a total of four battlefields."

"However, the powers of Ise Shrine in the Kingdom of Gods are very strong, and some even exist above the super shadow. I think this side may contain many of us here, right?" Shi Yu looked at it. There are quite a few strong men under him.

"Let me explain about the situation of the ninja coalition forces. I am the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, while Raikage Ai is the deputy commander of the coalition forces. Konoha's Sarutobi is the general staff. Nara Nara and Uchiha Yoshihime will be The left and right deputy staff officers of the coalition forces, the commander of the coalition forces is the fourth generation of Fu Ying Luo Sha."

"Rosa will work with everyone to directly confront the enemy."

"And the other Four Shadows and I will be waiting for your good news at the coalition headquarters! Finally, the ninja's attire does not need to be unified, but the head guard must be replaced with a head guard with the word "Forbearance"."

Shigure finished the situation that needed to be explained before the battle, then took a long breath and then talked about the specific personnel arrangements.

"Along with the coalition headquarters is the intelligence unit. The intelligence unit is responsible for receiving and disseminating intelligence from various places. The captains are Konoha's Yamazaka Keiichi and misty Qing. I will establish a special The captain of the intelligence search force was appointed as Yin Yichuan."

"The daimyos of the country will be hidden in many places. The leader of the daimyo guards is the fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura in the village of mist, the misty Terumi, and the Shiranui Genma, Ebisu, and Konoha. Zu Lei is equally tolerant, to ensure nothing is wrong."

"In addition, there is the perception and reconnaissance unit. The reconnaissance unit leader is Renji Hyuga, the leader of the perception unit is Nozomi Unyin, and the deputy leader is Inuzuka Maru.

"The medical logistics unit is responsible for treating the wounded. The captains are Tsunadehime, one of Konoha Sannin, and the mother-in-law of Sarah Chiyo."

"The special combat force is in charge of Oshe Maru, and I will give you an assistant. I will discuss with you the specific method."

"The rest is the arrangements for the main combat troops and surprise forces. These arrangements are too early. Let's wait for the ninjas from other villages to gather before making the arrangements."

After Shigure arranged the arrangements in place, the entire Ninja Village began to mobilize. The ninjas who had previously carried out missions had already been notified to return to the village and stopped all missions after returning.

In addition to the necessary guards, 20,000 ninjas can be regarded as the limit of Nin Yin Village. The main force in Nin Yin Village is mainly Zhong Ren. Zhong Ren's position in the war is probably the team leader, although the number is not lower. But it is the most important force.

And Shangren is the ceiling of ordinary combat power. It can be regarded as the captain of a ninja formation. As for Shangren, the head of the coalition force unit.

All ninjas are wearing combat armors. There are light outfits, medium outfits and heavy outfits. Suitable ninjas can choose freely. Initiation talisman, shuriken, kunai, ninja, all weapons are free to choose from.

The wealthy Shigure can be considered to have lost money this time, the entire Nin Yin Village is extremely well equipped, and at the beginning, he has won at the starting line.

But just good equipment is not enough.