National Creation: I Added An Auction Group

Chapter 159

It was an absolute surprise.


Unparalleled power!

This is Chen Mang's feeling at the moment.

Chen Mang was overjoyed.

However, everyone in the West fell into a mood of grief and indignation.


"Why was our western dragon created by Chen Mang again!!"

"That's our Western species!"

"First it was the angels and fox people, and now it's the giant dragon, let's not let us live!"

"Damn Chen Mang, if you have the ability, you can create the elves, the centaurs, the succubus, the demons and so on..."

"Chen Mang, you are going too far!! Why didn't you create your own race in the East!"

"What are you guys? Chakra, Sharinyan, and Tenseigan in our Dongdao comics were all created by Chen Mang. Who are we to talk to about suffering..."

"The key, the giant dragon is not a dragon? Is it just a kind of monster?".

Chapter 167

"Isn't the dragon a dragon?"

"It is estimated that the nervous children in the West have been hit hard again!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Mang's mouth.

In the Western world, although the dragon is a symbol of evil, it is also a powerful creature in mythology.

Also known as a dragon!

Now, the world of creation tells them that the dragon is not a dragon!

As you can imagine!


At this moment, the two fairy dragons and the two giant dragons have already ended the baptism of heaven and earth.

The golden rope on his body had already been easily broken by them.

The giant dragon, which was only tens of meters in height, has now become a giant of hundreds of meters.

Glittering golden light, interweaving silver light, reflecting the light of metal, it looks unusually majestic and domineering.

The two fairy dragons have become more sacred.

On the skin, the divine light flows, as if shrouded in a phantom fairy energy.

The dragon horns on his forehead exude a mysterious brilliance.

Now they are veritable fairy dragons.

Looking at them, Chen Mang inexplicably thought of a mysterious scale in his mind.

It seems that only after the round house can be obtained.

There is really nothing special about this dragon scale.

Chen 18 Mang suddenly thought of it, and he just felt that the world is so big, there are no wonders.


Under Chen Mang's gaze, the golden dragon and the silver dragon slowly transformed into human figures.

two women.

A long golden hair fell like a waterfall, wearing a golden armor, but it was difficult to hide her extremely sturdy figure.

Peerless face.

With a height of almost 1.9 meters, she is full of wildness.

As if she was an uncontrollable existence.

The golden nobility belonging to the royal family gave her a more noble temperament.

The golden dragon, the royal bloodline of the lord of the dragon clan.

Really powerful.

The other is the incomparably elegant silver hair, half covering the beautiful face.

She was dressed in a silver gauze, without the majesty and majesty of a golden dragon, but she looked very small and exquisite, giving people a feeling of being a little bird.

It looks soft like water, with its own unique charm.

Rumor has it that this is the beautiful dragon among the dragon clan.

The number is extremely rare.

However, she is definitely not weak.

"Daisy has seen my lord!"

"Norna has seen my lord!"

The two fairy dragons quickly baptized respectfully and devoutly.

"Ysera has seen my lord!"

The golden dragon also saluted quickly.

"Helena has seen my lord!"

Yinlong also followed closely with the salute.

At this moment, they have not recovered from the shock.

At that time, when they heard that the oriental travelers wanted to sacrifice them alive, they really thought they were going to die.

What the hell, what the oriental warlock said was true.

They were really sent to the realm of the gods, sent to the side of the supreme god, and obtained the supreme fortune.


This is the real God!

Almighty God!

The so-called gods in their world are only stronger than them.

In their world, giant dragons have advanced to the extreme, and they can challenge the gods.

However, in the face of this real God, let alone a challenge, they dare not even think of it.

This is, truly supreme.

"Bless you with good fortune!"

Chen Mang smiled lightly.

With the palm of his hand, divine light appeared in his hand and pointed towards the center of their eyebrows.



Divine light entered the body, and the breaths of the four people skyrocketed wildly in an instant.



The golden dragon and the silver dragon had to show their bodies again, transforming and sublimating.


As the terrifying dragon power swept through, the bodies of the golden dragon and the silver dragon actually soared here. The scales on the body seemed to be poured with golden metal and silver metal. Domineering.

The huge dragon wing behind it is like a huge folded steel plate.


After the transformation was completed, the golden dragon was nearly a kilometer in size, crawling on the ground, like a pile of golden mountains.

The sharp dragon claws are enough to tear apart a golden mountain.

Such terrifying coercion swept across Chen Mang's body like a spring breeze.

"Thank you my lord for the reward!"

"Thank you for the gift of my God!"


The four-headed dragon thanked him extremely gratefully.

In their hearts, it is difficult to suppress the excitement.

"When you digest the good fortune first and become familiar with the current power, I will give you the good fortune!"

Chen Mang said with a smile, his consciousness swept across, and he found that two more birth pools were born in his divine domain.

The birth pool is giving birth to fairy dragons and giant dragons.

"Thank God!"


Hearing that there is still good fortune, the four dragons are even more excited.


Chen Mang landed on the back of the golden dragon and said with a smile, "Let's go, let's fly around!"

Dragon Knight!

Among the fantasy novels, the most pretentious occupation in the legend.

Chen Mang wanted to have a good experience today.


The giant dragon roared and slammed its feet on the ground.


The steel-like dragon wings unfolded, tearing the air directly, causing a violent sound of breaking the air.

In an instant, the giant dragon brought Chen Mang to the top of the clouds.


Then, the giant dragon swooped down with terrifying power.



At this moment, a voice came from heaven and earth.

"No? I created nothing!"

Chen Mang was surprised again.

"Congratulations to Chen Mang for creating the dragon knight and becoming the first dragon knight. When rewarding Chen Mang for arming the dragon knight, the combat power increases tenfold!"

"Congratulations to Chen Mang, reward Chen Mang's troops with armed dragon cavalry, and their combat power has increased tenfold!"

"Congratulations to Chen Mang, reward Chen Mang with 100,000 merits!"

Chen Mang was stunned at first, and then he couldn't help laughing.

"Dragon knights can also create?"