National Creation: I Added An Auction Group

Chapter 176

"Bold Liu Bian, who dares to be good at the palace, what's the crime! Take it for me!"

Dong Zhuo growled tremblingly.

At this moment, he was a little desperate.

What went wrong?

Before Liu Bian was just a cowardly and powerless prince.

How could it be so terrifying now that he killed the garrison alone and fled everywhere, not daring to face him.

"Dong Zhuo, you old man!"

"I will grant you to kill nine plants!"

"I will give you a thousand cuts, and I won't allow you to die if you lose a single knife!"

"I will order people to feed the maggots with the flesh and blood removed from your body!"

"I really want to put a soul nail on your heavenly cover, so that you can't survive, you can't die, you can't live forever, and you will suffer day and night!"

Liu Bian's voice was extremely cold, as if he had made a blood oath.

Dong Zhuo felt his scalp tingling and his body trembling for a while.

"Li Ru, right!?"

"Your end will not be much better than Dong Zhuo!!"

Liu Bian's eyes finally fell on Li Ru's body, and his voice was also extremely cold.

"how so……"

"how so……"

"Obviously everything is under control...why is this...what went wrong..."

Li Ru was frightened, his face turned into a pig's liver, and his lips were trembling.

According to his calculations, Dong Zhuo will definitely be able to take the emperor to command the princes, and further plans, he can become the emperor.

Even if things change, he can get out of it all.

Now, because of Liu Bian alone, everything is completely out of control.

Something unknown must have happened.

Li Ru is desperate.

Now, they have become a battle of trapped beasts.

What awaits them is death!

"The old minister pays respects to His Majesty and welcomes His Majesty's return!"

After a brief tremor, one of the old men stood up quickly and saluted Liu Pang with great respect.

"Haha... Your Majesty? Welcome me back! 〃¨?"

"Four generations and three princes!!? The Han family is better than you! When I was abolished, where were you? Where were you when I was imprisoned?"

Liu Bian laughed and questioned loudly, making all the courtiers blushed.

"You are afraid of Dong Zhuo? You are afraid of death!?"

Liu Bian smiled coldly: "Then I tell you! You really have to die!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Bian raised his butcher's knife.

The old man splattered blood on the spot, and everyone knelt down in fright: "Wei Chen is wrong, please forgive me!"

No one dared to resist, and killed a **** road to Weiyang Palace alone, killing the garrison alone.

What's the use of resisting! ?

"Liu Xie, my brother, will you get down or I will kill you!?"

The cold eyes locked on Liu Xie, who was sitting on the throne, but Liu Bian did not soften his heart.

Why didn't he soften his heart when he was supported?

"The Imperial Forest Army obeys orders!!"

Finally, Liu Bian shouted to the Imperial Forest Army.

"Follow orders!!"

"As ordered!"


Hearing Liu Bian's order, all the imperial guards froze for a moment, then reacted and roared loudly.

They know that their chance to live has come.


Dong Zhuo was completely frightened, and his fat body fell directly to the ground.

Li Ru wasn't much better either, he wanted to be tougher, but his legs weren't up to par.


They know it's all over!

The great cause will die first!

Also caught up with the nine clans!

Looking at Liu Bian's appearance, they knew that Liu Bian said that destroying their nine clans was not just to scare them.

"Take everyone down!!"

"Into the prison!"

Liu Bian gave the order coldly.

Today, those who go to court here are all betraying others.

However, those who resigned and went home will be reused by him.

"Your Majesty, spare your life..."

"Your Majesty, spare your life..."

"Your Majesty, for the sake of the Han family, please think twice!"

"You need our help..."


Hearing Liu Bian's order to serve them in one pot, all the ministers were stunned.

In their opinion, the new emperor returns, punishes them at most, and then continues to employ them.

Because the Han family cannot do without them.

The royal family cannot do without them!

Without them, the imperial court would not be able to function, and the world would be in chaos.

Iron courtiers, flowing emperors.

Dong Zhuo was cruel, and he didn't dare to give them all in one pot.

Why this Liu Bian didn't play cards according to the routine at all.

"The abacus is very good, do you really think that I can't leave you?"

"As long as I am here and my life is in your place, my country will still be unbreakable!"

Liu Bian sneered, and then shouted, "Put them all down and wait for the beheading!"

"It's over!"

"It's over!"


All the courtiers closed their eyes in despair, and their bodies were paralyzed.

After everyone was taken away, the entire palace became extremely quiet.


The tyrannical atmosphere swept through again, Liu Bian did not have any fascination with the throne, and walked out of the palace with the halberd.

It didn't take long for Dong Zhuo's barracks to send out mourning sounds.

After obtaining Chen Mang's plug-in, it is not a problem for Liu Bian to single out a hundred thousand troops.

Among the thousands of troops, it is easy to take an enemy general on the first rank.

It didn't take long for Dong Zhuo's subordinates to be incorporated by him.

This is the emperor, after he shows the trend of reigning the world, no one will be foolish to rebel against him.

"." The person who came, escorted all the family members of Baiguan to the palace! "

Liu Bian was completely ruthless.

The courtiers and officials are not counted, and even their family members are not spared.

He wants to completely remove these tumors.

Finally, Liu Bian dragged his tired body back to his palace.

"My God!"

"I have returned to the throne!"

"I will build a golden temple for you as quickly as possible!"

"From now on, my dynasty will only sacrifice my gods and not the sky!"

Only sacrifice to my god, not to heaven! !

The last sentence, Liu Bian roared.

He is swearing!


The gods felt it, and gave the next (Wang Zhao) a gift.

Not only was Liu Bian's tired body instantly full of blood, but his breath also broke through again.

The vast power of life poured into his body, making his whole being full of vitality.


The Xinyang channel has become extremely solid.

"Thank God!"

Liu Bian fell to the ground with both hands, incomparably devout.

"Good Liu Bian!"

"A good one only sacrifices to me and not to heaven!!"

"Almost broke through to the saint level and flew!"

In the realm of the gods, when Liu Bian shouted that sentence, Chen Mang sensed it.

Unbelievably shocked.

Liu Bian's enthusiasm and piety shocked him.

This was completely beyond his imagination.

For this type of believer, Chen Mang naturally lowered the reward to make him stronger again.

"I didn't expect that Liu Bian would be able to surprise me!"

"What a pity, if you want to become a saint, you need your own opportunity!"