National Creation: I Added An Auction Group

Chapter 365


Medusa nodded, a little embarrassed.

She didn't want to be restrained either, she also wanted to get closer to Chen Mang.

However, Chen Mang was too strong, and his progress was terrifying.

Everything they had was bestowed by Chen Mang, how could they not be restrained and put away their thoughts.

"Wait for the good news. Once your clansmen bring it, I will notify you."

Chen Mang said with a smile.

"Thank you my lord!"

The queen answered happily, and then left with Cui Beiqian.

"Thank you my lord!"

The ice phoenix fell on Chen Mang's side and turned into a peerless frost beauty.

So excited, so grateful.

Today, I accepted three good fortunes in one breath and entered the Absolute God Realm directly.

This was something she could never imagine in her life.


Chen Mang smiled lightly.

Afterwards, I sensed that more than ten phoenixes had already begun to breed in my Divine Realm.

All are powerful beings.

The ice phoenix, prepared to say that the phoenix showed its own body, gently lay down in front of Chen Mang.

She is willing to be Chen Mang's mount.

Chen Mang smiled lightly, and caressed the holy icy cold feather of the Ice Phoenix with his palm.

Although the Phoenix is ​​powerful, compared to Chen Mang, it is far worse.

It’s okay to hurry when I’m bored, after all, Phoenix riding is pretty cool.

However, she is not qualified to fight side by side with Chen Mang.

too weak!

Chen Mang's current enemies are at least in the God-shattering realm.

When fighting, Yu Wei was enough to shock her to death.

"Follow me!"

"The power of Nirvana in me should be good for me!"

Chen Mang laughed.

The power of Nirvana in his body is much stronger and stronger than the undead bird.

If the ice phoenix can stay by his side, it will naturally have endless benefits.

"Thank you my lord!"

Bing Fenghuang was moved and said, his body shrank instantly, turned into a bird, and carefully landed on Chen Mang's body.

"Ha ha……"

"Don't be so restrained!"

"Otherwise it would be meaningless!"

Chen Mang laughed.

Perhaps, it is not bad to just wander the Phoenix when you have nothing to do at ordinary times.

Forced to come up in an instant.

"Swan family!"

"Forbidden talent!"

"I hope you can give me a surprise!!"

Chen Mang couldn't help but murmured softly.

The swan family is really not strong.

Although it is very similar to the angel, the combat power is really far from the angel.

However, their highlights are not just beautiful and noble.

The real highlight is their no-air war song.

In other words, forbidden air talent.

Chen Mang planned to tap their talent. .

Chapter 360


With a wave of his palm, Chen Mang brought all the swans to the realm of the gods.

"Go and feel the world!"

Chen Mang smiled lightly and said to Gotani.



For a time, all the swans, one family, took off into the sky.

A burst of huge wings, spread wings - soar.

For the current swan family, the wings behind them are no longer just decorations.


The power of heaven and earth in the realm of the gods condensed and injected into each swan family to baptize them.

"When, when,..."

The sound of heaven and earth came.

It turned out to be nine rings.

Chen Mang smiled, somewhat surprised, but it was within his expectations.

The Swans are indeed not strong, but they are not the same when you count their talent for forbidden air and battle song for forbidden air.

"Congratulations to Chen Mang, for creating the Swan Bimeng!"

"Congratulations to Chen Mang, reward Chen Mang with millions of merits!"

"Congratulations to Chen Mang, reward Chen Mang for his talent in forbidden air!"

"Congratulations to Chen Mang, reward Chen Mang with the forbidden secret pattern!"

There are three kinds of rewards in total, and there are only three kinds of rewards.

However, Chen Mang felt that it was enough, and it exceeded his expectations.

"The world is full of surprises!"

Chen Mang laughed.

Forbidden talent, forbidden secret pattern.

Absolutely powerful.

Especially for Chen Mang.

Once he evolved the forbidden space secret pattern into the forbidden space rule.

He will be the ruler of the sky.

Between the same level, there is no one who does not stand above his head.

Especially the cooperation of forbidden air and his power of the earth, it is really too powerful.

Stepping on the ground, he will be able to continuously draw strength from the ground.

Pull the enemy to the ground and fight him, the whole battlefield will be his home field.

Even if he can't drag the enemy to the ground, he can also affect the enemy's combat power by virtue of his talent and rules of forbidden air.

One is strong and the other is weak, Chen Mang will be in absolute advantage



All the swans have also completed the baptism of heaven and earth, becoming more and more holy, more noble, sacred and beautiful.

At first glance, they were no different from angels.

What is even more terrifying is that their bodies are surrounded by magical brilliance.

That's the no-empty rule.

By their side, within the regular radiation range, no one at the same level will be able to fly in the air.

What's more, when they sing the song of forbidden air, it is even more terrifying.

They will be able to greatly ban the air.

Even, their forbidden air can be targeted.

Can only target enemies.

Once they set foot on the battlefield, they will definitely control the sky and become the master of the sky.


Gotani landed in front of Chen Mang with the swan clan and was extremely excited.

"How do you feel? Racial talent is very powerful, right!?"

Chen Mang asked Gotane with a smile.

Because he knew that Gotani cultivated the human grudge of that world.

In their world, vindictiveness may be a powerful skill.

However, for Chen Mang.

The vindictiveness of the low-level magical world is really weak.

It's really nothing compared to worship.

Not even qualified to compare with each other.

Even magic can't be compared with sacrifice.

Not to mention the racial talent of the swan family.

"Incomparably powerful!!"

Gotani said excitedly.

At the same time, I felt that I was a little brainless.

He even ran to learn the vindictiveness of human beings.

Of course, she also knew that the reason why their talent in forbidden space was so powerful was because of the gift of this **** against the sky in front of her.

Without God, they would not even be able to dig out the forbidden sky talent, they couldn't even activate it.

"In the future, you should major in sacrifice!"

"You form a sacrificial army!"