National Creation: I Added An Auction Group

Chapter 366

Chen Mang said calmly.

When the sacrificial army is formed, they will become a nightmare on the enemy's battlefield.

The swan family has a talent for war songs.

The sacrificial battle group will be the strongest milk.

In the future, no matter what kind of battle of gods takes place, as long as they are present, Chen Mang's army will be invincible and invincible.

"Thank God!"


The swan family was reused, and Gotani was extremely happy.

Some were overjoyed.

Chen Mang smiled lightly and said nothing.

Angel Legion!

Dragoon Corps!

The sacrificial army!

They are all extremely powerful armies.

Medusa's legion also began to form.

After Queen Medusa's people are sacrificed, the Medusa Legion will be officially established.

Think about how terrifying the existence of tens of thousands of Medusa Corps, opening their eyes at the same time and using the ability to petrify.

Wherever you look, the enemy will die in pieces.

In the future battle of gods, Chen Mang will be invincible.


New domains will open soon.

Chen Mang looked forward to it.

At that time, the powerhouses in other domains should be more honest.

Otherwise, Chen Mang really didn't mind launching a war of gods.

A real battle of gods!

Battle of the God Realm!

Within ten years, before the opening of the new domain.

Chen Mang is confident that his own battle group will definitely have the opportunity to skyrocket.

If nothing else, Chen Mang now gains a huge amount of belief power every day.

After accumulating a certain amount of Faith Power, he will let all of his subordinate legions be promoted to the God King Realm.

God King Realm Battle Team! !

Chen Mang was fortunate enough to meet him.

Whether it's the God Race or the Evil God, they all have an army of millions of God Kings who have experienced hundreds of battles.

That momentum was really terrifying.


If Chen Mang hadn't taken the initiative to protect his body from the two great treasures, Chen Mang would have no doubt that the original God Lord and the Evil God would definitely let these two legions attack him.

After the equivalent reaches a certain level, it can definitely cause qualitative changes.

Therefore, in Chen Mang's heart, the desire to form a god-king-level battle group also rose.



The eldest prince finally ascended with his subordinates.

It actually broke through to the real **** realm.

"Xuanyuan Yimai, pay homage to the Lord!!"

After ascending, the eldest prince led his subordinates and bowed in the direction of the kingdom of God.

"come on!"

"Xuanyuan Yimai, live in the Kingdom of God!"

Chen Mang laughed.

The actions of the First Prince, as he had expected, made him helpless.

This is an extremely emperor, with the capital of a human emperor.

However, the realm of the gods can only have one master.

"Thank God Lord!"

The prince smiled and thanked him.

He did not expect that Chen Mang would let them live in the kingdom of God directly.

Then, he stepped in the direction of Chen Mang and flew.

"Stay safe!"

Looking at the increasingly calm prince, Chen Mang said with a smile.

"All breakthroughs..."

The prince said with some embarrassment.

"I'm looking forward to the development of the new domain, and then compete with other domain Tianjiao!"

The prince said proudly.

He has this confidence.

As for Chen Mang, he directly took the initiative to ignore it.

Compared with Chen Mang, it is uncomfortable.

He was sure that, let alone other old domains, the old men of the older generation had to kneel in front of Chen Mang! pill.

Chapter 361

"Are you interested in helping me?"

Chen Mang asked.

The Prince, the Son of God, Ming Zhen, and the Holy Maiden of Extreme Ice are all peerless evildoers.

If they are willing to follow themselves, Chen Mang is really willing to train them to be the right shoulders.

Having become the God Lord of the God Realm, with the opening of the new realm, Chen Mang also intends to form forces other than the believer's battle group.

Otherwise, after the opening of the new domain, there will be no one in the new domain without arrogance, and Chen Mang will be hit in the face.

"I'm afraid I'm powerless!"

The prince was a little moved, but a little worried.

Chen Mang's pace was too fast, and he couldn't keep up with him now.

"As long as you have the heart!"

"The Protoss consumes a lot of creation resources, but in such a short period of time, they must not be able to consume all the resources!"

"Moreover, those resources left behind are the real good fortune!"

"Are you interested in attacking the Protoss!?"

Chen Mang asked with a smile.

The beginning of the Protoss occupation of an entire universe.

The resources at your disposal should be endless.

Although they have consumed a lot of resources, they have cultivated countless strong people.

However, Chen Mang did not believe that they could consume everything in such a short period of time.

Because when Chen Mang attacked them, it was too sudden.

When Chen Mang attacked countless clones, he found that many Tianjiao were consuming resources.

"Attack the native world of the Protoss?"

The prince narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of movement in his eyes.

"Yes, all the resources obtained will be used to cultivate the God Realm!"

"The new domain is about to open. If we don't cultivate some geniuses, we will be too embarrassed by then!"

Chen Mang said with a smile.

"God is so bold!"

The prince said with admiration.

Use the resources of a god-level world to build a **** world.

It is estimated that few people are willing to do it.

"Anyway, the entire God Realm is mine, isn't it?"

Chen Mang smiled and said very frankly.

What's more, he really doesn't like general resources.

As the Lord of God, the world of God is his, and almost all living beings have become his followers.

Cultivate your own believers, and what they reap is the power of faith and merit.

No matter what, he doesn't suffer.

Seeing Chen Mang being so frank, the prince smiled.

"However, there is a problem, and that is how do we attack their home world?"

The prince frowned.

This is indeed a problem.

The local world where the Protoss is located is another universe for the world of creation.

There are only two ways to attack their universe.

First, get the help of creating the world.

Second, get the help of the native creatures of the Protoss.

"Don't worry, the net has been laid down!"

"The Protoss has created so many good things in this world. There must be some people who can't stand it and want to collect it!"

"People are greedy!"

"And, there must be a fluke in the heart!"

"Just wait for some divine fruits to mature, and someone must come up!"

Chen Mang said confidently.

The clones he scattered out did find quite a few incredible divine fruits.

These divine fruits, the baptism of the created world, are full of temptation.

Even if it is the Lord of God, ordered by the Emperor of God, it is estimated that there are definitely people who smuggle into the God Realm and pick these treasures.

Especially those who have not been assigned by good fortune before.