National Creation: I Added An Auction Group

Chapter 367

Chen Mang didn't believe that there were not many daring and rebellious people in this Protoss.

And Chen Mang's clone had already lurked beside these creations.

As long as someone comes up, they have only one fate, and that is to be suppressed by him.

With his current soul power, can't he control a few ants?

Therefore, what Chen Mang was worried about was not that he could not come to the Protoss world, but that the army of the Protoss was too strong.

"it is good!"

"I am willing to follow the Lord of God to fight!"

The prince smiled.


"You and the Son of God are quite famous among Tianjiao!"

"You are responsible for bringing them together!"

Chen Mang said calmly.

"God...that guy..."

Thinking of the Son of God, the prince felt a bit of a headache.

"Hehe...he's not bad!"

Chen Mang laughed.

God Son's thick skin is sometimes a headache.

However, Chen Mang knew that it was just a disguise of his instincts.

"My is it now?"

the prince asked.

"Being close to nature..."

"Don't worry, she's doing fine."

Chen Mang said with a smile.

Xuanyuan Wu is very powerful.

After being sealed by the Taboo Origin, another ability was awakened.

That is to be able to communicate with all things, even with nature...  

It was hard for Chen Mang to imagine how terrifying she would be once she could practice.

Will you reach the wonderland in an instant?

"With the current strength of the God Lord, is it still unable to bear her cause and effect?"

The prince asked curiously.

Chen Mang can kill the Lord of God, how strong is that.


"Unless there is no stronger person in the world of creation!"

"If Xuanyuan Wu appeared in the God Realm now, I dare say that the new realm will be fully opened!"

Chen Mang shook his head.

Of course, if Xuanyuan Wu appeared in the God Realm, the entire God Realm would be prosperous without him having to take care of it.

He only needs to be responsible for blocking the robbery.

"So terrible..."

The prince smacked his tongue.

"You should be very fortunate that it was only your parents who got the benefits at first!"

"Your father cut the realm by himself, abandoned his martial arts practice, and your mother lost her soul, and has already paid back a lot of cause and effect."


Chen Mang shook his head.


At this time, the people of Kyushu also soared.

Not only the Divine Fire Mirror, but countless experts in the Divine Realm also soared.


Immediately following, dozens of true **** powerhouses also soared.

These are the ancient gods of the earth.

"It should be a creature from the God Lord's world..."

The prince was slightly surprised, but then understood.

Being able to receive such care, the powerhouse of Wangshen Realm can also soar, except from Chen Mang's native world, there should be no other.


"We are from Kyushu, also called Huaxia."

"You should have something to do with us."

Chen Mang said with a smile: "We also have the Xuanyuan clan, and in the ancient times, there was also Xuanyuan Huangdi."

"The usual world?"

The prince was surprised, then shocked.


"But, we are the main world?"

"Or, maybe it's just our world, a civilization that has copied your world..."

Chen Mang shook his head.

Anyway, the earth he was on was really too mysterious.

The more he understood, the more he discovered that the earth he was on was completely different from what he thought and knew.

Many of the myths that can be recorded in the literature are at most only ancient times.

Before antiquity, there were many mythological eras. .

Chapter 362

"Come here!"

Chen Mang whispered a voice transmission, and then his mind moved, and the strong man of Kyushu instantly appeared in his palace.

Valkyrie, blood ancestor.

There are a total of nine elders of the Chen family, including the patriarch of the Chen family, the first elder, the ninth elder, and the eighth elder.

Ji Chen, Master Minghai, Daoist Baimei, Patriarch Xuanyuan, Patriarch of Qin Clan, Patriarch of Zhao Clan, Master Miaoyin, Ancestor of Werewolf, Elder Sheng, etc. are all here.

Yuriko, the snake demon Xueji, and the blood crocodile alligator were also brought over by Chen Mang.

Aunt Bai Bing and Chen Ling are also there.

Bai Bing and Chen Ling are now both Shenhuo Mirror powerhouses.

The Valkyrie, Blood Ancestor looked at Chen Mang with bright eyes.

The rest of the people are full of pride!

Chen Mang is from Kyushu!

Today, he has unified the new realm and has become the master of the God Realm.

Especially the elders of the Chen clan, their faces are full of pride and pride.

Chen Mang, from the Chen family!

When he was still weak, although Chen Mang did not receive their key cultivation, he also received absolute fairness and impartiality.

On the contrary, the eyes of the eighth elder and the ninth elder were somewhat resentful.

Not to mention Yuriko and Xue Ji.

In their opinion, the position of the blood ancestor should be replaced by them.

It's a pity that Chen Mang was so puzzled at the beginning.

Bai Bing's eyes were calm.

She admitted that she was really inferior to Chen Mang.

Chen Ling looked at Chen Mang admiringly.

Seeing that they wanted to salute, Chen Mang immediately stopped them.

"Everyone, I have fulfilled my original promise to make Kyushu stand at the top!"

Chen Mang said with a smile, but Rong Jichen and the others were extremely moved.

At the beginning, Chen Mang really said.

However, they thought that Chen Mang was just joking.

Unexpectedly, Chen Mang kept it in his heart.

Sure enough, he is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, and is extremely nostalgic and protects his shortcomings.

"I don't have that much time and I have a lot to deal with."

"So, in the future, the Valkyrie will manage the realm of the gods on my behalf. I hope you can help me..."

"Well, just wish it was on the island of good fortune!"

Chen Mang said calmly, this made everyone extremely moved and extremely shocked.

They did not expect that Chen Mang would believe them so much.

"In the future, all the ascendants of our Kyushu will live in the kingdom of God!"

Chen Mang continued.

"God Lord..."

Everyone murmured softly, their hearts were warm and extremely moved.

"This is Prince Xuanyuan, from the Shenba Empire, and one of my left and right arms, with a very emperor physique..."

"Speaking of which, their Xuanyuan lineage is somewhat related to us. It's almost a parallel world in Kyushu, but they have always been civilized, and everyone can get close and close in the future."

"In the world of creation, we are all family..."

Chen Mang finally introduced the eldest prince with a smile.

"Xuanyuan has seen all the elders and all of you..."

The prince was modest and polite, and took the initiative to say hello.

"I've seen fellow Daoist..."

Ji Chen and the others hurriedly saluted.

Although the prince is young, he is also the arrogance of the famous islands, and he is also a powerhouse in the realm of true gods.

First Prince, they have naturally heard of it.

The former top five on the green list must have fought side by side with Chen Mang.

"Let's talk first..."

Chen Mang said calmly, and then disappeared.