Nautical Explosive Soldiers: The Five Elders, How Many Divisions Do You Have?

Chapter 102

Still dark.

This man has the final say.

"Hiyori is in the capital of flowers, next to Heitan Orochi! Woohoo...It's great that you don't have the truth." He Song of Rabbit Bowl saw this scene in the live broadcast.

Tears of joy welled up.

"That Orochi guy is dead, Kaido is dead, and protecting Wano is the last thing we can do." Asura Boy watched the live broadcast while drinking wine!

"Light or darkness, Your Highness Yutian..." The Shuangyue Kang family also looked at the screen anxiously.

There was an unnatural smile on his face.

"Master, Kaido is defeated, can we have enough to eat in the future?" Ayu looked at the screen and innocently asked the Tengu Mountain Feiche next to him.

In fact, it is the father of Kozuki Oden who survived many years ago, Kozuki Sukiyaki.

"That depends on the will of this man. Wano Country has experienced too many disasters. Hey... I hope this time the jackals are not sent away, but the tigers and leopards are here."

However, Ren just looked at the people of Flower City and said a word.

But it made countless people feel completely at ease.

"Everyone has worked hard all this time. With the allied forces, everyone can enjoy fairness and food and clothing. You have been hungry for a long time. Today, everyone, let's have a carnival and have a good meal. All food and drinks will be paid for by the allied forces. Provide! The next thing, let's talk about it later!"

Ren fell down with a word.

The whole city was silent.

Then there was an unprecedented cheer!

"Long live the Allies!"

This is the real deal.

It’s also a cost that shouldn’t be underestimated!

But the leader of the Allied forces still did it!

Whether it is to win people's hearts.

Or for other purposes!

At least he won't use violence to dominate the people of Wano!

Proof that he cares about these people.

This is countless times stronger than the Black Charcoal Serpent.

People who can consider people's livelihood.

No matter what, the people will not be tortured!

Hiyori, Denjiro, Heigoro and others all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

And show a knowing smile.

"Tell me what you are worried about. The person who can make so many people swear their allegiance to the death must be a wise leader!" Heigoro looked at Kawasatsu and joked.

The boulder that had been there for many years suddenly fell down.

He smiled like never before.

He didn't expect that.

In the end, Wano Country didn't wait for the prophecy.

Instead, he was rescued by a group of outsiders.

"It's too late, you were obviously nervous just now, okay?"


"I'm going to the capital of flowers to find Princess Hiyori, do you want to go with me?"


Ren didn't say too much nonsense.

Ideal, dream these words.

You can talk about it after they eat and drink.

Let those who are hungry be fed first.

The hearts of the people will naturally come together.

The biggest problem for the people at the bottom is nothing more than food and clothing!

So not for a while.

The entire Wano country beat gongs and drums, and sang songs...

Carloads of clean food and alcohol were transported to various villages in Wano Country by the time-space soldiers.

Everyone smiled.

Some even wept with joy, took off their clothes and ran wildly!

All suffering seems to disappear at this moment.

Accompanied by beautiful tunes and impassioned singing.

People are feasting, eating meat, and drinking...

Praise the Allies.

They are called soldiers from heaven.

It is here to save the world from the sea of ​​suffering!

Their physical fitness can completely withstand the hearty meal after a long hunger!

Even if I can't resist.

It is also a kind of happiness if you really want to die at this time.

"Master, it's clean water. It's so sweet. It turns out that the water is a little bit sweet. I always thought it was bitter." Ayu said with tears in her eyes, very moved.

"Yeah..." Hearing Ayu's words, General Kozuki Sukiyaki became more and more ashamed.

A Yu from birth to now.

It was the first time to drink clean water.

In the past, I used to drink water with less toxicity as much as possible.

But that's it, these less toxic waters.

They also often cannot afford it.

And the highly toxic ones, every time you drink a little bit, you will get seriously ill.

"Very good!"

"Really giving us so much food and water."

"There's even wine, Allied Saigao!"

The city of flowers is very lively.

Watching people singing and dancing.

Ren smiled.

Compared to war and bloodshed.

He prefers to see such a picture.

He is sipping black tea in an ordinary teahouse.

When passing by here.

Ryan smelled good tea.

The palace of Heitan Orochi is full of **** smell.

Ryan didn't want to go.

Ghost Island is basically in ruins.

Rebuilding will take time.

Beside Rennes, there are several other guests.

Yamato, Kozuki Hiyori, and Denjiro are all here.

Kozuki Hiwa played the Samadhi line briskly.

Rennes was full of praise for his superb skills and beautiful melodies.

She has long emerald hair, delicate features, and elegant demeanor.

She is a delicate and beautiful girl.

But weakness is only on the surface.

Her heart is very strong.

On the other hand, Yamato is well-developed, and his body is relatively tall, but he does not look burly.

On the contrary, it has a very harmonious and wild beauty.

It's just a carefree nature.

Occasionally looks a little not very bright.

She has very nice graying hair.

There is also a pair of soaring horns similar to Kaido.

Accompanied by two peerless beauties with different styles.

Ren thought the scenery was good.

Ren thought that Yamato would hate himself a little bit.

After all, her father, Kaido, died in his hands.

If so.

That Yamato is unlikely to be able to stay with him.

She is not the enemy.

It's also not easy to use the mind controller.

That thing is generally only used for people or enemies who are loyal to themselves but are not at ease.

That's the bottom line.

And her strength is not weaker than Jhin at all.

It is the form of the phantom beast dog dog fruit Dakou Zhenshen.

Still can't control it.

But I didn't expect Yamato to still insist on the previous choice - to follow him!

"He is a pirate, and he has been mentally prepared for life and death. Even if you don't defeat him, I will. This is my mission as Kozuki Oden!" Yamato said carelessly.

Apparently she wasn't just talking.

Rather, it had already been decided.

After she saw the miserable life of people in Wano country.

It was decided to kill relatives righteously.

Of course, this didn't know when Ryan handcuffed her for the basics.

I found that the handcuffs will indeed explode, does it matter at all.

That may have cut off the last trace of family affection.

Detain her like a beast, educate her, beat her...

For whatever purpose.