Nautical Explosive Soldiers: The Five Elders, How Many Divisions Do You Have?

Chapter 120

Fights broke out to their strength.

Taking down a warship is naturally not a problem.

Look at the warship coming!

Magellan looked anxious!

2.6 And Luffy's candle armor at this moment has also been corroded.

Under Magellan's Poison Field.

The rate of corrosion is accelerated.

Luffy can only escape again!

"Get on the boat and leave!" Ivankov looked happy when he saw this.

Sure enough, it was correct to let Crocodile and Jinbei come out.

"Don't even think about it! Judgment from hell!" Magellan was in a hurry, and a giant venomous hand shot towards Luffy and the others.

"Hold on to me!" Ivankov's head became very big, and many prisoners hurriedly grabbed on!

And then under his deathly winks.

A reverse shockwave.

He and the prisoners were sent flying to the approaching giant ship.

Magellan could only stare blankly, but soon came back to his senses: "If the door of justice is not opened, none of you can do without it. Immediately prepare the fleet and continue to pursue!"


But right now.

"Lord Magellan! Something is wrong! The Red Earl, Barrett, and Blackbeard are coming up from below!"

"What?! These are all the prisoners on the sixth floor. Didn't it not just Shiping and Crocodile who escaped?! And why did that fellow Shiliu let Blackbeard and the others escape?!" Magellan's face changed drastically!

"Thief hahaha! Magellan, you can't stop us now! Everyone, although we have different paths, we should join forces to settle this guy for the time being, so there should be no objection!" Blackbeard's arrogant voice sounded.

Appeared not far from the passage with a step of disbelief.

And Magellan is at the gate at the moment.

They want to get out!

Magellan is a mountain in front of them!

"No problem." Faced with Blackbeard's proposal, both the Red Earl and Barrett agreed.

Freedom is at hand!

No one will say no!

"Shiliu?!" Looking at Shiliu standing beside Blackbeard, Magellan said in shock.

I understood everything in an instant.

"This time, I will be the winner, and I will also be the biggest winner! If you don't want to die, get out of the way, Magellan!" Blackbeard's eyes were filled with killing intent! .

80. Overthrow the Emperor and the Powerful! Blackbeard's mentality exploded! (seeking subscription)

The situation now is quite different from just now.

They are now the strength of the Blackbeard Pirates.

It has increased several times.

There are even temporary allies like the Red Earl, Barrett.

Even if they weren't in their prime yet.

But that is not something a Magellan can resist.

So Blackbeard has the capital to be crazy.

"Don't even think about it!" Magellan controlled the poisonous giant.

One person blocked the door.

Never let a single criminal go.

Any one of these guys can destroy a country.

The guy who was supposed to die and be removed from reality.

And many of them deserved it.

"Get rid of him! Don't delay, once he informs the Navy Headquarters, it will not be so easy to leave!" Choate said.

The first to launch a swift attack!

With both arms swung out, the wind swept wildly, like sharp double blades.

Cut off a poisonous dragon that Magellan burst into.

"Dark water!" Magellan was about to condense the poisonous dragon again.

Blackbeard slapped it out with a palm.

Black smoke filled the palm of his hand, facing Magellan from the air.

A terrible gravitational force made the poisonous giant on Magellan's body show signs of slacking off!

"Hey!" In an instant, the evil government king, Xuanyue hunter, Badgers, Xiliu and others launched a powerful attack together!

Sword light, bullets, fist style, domineering...all burst out in one go.

It crushed Magellan like a torrent!

"Judgment from hell!" Magellan felt unprecedented pressure.

But out of duty.

He will never back down!

The giant's sky-high palm patted them.

Many attacks were instantly pierced by him!

And hit Badgers and others hard.

Throw them away in an instant!

"Dark hole!" Blackbeard opened a black hole in front of him.

Absorb all the venom that Magellan slapped at him!

He was not thrown out the first time!

"Your strength is very strong, but your strength alone is not enough!" A blond, extremely strong, oppressive figure instantly appeared in front of Magellan like a ghost!

Overlord color domineering burst out!

With a clenched fist, the air is full of arrogance, and the air roars!

Blast out with one punch! Roaring like a dragon! Shattered the surrounding air!

Peng! ! Punch in on Magellan's Poison Giant!

The venom was directly shattered.

The shooter, Douglas Barrett.

An outlier in Advance City.

After being imprisoned for many years, his strength has not decreased but increased!

In order to surpass Luo 30 Jie one day.

Kill all Admirals, World Government, and Four Emperors!

He's in that hellish environment in Push City.

Still insist on exercising yourself every day!

The strength is in his prime now.

It has reached a level stronger than before!

Although there are still many injuries in the body.

But at most it is two years of training.

It can be completely restored!

He is a monster of destruction!

After Roger's death.

He lost the goal to follow and surpass!

It will turn into a disaster of destruction!

Decades of hard training for this punch!

Let Magellan have no time to return to the defense.

Suddenly spit out blood!

"I don't have any complaints against you, at least not as annoying as the previous warden, but no one can block my way to freedom!" The old Red Earl immediately shot.

Holding a black umbrella in his hand.

A sharp stab, but sharper than other famous knives!

This time, cracks appeared in the atmosphere!

Puff! A terrifying piercing domineering.

Completely pierced Magellan's cracked giant soldier!

At the same time, it pierced through his shoulders!

The status of the poisonous giant has been cracked!

Magellan reveals himself.

He looked at these lunatics with a very serious expression!

"Leave them all to me!" Magellan roared, his whole body covered in purple venom.

Surrounded by poisonous fog.

Puff puff puff... A series of highly poisonous bullets sprayed out from Magellan's mouth!

Then he waved his hand, and at the same time five poisonous dragons stretched out from behind him.

Sweep towards everyone indiscriminately!

Everything that was swept away by the whip of the poisonous dragon!

Whether it's prisoners or the ground, or metal!

They are all poisoned!

"Everyone, be careful!" Blackbeard and the others did not dare to be careless.

Even their overall strength.

Much stronger than a Magellan at the moment.

But this kind of monster-level powerhouse fought frantically.

They also have to be careful.

If you are not careful, you may drink hatred!

Fluffy! The two sides launched a fierce **** battle!

Blood is splattering!

Wounds surfaced on everyone!