Nautical Explosive Soldiers: The Five Elders, How Many Divisions Do You Have?

Chapter 163

And more importantly!

Cap is hard to refute!

Silence fell.

Because many times for the sake of the overall situation.

Also in order to get more support from the world government for them!

They acquiesced to the existence of a lot of "dust".

After all, there are not many Tianlong people!

Is it really as serious as the young man in front of me said?

Cap didn't quite know.

He has been to many countries.

But maybe it's because of the "hero" skin!

Over the years, he always felt that what he saw was true and false.

Difficult to tell.

And his persistence is to make the world more orderly!

"々'Are you insisting on an illusory ideal, or should you focus on the people who are suffering?!" Ryan said.

Let Garp raise his fist.

Suddenly stopped.

Once, someone said similar words to him!

That person is his son!

After talking that night.

The two parted ways and embarked on different paths!

His son still suspects that the World Government is the mastermind behind manipulating the world!

Initiator of all major wars.

But there is no evidence.

Karp also felt extremely unreasonable.

I didn't believe it!

After all which ruler.

It will make their world full of holes.

It is reasonable to develop on the good side.

Karp has met those people from Wulaoxing.

They are not mediocre.

And the Naval Headquarters has been in need of funds and various supports from above!

Otherwise, the normal operation of the strongest force in the sea cannot be maintained.

"Perhaps in this world, you are used to ignoring the voices of the weak, but one day, these weak and oppressed people will make one after another weak voices, and finally turn into monstrous waves and smash the world to pieces. Crush!" Ren had no tricks.

No lie.

Facing someone like Karp.

Sincerity and fact.

It is the best weapon!

"You..." Garp looked directly at Ren, feeling a little creepy for a moment.

It was like seeing the world that Ryan described.

That future has already arrived!

That was the screaming of countless weak dead souls!

Questioning their justice!

It was the first time Karp had a face-to-face conversation with Lane.

But it’s okay not to communicate.

After communicating, Garp deeply felt Ren in front of him.

Not the usual kind of criminal at all.

Ordinary criminals are ambitious.

Acting for selfish desires.

Wealth, fame, prestige, territory...

But this young man.

What I want is not these!

He wants to seem like just a "fairness!"

A thought out of place!

Similar thought.

Cap has only seen two in his life.

One is Roger.

The other one is a dragon!

Now there seems to be one more!

"No matter what you want to do, you should think more about the impact. It is not easy (for Zhao De) to have such a situation in this world." Lieutenant General Garp still dropped his fist!

Two stick **** hits.

The energy is overflowing, destroying everything around.

"The past era may be very dark, but is the current era really clean? Lieutenant General Karp, have you been burdened by the hero as an idol for too long! You can't see the true face, so you take the turbidity as normal? "Ren's eyes sharpened.

Like a knife straight into Garp's heart.

"In a world where ordinary people don't believe in justice and fairness, how can it be possible to afford this situation? It's not easy. This situation is not bad. It's a joke!"

As Ren said, the domineering look on the mace he was waving suddenly surged.

One blow knocked Garp back a few steps!

The two clashed frequently, and the rumble was endless.

"Sorry..." Garp was sure, it must have been done by some naval law enforcement or Tianlong people.

It brought misfortune to the young man in front of him.

That's why he is at such an age.

With this kind of strength and this kind of thinking.

"Don't be sorry, it's not a single individual that's wrong, but this whole corrupted world!" Ren said, looking at the sky.

As if above that sky.

It is those Tianlong people who are high above and claim to be gods!

If they were gods!

Then he will eventually become a God Slayer.

Cap looked complicated.

"What's more, starting today, our allied forces will create a brand new world cold!"

"Although I deeply sympathize with what happened to you, the old man is a sailor after all, so I advise you not to mess around." Garp felt a slight tremor in his heart.

He has a hunch!

The will to fight the world government to the end like Ryan.

If not contained in time.

possible existing world order.

There will be great upheaval.

The strength of this young man in front of him should not be underestimated.

"It's too late, Lieutenant General Garp, our pace will not stop until we perish, or the end of the world government. The key question is, Lieutenant General Garp, where do you stand?"

"The so-called overall situation of the rich and powerful, or us weak and helpless civilians?".

97. I have 100 million troops! Can calm the world storm! (Please subscribe!)

Cap tried not to think about it.

At least in combat.

These should not be distracted.

Once he is distracted.

The opponent will definitely not let go of such an opportunity!

He is very strong!

But Ren in front of him.

It must not be underestimated.

Whoever messed up his normal mind first.

Anyone who drinks hatred will die.

But what Ryan said.

It's all Cap has to care about.

It's about his beliefs.

It cannot be ignored.

At this moment, Renn even asked his soul question.

Let him choose.

He knew he shouldn't make a choice at this time.

Don't even think about thinking.

But there is such a thing as thoughts.

Sometimes the more you are in control.

On the contrary, it diverges more and more.

But Garp found that Renn did not take advantage of his distraction to pursue the victory.

Instead, he stopped calmly.

Just stood not far away and watched him quietly.

Garp didn't rush over either.

Some people who are paying attention to this battlefield.

They looked at the people next to them in bewilderment.

I want to know what happened to these two people.

No matter how you hit it, it stopped moving.