Nautical Explosive Soldiers: The Five Elders, How Many Divisions Do You Have?

Chapter 180


I want to decapitate Rennes!

It is much more difficult than before.

Even if there is more than one top powerhouse facing him now, it is no exception!

Aokiji saw that Gion blocked his attack so easily!

And still able to talk to Marshal of the Warring States with ease!

Aokiji's heart sank all of a sudden!

When did Gion's strength become so powerful!

Absolutely not much weaker than yourself!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to easily resist his many full-strength blows.

What exactly is going on?

Could it be all these years.

Gion has been hiding clumsiness?

"Even if the navy has many deficiencies, it must be better than a pirate or a criminal gang!" Marshal Warring States raised his voice a few degrees.

Gion was once his very promising successor to the next generation admiral!

His swordsmanship is pure and powerful.

In the future, she might even become the world's number one female swordsman!

Hearing this, Gion was not happy.

Her footsteps slammed onto the ground.

The powerful overlord-like arrogance is accompanied by the raging sword intent that soars to the sky!

Fierce storms of sword energy shot out indiscriminately.

Aokiji had to avoid the edge temporarily.

"Marshal Warring States, you are stunned, what criminals, pirates, this is just a navy, it is judged by the world government according to their interests, he was offered a reward for the first time, because he defeated Doflamingo and took down the German Les Rosa!"

"Aside from Doflamingo's relationship with the navy, isn't he a pirate? When did killing a pirate become an illegal crime?" Gion left Marshal Sengoku speechless with one sentence. Word.

Because it is true.

And judging from Gion's firm answer.

The Warring States knew that their determination to betray the navy was firm.

I'm afraid even he can't change this.

"Gion..." Lieutenant General Tsuru looked at Gion with a complicated expression.

This girl that she single-handedly raised and raised!

Now he has become a strong man who stands alone.

However, their paths are different!

"What do you want to do?" Marshal Warring States looked at Ren and asked.

After all, he is the core figure of the Allied Forces!

Warring States didn't believe that Ren just gave up.

He made several moves that changed the pattern of the world.

Now the army is overwhelming.

There is absolutely no way to leave like this.

As soon as the words came out.

The eyes of the world are once again focused on Rennes!

White Beard, Red Dog and others also cast their gazes.

"The Naval Headquarters is a good place. I said I want this place, and you won't give it up, right? So in order to make the world firmly believe in the Allied Forces, it is necessary for the world to see our strength!"

"I'm here to give you an ultimatum. You are already surrounded by us. A new world is coming. Whether it's pirates or the navy, you have to make your own choices!"

"In view of your current war behavior, which has seriously undermined world peace, our allied forces will take over and properly handle it! I suggest you surrender!" Ren's calm words made the world swallow in horror!

This trick of turning against customers really made many people's eyes widen!

"Good guy! Good guy! This guy Ren is so awesome, he treated the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates as criminals, as if they were the masters of the world! Damn! !" Morgons couldn't believe what he heard.

He has seen countless arrogant lunatics in his life!

Crazy to the point of Ryan!

I've only seen him so far!

Ren didn't take it seriously!

Things have fermented to this day!

What the world wants to see.

It is definitely not a humble and low-key force!

It is a force that is as aggressive as a wolf, as strong as a tiger, with a strong will, and a powerful force!

At this time, the more powerful it is!

The more it can make the blood of people all over the world boil!

The more he realizes it.

The Allies are fighting for a great cause!

The more you get them involved.

"Want to take down the Navy Headquarters?! Wishful thinking!" Marshal Warring States heard this.

The face is extremely black!

In his opinion.

After all, Ren is just a criminal, a pirate!

If the Navy headquarters is taken by them!

That's worth it! ?

Do they want to save their face!

"This brat really dares to think!" White Beard gasped.

Blackbeard has backed out a distance!

"Everyone, the order remains unchanged, you go back to the new world! I will open a way for you!" White Beard's loud voice sounded!

"Surround us? It's just a group of ants following us! Don't be too complacent!" Akaken said coldly.

He also couldn't stand Ren's madness!

After he took off his head.

Let's see if he can still be so rampant!

"Sengoku-san, please order!" Akainu said again.

Sengoku knows!

War is inevitable!

"The whole army obeys the order, strangle the allied forces and the Whitebeard Pirates!" Sengoku ordered to the remaining navy.

Even if many navies are no longer firm in their hearts!

But give an order, they still execute it habitually!

"Kill!" The war broke out!

"If you want to take down the Navy Headquarters and make the Navy retreat, at least one or two admirals must be taken!" Ren's eyes scanned the entire battlefield! deficit.

104. It's up to you, bear the nuclear attack! (Please subscribe!)

As for the complete destruction of the navy, that is impossible!

It's not realistic either.

At least not at this stage.

The high-end combat power of the navy is all there.

There are five top powerhouses here.

There are tens of thousands of elites.

And that's not all.

Wren's satellites have already monitored various departments of the world government.

A large number of reinforcements are rushing to the naval headquarters.

Among them, there must be more than one or two top experts.

There are at least hundreds of thousands of elite plus ordinary soldiers.

The destructive power of the top powerhouse is terrifying!

The top-level natural disaster of the natural department is also called the terminator of miscellaneous soldiers.

Ryan's current strength.

Actually not afraid of the Naval Headquarters.

Not afraid of the so-called reinforcements.

But before he tested Wu Laoxing's hole card.

If Renn fights with the Navy Headquarters, both sides will suffer.

In the end, the world government will take advantage of it.

Currently for Rennes!

greatest success.

It is to drive away all enemies such as the navy.

Take the Naval Headquarters and hold it.

That was a huge success!

This is a place where many top powerhouses often erupt.

Its soul ore far exceeds Wano Country!

Kaido is the strongest in Wano!

But this battle.

Someone on par with Kaido.

Count your own people.

more than double digits.

At least ten times the size.

And countless people here are horrified by Roger's son, the attack of Whitebeard, the attack of the Allied forces... such things.

Even the scene directed by Ryan.

The emotions of the soul have long been stimulated to the extreme!

The soul ore is continuously increasing rapidly.