Nautical Explosive Soldiers: The Five Elders, How Many Divisions Do You Have?

Chapter 197

There was a terrible explosion.

His plan was about to come true.

As a result, the white-bearded man entered!

Are you kidding me, it's almost there!

"Today is your death day!"

"A pirate group without Whitebeard is just a mess!" Blackbeard roared.

Continue to launch a fierce attack on Marco and others!

Blackbeard was anxious in his heart.

Whitebeard was really going to die in that room.

Over time, the shaking fruit will disappear!

At that time, I want to find the shaking fruit!

It's as difficult as climbing the sky!

So Blackbeard desperately wants to grab it.

Except for Marco.

There are too many allied forces around!

Let him always inadvertently suffer!

He discovered everything related to the man Ren!

It made him feel very uncomfortable!

The criminals in Jinjin City were cut off by him!

This house is provided by him!

These four weeks are still his forces!

Even Marco and the others have reached a cooperation agreement with him!

Could this be his nemesis?

Blackbeard can't help but doubt life!

A terrifying battlefield everywhere.

People are in a trance!

It was originally just a war between the Four Emperors and the Shanghai Navy Headquarters.

There is already a tendency to destroy the world.

At that time, it was really a **** battle. 30

There are only white beard and red dog.

At most, add a yellow ape and Ren!

But the incredible war just now.

Compared with now!

But nothing!

The general-level powerhouse currently in the **** battle!

It's over double digits!

The battlefield is divided into many!

Each of them has a conflict between generals and strongmen!

Every place forms a restricted area by itself.

Those who are not strong enough.

If you step in rashly, you will be smashed to pieces!

Fortunately, the Warring States Period predicted this from the very beginning.

He didn't want Marin Fando, who symbolized justice for hundreds of years, to be destroyed in his own hands.

Let the green pheasant create an ice field on the sea!

Even now many are destroyed.


But as long as the ice floes are slightly larger, they can be used as a foothold!

for them to keep fighting.

In addition to the shocking collision of the top powerhouses.

Tens of millions of allied troops fought with about 600,000 enemy troops!

It also puts everyone on tenterhooks!

Every second, the ice field is bombarded with firepower!

Countless people are dying!

But they no longer have fear!

Under this kind of fighting.

The heart of the beholder!

Already numb!

It has already been substituted in!

All they care about now is winning or losing!

Some yearn for World Government victory!

Some long for Allied victory!

Before the live broadcast, there were even differences of ideas.

And those who draw their guns and shoot at each other!

"Calculated losses." Ren calmly looked at the strong men surrounding him.

Estimating the loss of their own troops.

"Loss of 1.36 million troops (including those injured and unable to fight), 4,800 tanks, 3,400 aircraft, and 450 ships..."

Hear the number.

Ren's heart also sank slightly!

Although he has 110 million troops.

At present, only 20 million has been used.

Another 90 million are on standby.

But such a short-term conflict.

1.36 million troops have lost their combat capabilities!

Most of them died!

And this death.

It is basically caused by the top powerhouse of the enemy!

Especially Marshal Kong, a powerful force that went to the Navy Headquarters from the outside.

cause the greatest loss.

When the strong are concentrated in the naval headquarters.

The other allies can't stop them at all!

The fire coverage is also a threat to one or two generals!

But four or five people unite!

The attack or defense played!

Can block all fire coverage!

The chariot Rennes has a total of 230,000.

4,800 are currently lost.

100,000 aircraft, 3,400 lost.

Ship losses were minimal.

40,000 warships of various types.

Only 450 ships were lost at the moment.

This is not worth mentioning.

Because after the warship is frozen!

Most of the confrontation between the two sides broke out in the naval headquarters or on the ice field!

That's why the troops lost so much!

And at this moment, judging from the lost troops!

It can also be seen how fierce this war is!

[World Army] (World Government Naval Combined Army!), there are too many elites!

Many of them are good players with one against one hundred!

Want to win!

Ren has to keep filling in his troops!

At present, it has caused about 100,000 casualties to the world army.

Most of them were captured alive!

If it wasn't for capturing alive!

It is hoped that Rennes' loss of troops can be further reduced!

The world army is certainly powerful.

But Ren's firepower is also fierce!

If it weren't for the top powerhouses killing all the way.

Rennes estimated that there were hundreds of thousands of casualties.

Many top powerhouses in the world army.

More than 80% of the casualties were caused!

Especially the other party has a natural ability user!

Ren saw it with his own eyes.

He created countless vacuum zones and pressure cannons!

Let hundreds of thousands of allied forces die!

But speak up!

More than one million losses!

Still acceptable.

"How many military defense buildings have been completed on the entire island of the Naval Headquarters?"

"The current completion rate is 60%. Once all are completed, all the light prism towers, battle bunkers, Patriot missiles, guardrails, etc. can cover the entire island and turn this place into a military fortress!"

"How much soul ore did you consume?"