Nautical Explosive Soldiers: The Five Elders, How Many Divisions Do You Have?

Chapter 259

Luffy even worshiped him as his teacher.

Then he must not be some evil person!

And he clearly has the strength to easily destroy Alabasta.

There is no need to come here to communicate in person.

But he still came!

At least, this sincere attitude!

Make them feel that the Allied ideals are real!

Maybe... the world government is really outdated and rotten...

Ren watched them leave calmly!

"Porusalino, thanks to the information you and Xiong have sent over the years, our research progress is much faster than that of the Navy Headquarters. The latest model of Killing Angel has already been born." In the dark night.

There are figures running in the sky.

All the squalls meet them.

Avoid it automatically!

"Wu Lao Xing still doesn't worry about anyone. I have arranged monitors by my side, otherwise the results can be sent out earlier. Of course, the most important thing is that Dr. Beccapunk is passive and sabotage. But he said that during the research... I found it only by taking a gamble." Huang Yuan said calmly.

"It's been so hard for you these years." Long sighed and said.

Polusalino's current situation.

Not what he wanted to see.

But undercover.

There are many things that I can't help myself.

"To each other, when we go back, use the pacifist of the angel sequence to transform me, and use my only backup. In addition, the [angel] of Aokiji and Akainu must also concentrate all their strength to produce it, and we must compete for it in the world. Before the government, so that we can have an advantage! If the situation is tense, I don’t think Beccapunk can hold on for too long, and angelic pacifists will be produced soon.”

"Well, I'll get someone ready right away." Long also nodded solemnly.

the same night.

A small island in the New World.

This is a naval training base.

There is a navy, and there are towns where ordinary people live!

At this moment, this small island is on fire!

The screams are endless!

"Teacher Zefa, what happened to you?! Why did you attack civilians!" Huohai said.

Ain, a female swordsman with blue hair, looked at Teacher Zefa who slaughtered the residents of the island!

She was in tears!

It's unbelievable.


Residents of this town!

How many years have I lived with them!

Many of them are acquainted with Teacher Zefa.

But now they were all killed by Teacher Zefa!

Sharp tentacles made up of black shadows!

It's like a stream of light in the sky, shuttling through the entire town!

There are mummies hanging from all the tentacles.

All the essence of life has been absorbed.

"Ain, hurry up, this is not Teacher Zefa anymore, his state is very wrong, there must be something wrong with the navy or higher up, find Lieutenant General Karp, that is the most trusted person of Teacher Zefa, tell him Teacher Fa's change... Mao Mao is entwined!" Binz yelled at Ain.

He took the students, trying to stop Teacher Zefa's madness.

But most of the casualties are now.

Look at Teacher Zefa's appearance.

Everyone is afraid to die.

They are not mutated Zefa opponents at all!

At present, just hold him back!

People keep dying!

This is the case with Mr. Zefa.

Obviously, it only appeared after going to Marin Fando to participate in the war!

Now even if they must die.

Also try to send someone out as much as possible!

Tell Sengoku or Garp the news!

If even they have changed!

Then there is no way!

I can only accept my fate.

"I..." Ain wanted to stay and fight side by side!

But she knew that someone had to live to tell Lieutenant General Garp the news!

"Let's go! We can't hold on for long!" Binz was covered in blood.

So do other navies!

In this forest, he manipulated countless plants to entwine towards Zefa!

But it was smashed by Zefa's punch!

When the tentacles stirred, all the giant trees were shattered!

Puff puff puff... Many navy bodies were pierced by black tentacles.


The body shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Then with a shake, the corpse turned into powder.

Ain saw this.

No longer hesitate.

I fled here with tears!

But how long did she just get on the boat!

A ship wrapped in tentacles chased after it!

But it was stopped by several naval warships!

Fluffy! After escaping a certain distance.

Ain heard the sound of a warship exploding!

in the dark.

The whole island is only lit by fire.

Still so dazzling!

And after that.

None of the ships came out again.

Ain knows!

the whole island.

Except myself.

Everyone is probably dead!

"How could this happen!? Teacher Zefa has suffered enough in his life, why did he turn into a monster? Could it be... this is what the Allied Forces said before... the disaster of mankind?! This is actually true!"

And this is for Ain.

The disaster is far from over.

It's just getting started.

"Now... can't... keep... alive!" Dark Zefa stood on the sea!

Looking at the direction in which Ain was going away, he chased after him!

Just before Al Ain arrives at the nearby islands!

When you are ready to find the phone bug to contact Karp!

Dark Zefa has come to this island!


Thousands of inhabitants.

Under the combat power of a general!

Countless casualties in an instant!

Screams resounded throughout the island!

Ain can't help them!

I can only bury my head and escape!

Thus, another island fell!

Countless people died!

Not even livestock can escape the poisonous hands!

But some people have been transformed...

Become a minion of Dark Zefa!

Ain was under the cover of a local garrison lieutenant general!

Only then was he able to embark on the road of escape again.

"Nutrition acquisition went smoothly. It seems that the allied forces were either not sure about the authenticity of the feast, or knew about it, and did not send troops to station on various islands!" The Five Old Stars of the Holy Land sat around a certain luminous body!

This luminous body is getting brighter and brighter.

The glow that radiates.

nourishes them.

Everyone's face is refreshed and rosy!

There is even a smile on the corner of the mouth.

[Feast] Once it starts.

They will become stronger and stronger.

In the world, no one will be their opponent!

So what about the Allied forces?