NBA Opening Draw To Twilight Shaquille O’Neal

v1 Chapter 492: It won't be four:zero again, right?

After the first two games of the finals, even the most devout Miami fans on the Internet think that the Heat should be finished this year.

ESPN columnist Stephen A. Smith said in his "NBA New Generation Power" column:

"Although Wang Zelin, the leader of the Blazers, is only 21 years old this year, he has already become a double-team player with more than N players. AMVP and MVP have already been added. We can no longer underestimate this young man!"

In the original column, A Smith said:

"Looking carefully at this round of the finals, it is not difficult to find that, except for LeBron, any matchup in other positions is behind the Blazers...

Dwyane Wade, sorry, the old Flash is never coming back.

Chris Bosh, I'm also sorry, in the face of Wang Zelin's dominance at the basket, all insiders are equal.

LeBron's data still looks very beautiful, but if the ideal victory cannot be given, then I think this is the failure of a superstar. What's more, LeBron is still the super giant among the super giants, the number one active player in the league!

This is destined to be a sad series for Heat fans.

With all due respect, the dynasty dream of the Big Three is about to be shattered, and the Miami Heat's dynasty dream should also be shattered...

Because after the first two finals, I didn't see any hope of a comeback from the Heat. "

On the same day on the 9th, another well-known ESPN reporter Bill Simmons also said in his finals review column:

Time seems to be a reincarnation, and the era when the NBA was ruled by super inside monsters is back!

"Since the 21st century, since Shaquille and Tim have aged one after another, the leaders of the NBA have gradually become classical centers and then moved to the perimeter. The league has seen a golden age of guards and small forwards...

And starting from this year's playoffs, when the mysterious behemoth from the ancient East went through the first year of adaptation, we can see that the NBA no longer has an opponent who can limit him.

Comparing last year's Western Conference playoffs with this year's, you can find that Wang Zelin's rookie year, the Spurs, can only watch him act recklessly at the basket this year.

It is also under the leadership of Wang Zelin that the Portland Trail Blazers will overcome obstacles all the way. After losing only one game in the previous three rounds, they easily reached the finals! "

In addition, at the end of the article, Bill Simmons also expressed his views on the trend of this year's finals. He said bluntly:

"At most 4:1, it is impossible to have 6 games! Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, the high probability is 4:0 again!"

Not to mention, after watching all kinds of afterthoughts after the game... Ahem, after various replay studies, Wang Zelin felt that many of Millikin were heroes who knew current affairs.

Because judging from the lineups of the two teams this season, the Trail Blazers have restrained the Heat.

The Heat's current two strongest points, James and Wade, are both top players with a breakthrough style of play, but the Trail Blazers have Wang Zelin as a top rim protector.

Think about it, in the 2013 and 2014 NBA Finals in the original time and space, they only faced the No. 21 rookie of the Holy City who was in his thirties and almost forty. The Spurs succeeded in revenge with 4:1.

After all, basketball is the sport of giants. When a real super insider appears, the entire basketball team will undergo earth-shaking changes for his arrival.

You may not believe it...

Now even the hardest-spoken Heat fans have acquiesced to the fact that the Heat were overwhelmed by the Trail Blazers in this group of finals...

"There is a championship every year, and this year it's my turn, Mr. Wang."

Watching all kinds of reports on the Internet that praised him, Wang Zelin silently clenched his fists at home.

You know, having touched the O'Brien Cup, which represents the highest honor in the NBA world, God knows he is behind him. How much effort did you put in?


What about the system?


As we all know, the system only plays an auxiliary role, and it is not the unremitting efforts that really support him to where he is today.

Relying on the system, that's something only incompetent pigs can do.

And the real protagonist like Wang Zelin has always been on his own.

Besides, my system doesn't know how many chapters haven't appeared. I really don't know what the author of this year's dog thinks about such a pitifully small number of scenes.

According to the schedule, the final G3 match between the Trail Blazers and the Heat is scheduled for June 10.

On the evening of the 10th, American Airlines Arena,. The G3 battle begins.

The two sides announced the starting lineup before the game.

Home team Heat: Chalmers, Wade, James, Lewis, Bosh.

Visiting Blazers: Lillard, Matthews, Batum, Aldridge, Wang Zelin.

Immediately after the announcement of the list, discussions arose.

On the TNT live broadcast, O'Neal bluntly expressed his pessimism for the Heat:

"I really don't know what the Heat's coaching staff thinks. Such a lineup has cost them two games, so why keep going?"

Weber on one side was also very puzzled: "Yeah! After the first two games, everyone knew that Chris would not have much impact on the king on the defensive end. Why don't you replace him with someone whose body size and tonnage are closer to the king's?" What about the inside line? Even if it’s just a pure blue-collar meat shield with no offensive ability, it can’t be good!”


Tonight, in addition to O'Neal and Webber, TNT also arranged another guest commentator, that is the legendary Heat legend, O'Neal's old rival in his rookie year and later a good teammate during the fourth championship period Mourning.

However, I am afraid that Mourning is also wondering why the Heat are not changing the lineup. Although O'Neal's words are ugly, they are very realistic.

Such a lineup, why do you still have to stick to it?

In the live broadcast of the Imperial TV station, the commentator in charge of the finals G3 game, one is Zhang Bryant Weiping who has never changed for thousands of years, and his partner tonight is no longer Yu Jia, but has a "commentary loan" Yang Jian, known as "Big Star".

Seeing the lineups of both sides, Zhang Lili slapped his thigh straight: "Be careful!"

Damn, I'm on the side of the Blazers as soon as I come up. This is forcing me to side with the Heat.

Yang Jian glanced at Zhang Lili resentfully, and hurriedly smoothed things over: "Ahem, well, Director Zhang, I think it's not appropriate to make a conclusion so early. The Heat are actually quite strong."

Zhang Lili nodded and said: "The Heat are quite strong, and they are only 0:2 behind now. Thinking back to the 2006 finals, they can still achieve a great feat of winning three games in a row!"


Not only Yang Jian, but even the fans in front of the TV were a little speechless after Zhang Lili said this.

Is there anyone who praises you so much?

Hey wait, the 2006 finals, isn't that...


At this moment, countless controversies about the 2006 Heat VS Mavericks finals gradually came to mind of countless Chinese fans.

The Heat fans crazily praised Wade's deity, and the Mavericks fans, including the Mavericks owner Cuban, are still criticizing the black whistle of that year...

The public says that the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the mother-in-law is right.

After all, the 2006 finals are a thing of the past, and it is a foregone conclusion that the Heat will become the final player. For the former Chinese fans, paying attention to this matter is more of a mentality of eating melons.

However, today, they suddenly felt like eating melons and eating their own home...

Because, no matter how much this matter is, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom, because the truth caused by this matter does exist.

So, it is really uncertain whether there will be such interference from the alliance tonight.

In the locker room of the home team, the Heat coaching team is discussing tonight's game.

Of course, it's a discussion, but it's actually more about cheering the players on.

Who let them fall behind 0:2, the side with low morale?

Spoelstra said to Bosh: "Chris, show off your offensive skills tonight! We are already standing on the edge of the cliff, we must win tonight, because what does it mean to lose another game, I don't need to say more Let’s talk about it. In short, we must win this home game.”

Visiting team locker room.

Terry Stotts beckoned all the players to come over. After seeing the disciples coming, he said: "The second game is considered to be a surprise to the opponent, but this kind of thing is one and only. Tonight our strategy is to make steady progress. Wang, and everyone, please show the defensive attitude of the first game! What do 2:1 and 3:0 mean respectively, don’t I need to elaborate too much?”

Batum smiled: "Coach, don't worry, I won't let LeBron score 2...30 tonight."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing that Batum became submissive again halfway through his speech, everyone laughed out loud.

Wang Zelin laughed and said, "Nicholas, I didn't realize that your talent as a comedian is not bad."

Batum's gag just played a role in warming up the field. After all, this is the home of the Heat, and it is the American Airlines Arena where the defending NBA champions have been in the past two years. It must be false to say that they are not nervous.

"Don't worry, don't say that James scored 30 points, even if he scored 50 points, he won't be able to win tonight! Because behind you, there are us!"

Wang Zelin patted Batum on the shoulder and said with a serious expression.

Batum nodded thoughtfully.

On the stage of this year's finals, he was completely out of temper by James, because no matter what defensive measures he took, as long as James wanted to, he could always score easily in front of him.

The desperation brought about by the first man in the league touched him a lot.

But fortunately, after every game, his own team was the last winner, which made Batum's scarred heart feel better.

Tristos also noticed the conversation between the two and came over to talk to him: "What Wang said makes sense. No matter who it is, as long as they appear on the court, they must show a 200% attitude, because we are a team and have always been better than Miami. Heat better, better, stronger team!"

The game started, both sides started.

Once a year, the two strongest teams in the NBA compete on the same stage on the top stage, bringing super high ratings, ratings and dazzling off-court stars.

The presence of celebrities and celebrities from all walks of life has brought huge exposure and benefits. The income from the front row of the audience alone is about one million yuan in each finals, making the team and the league a lot of money. .

On the black market, some of the first-row tickets have already sold to more than six figures. Even with Wang Zelin's coffee position, there is no way to get so many first-row tickets.

However, there is no problem with the tickets for Mom and Dad, and they are still in the first row.

"Zerin, be careful, don't get hurt."

In fact, this year's team's playoffs, the parents did not lose a game, and they were always on the scene to cheer for themselves.

However, if Wang Zelin remembers correctly, this should be the first time his father, who has always been used to silence, uttered thoughtful words to remind him to pay attention to his own safety.

Suddenly, Wang Zelin heard the "kind greetings" from Heat fans that he had never heard since the team entered the stadium, and immediately understood his father's concern.

Obviously, the madness of the American Airlines Arena moved the resolute father. What's more, since the playoffs, she has been reminding herself to be more careful.

"Well, I will."

Wang Zelin looked at his parents, replied with a smile, turned and walked to the technical stage, ready to play.

At this time, the referee blows his whistle to signal the players to play.

Wang Zelin stood in the middle of the starting lineup glanced around, and said in a deep voice: "The other side is going to go all out tonight, tell me, what should we do?"

Lillard spoke first, and said coldly: "Desperate? It's not like we haven't worked hard before!"

"That's right!"

Wang Zelin nodded approvingly at Lillard, and continued: "In terms of hard work, we are better than the opponent! Heat, that's all, then, let's blow them up and win the game!"

"Fuck them!"

"Blast the opponent!"

The generals of the Blazers and more than 2,000 Blazers fans present screamed and expressed their determination to win.

At the start of the jump ball, Wang Zelin touched the ball first, and the Blazers got the first attack.

In this regard, everyone is no surprise.

This is especially true for the Heat. As soon as Bosh jumped up, the other four players retreated quickly, without ambiguity at all.